
  • 网络economic contract
  1. 第二部分是提出信用在经济契约中的必要性问题。

    The second part puts forward the necessity of credit in the economic contract .

  2. 企业与顾客之间除了存在经济契约之外,还存在着心理契约。

    In addition to economic contract , there is also psychological contract between enterprises and customers .

  3. 合同的作用也由经济契约发展为工程管理方式,FIDIC合同条件得到越来越多的使用。

    The function of the contract is also developed from the economy contract to engineering management mode . The FIDIC conditions of contract is used more and more continually .

  4. 环境公约,还是经济契约

    Is Kyoto Protocol an Environmental Treaty or Economical Contract

  5. 在员工与企业之间除了经济契约以外,还存在着一个隐含的契约关系&心理契约。

    Besides the economic contract between staff and corporation , there is still an implied contract relationship & the psychological contract .

  6. 心理契约则是以员工一定的忠诚、创造力等交换经济契约以外的期望,如寻求工作安全感、公平合理的待遇以及企业支持发展的愿望等等。

    Psychological contract gets expectation such as secure work , reasonable treatment and enterprises ' help by loyalty , creativity of employees .

  7. 劳务派遣的经济契约与心理契约的特殊性,决定了在劳务派遣管理中有必要将两者融合起来,发挥两者共同的激励功能,实施全面契约管理。

    The particularity had decided the necessity in the service dispatch management to fuse both , displays both common drive function , implements the total contract management .

  8. 心理契约不同于有形的经济契约,后者以时间、才智和体力换取工薪、休息和适当的工作条件;

    Psychological contract is different from economical contract which is getting wage , rest and proper working conditions in return of time , wisdom and physical force .

  9. 特别是当下企业单纯的依靠经济契约或是与员工形成交易型心理契约,都难以应对企业经营环境多变造成的冲击。

    Especially now , simply relying on economic contract or forming a transactional psychological contract with employees are difficult for enterprises to cope with the changing environment .

  10. 现代企业管理理论的一个基本命题,是将企业理解为一组契约的联结,这里的契约既包括经济契约也包括心理契约。

    Modern enterprise management theory of a basic proposition : enterprise has been understood as a group of the association contract , the contract included the economical contract and the psychological contract .

  11. 劳务派遣的经济契约表现为三方当事人、两份契约,具有劳动关系的多重性、雇佣和使用分离、人力资本产权权能发生多次分离的特征。

    The economical contract of Labor Dispatching has following several characteristics : the work relations multiplicity , the employment and the use separation , the human capital property right power occurs separates many times .

  12. 本文借用经济契约与心理契约融合的全面契约管理理论,采用交叉研究、比较研究、文献资料研究等方法来研究劳务派遣管理问题。

    This paper uses the total contract management : Economical contract and psychological contract fusion , uses interdisciplinary research , comparative research , literature research ( etc ) to research the question of service dispatch management .

  13. 在国际贸易协定蓬勃发展的背景下,国际贸易协定作为一项以国家作为行为主体的国际经济契约,履行与遵守是实现其缔结目的的关键环节。

    International trade agreements are , as a matter of fact , international economic contracts with countries as actors , thus , compliance is the key link which is very important to realize the purpose of concluding international trade agreements .

  14. 经济契约理论是近20年来现代经济学最前沿的研究方向之一,也是主流经济学最有前途的研究突破方向之一。

    The theory of economic contract is one of the research directions of the most modern advanced position of economics in the past 20 years . It is also the most promising research of mainstream economics that breaks through the directions too .

  15. 本文选择经济契约中的信用作为研究角度,旨在通过经济交易中的契约关系,对其中的信用行为及信用关系做出全新理解,将契约与信用的关系与作用给予进一步的发展。

    This text selects the credit in economic contract as study angle , the purpose is to understand the credit behavior and credit relationship among contract relation of economic transaction in a totally new way , and impart further development of the relation and function between contract and credit .

  16. 市场经济是契约经济。

    Market economy is the contract economy .

  17. 这种接轨的动因可分为:外在动因&发展商品经济的契约制度需求;

    The external motive of it is the need for contract system in commercial economy ;

  18. 心理契约与经济性契约不同,它一般是隐含的、个性化的、非正式的和知觉式的。

    This article introduces that psychological contract , different from economic contract , is concealed , individuality , unofficial and consciousness-like .

  19. 市场经济的契约性决定了市场主体之间的信赖关系在现实市场经济中主要是以合同的形式表现出来。

    Due to the charter nature of market economy , the trust between market subjects is usually reflected in the form of contracts .

  20. 市场经济是契约经济,同时还是法制基础上的契约经济。

    The market economy is a contract or legal system at the same time the economy , on the basis of the contract and the economy .

  21. 会计准则是一种具有经济利益的契约,是以利益分配形式存在的契约。

    Accounting standard is a contract that possesses economical interests and exists in the form of interest distribution .

  22. 在我们的金融机构与它们所服务的社会之间,一直存在着一份隐性的经济和社会契约。

    There has always been an implicit economic and social contract between our financial institutions and the society they serve .

  23. 在现代商品经济社会,契约或称合同是财产流转的主要承载形式之一,发挥着日益重要的作用。

    In the contemporary commodity economy society , as one of the main form of property circulate , contract brings into the more and more important play .

  24. 内容提要现代商业银行的服务功能不断拓展,银行制度传统的经济关系、契约结构和所有权配置发生了重大变化。

    The service functions of modern commercial banks are keeping enlarging , consequently , traditional economic relation , contract structure and ownership allocation of banking system have greatly changed .

  25. 林业专业合作经济组织内部契约选择初探&以福建尤溪护林联防协会为例

    Choosing the Type of Internal Contract of Specialized Forestry Cooperative Economic Organizations & Taking the Joint Defense Association in Protecting Forest in Youxi of Fujian Province as an Example

  26. 中国古代早在西周时期就已出现了较为发达的契约制度,中国古代的契约制度与现代合同制度在经济基础、契约种类、契约自由、调整方法等方面存在着区别。

    The complete contract system was established in ancient Xi - zhou . There are many differences in the system of Contracts between the Ancient and the Modern period in the aspects of economic foundation , contract type , contract freedom and adjustment method , etc.

  27. 但随着资本主义社会由自由竞争过渡到垄断阶段,绝对的契约自由逐渐偏离了社会经济现实,契约自由原则必须作出调整,重新平衡新的利益关系,从而维护实质正义。

    However , with the transition from free competition to monopoly stage in the capitalist society , the absolute freedom of contract gradually deviated from the socio-economic realities , so the absolute freedom of contract must be to amend and re-balance interests , so as to maintain substantive justice .

  28. 发展市场经济必须弘扬契约自由,但同时必须限制契约自由,防止由于其被滥用造成对社会整体利益和竞争秩序的破坏。

    However , whilst the development of market economy greatly depends on the principle of freedom of contract , such a freedom has to be restricted so as to prevent the destruction of the competition order and the interests of the whole society due to the abuse of the freedom .

  29. 在市场经济条件下,契约关系是一种普遍性的人际交往模式。

    In market economy , contract relations represent a common mode of human relations .

  30. 美国资本主义经济发展中的契约自由与合同法

    Freedom of Contract and Law of Contract in the Development of U.S. Capitalist Economics