
jīnɡ jì ɡuǎn lǐ tǐ zhì
  • economic management system
  1. 没有经济管理体制的改革,我们的工业就会逐渐衰退。

    Without the reform of the economic management system our industry will rot.

  2. 我国已经加入了WTO,改革开放正不断深化,经济管理体制和经济增长方式正处于转变之中。

    With the access to WTO , the reform and opening up to the outside world is further deepening , The economic management system and the style of economy growth are changing enormously .

  3. 正如其他章节所述,在美国,健全经济管理体制的工作因为要适应经济变化的各种潮流而并非一帆风顺。

    As other chapters have described , economic governance in America has evolved unevenly , responding to the major currents of change in the economy itself .

  4. 重新建构政府经济管理体制,转变政府职能,以应对WTO的挑战,从而实现政府经济管理的创新,增强政府经济管理能力。

    The government functions should be reconstructed and transferred so as to respond to the WTO challenges , realize the innovation of the government economic management , and strengthen the governments ability for economic management .

  5. 匈牙利农业经济管理体制改革的成就和经验

    The achievements and experiences of the system reformation of agricultural economic management in Hungary

  6. 铁路经济管理体制的重大改革

    Major Reforms in the Railway Economic Management System

  7. 海南农垦经济管理体制改革探讨

    A Probe into the Economic Management System Reform in the State-Run Farms in Hainan

  8. 浅谈军队医院的经济管理体制

    On financial management system of army hospitals

  9. 社会基本制度与经济管理体制有密切联系。

    There exists a close tie between the socialist fundamental system and its economic management .

  10. 一个国家的政府管制受其政治体制和宏观经济管理体制的制约。

    Government regulation of one country is restricted by political structure and macro-economy managerial system .

  11. 宏观方面的经济管理体制

    System of macroeconomic management

  12. 创建区域经济管理体制,解决行政区划局限问题;

    Third , set up regional economy management system in order to solve the administrative division into distinct ;

  13. 进一步完善涉外经济管理体制和机制,提高贸易和投资便利化水平。

    We will improve the system and mechanisms for managing foreign economic activities to better facilitate trade and investment .

  14. 井冈山经济管理体制改革及区域经济合作的协调

    The Reform of Economic Administrative System and the Coordinative Mechanism of Regional Economic Cooperation in Jinggangshan City & Counties

  15. 五是政府强干预的经济管理体制的局限性逐渐暴露出来。

    And the last the limitations of management system of government 's strong interference in economy were exposed gradually .

  16. 初步形成符合国际惯例的外贸、外汇和涉外经济管理体制;

    Foreign trade , foreign exchange and foreign economic relations management systems that conform to common international practices have initially formed .

  17. 在少数民族地区,经济管理体制和财政体制,究竟怎样才适合,要好好研究一下。

    We need to make a thorough study of what systems of economic management and finance will suit the minority nationality areas .

  18. 由于长期受计划经济管理体制的影响,我国石油企业很少关心投入与产出的关系。

    China petroleum industry has paid little attention to the relationship of investment and profit due to the long time of planned economy .

  19. 加人世界贸易组织的意义也决不限于国际贸易和产业资本领域,与国际市场的全面接轨已深刻地引起中国的宏观经济管理体制和微观企业结构产生根本性变化。

    Adding WTO has made a deeply change to china from Chinese management of the overall economy system and microcosmic line-up of enterprises .

  20. 加入世贸组织后,中国经济管理体制可能会出现一些不适应,亟需进一步完善;

    After entering into the wto , china 's economic administration system will have to adapt to the changes and deserve further improvement .

  21. 以中国国家发改委为代表所呈现出来的中国经济管理体制,让中国的汽车产业在过去一二十年间获得了十分巨大的发展。

    The Chinese'system ' , as embodied in the NDRC , has worked stupendously well for the auto industry in China up to now .

  22. 市场经济管理体制下,我国统计工作不仅要强调统计服务功能,也要注重统计的监督职能。

    In the market economy management system , the service function are offered by the statistic works , and the custody function will be know ;

  23. 城市化的过程,实质上就是把农民转变为城市居民的过程,其中涉及到经济管理体制和社会管理体制的双重变革,各类要素资源亟待有序整合,相关的利益格局亟待重新构建。

    The process of urbanization is to changing farmers into urban residents , which involves cardinal reform in economic management system and social management system .

  24. 形成稳定、透明的涉外经济管理体制,创造公平和可预见的法制环境。

    Thus giving rise to a foreign-related economic management system that is stable and transparent as well as creating a legal environment fair and predictable .

  25. 随着我国经济管理体制改革的逐步深入,社会主义市场经济运行机制的建立,我国的房地产市场日益发展壮大。

    Along with the gradual deepening of the reform about economic management system and the establishment of the socialist market economy , China 's real estate market has become increasingly strong .

  26. 脱胎于旧的家长式的计划经济管理体制下的国有商业银行,随着政府职能体制的转变,其存在的缺陷开始暴露出来。

    Born of the old designed economic regulation system , with the transformation of the function of the government , the owned limitation of the state commercial bank begin to expose .

  27. 我国是一个森林资源相对贫乏的国家,改革开放以来,我国进行了一系列林业经济管理体制的改革。

    Our country is a forest resources relatively deficient country . It has conducted a series of reform on forestry economic management system since the reform and opening up of China .

  28. 今后,应加强森林资源资产化管理,加快林业经济管理体制改革,走规模经营、多种经营之路。

    Therefore , we should strengthen the management of forest resources assets , speed up the reform in forest economic operation structure , and steer its way to diversification and scale operation .

  29. 同时,还要全面地改革和完善农业经济管理体制,充分发挥政府在农业发展中的引导、支持和推动作用。

    In the meantime , we should carry out all-round reformation and perfect agricultural economy management system , and make full use of government guide , support and motivation in the agricultural development .

  30. 经济管理体制改革方面,他提出了要正确处理中央和地方的关系、适当扩大地方权限;

    In the reform of economic administrative system , he advanced the thoughts of properly handling the relationship between the Central Government and the localities , to appropriately enlarge the power if localities ;