
jīnɡ yínɡ jī zhì
  • the management system
  1. 中小矿山企业经营机制创新问题探讨

    Discussion on Innovation of Management System of Middle and Little Mining Enterprises

  2. 转变休闲体育产业经营机制;

    To change the management system of leisure sports industry .

  3. 但是,随着企业经营机制迅速向市场经济转变,从企业全局来看,原有的企业MIS应用已渐渐难以满足日益增长的信息需求。

    But with the quickly changing which from enterprise management mechanism to market economy , see from the whole enterprise , the old enterprise MIS application has been gradually difficult to meet the information demand which increasing daily .

  4. 绩效管理是HGC公司完善现代企业经营机制,实现持续发展的重要保障。

    Performance management is an important safeguard of HGC company to improve the modern enterprise management mechanisms and achieve the sustainable development .

  5. 本案例通过对ZM集团发展历程的陈述,揭示了国有企业经营机制和管理体制各个层面的深刻矛盾。

    This case pointed out the deep self-contradict of the state-owned enterprises on the each level of operating mechanism and management style by statement of ZM group develop process .

  6. 论国有企业经营机制转换的法理基础

    Basis of Legal Principle for Management Mechanism Changes of State-owned Enterprises

  7. 社会主义市场经济与国营企业经营机制转换

    Socialist Market Economy and Conversion of Operational Mechanism by State Enterprise

  8. 现代企业经营机制目标模式及体系

    The Objective Modle and System of Operational Mechanism of Modern Enterprise

  9. 国有矿山经营机制存在的弊端及对策措施

    The Defectes of Operational Mechanical of State-owed Mine and the Countermeasures

  10. 只有这样才能转换企业的经营机制。

    That 's the only way to transfer operation machanism for enterprises .

  11. 企业经营机制目标模式的构造及实现

    A Theoretical Model of Enterprise Operating Mechanism and Its Realization

  12. 浅析思想政治工作在转换企业经营机制中的作用

    Role of Ideological Work in Converting Managerial Mechanism of Enterprises

  13. 完善草地经营机制促进草地资源合理利用

    Perfecting grassland management mechanism to promote the rational use of grassland resource

  14. 医院经营机制转换和完善的初探

    On the Transformation and Perfecting of the System in Hospitals

  15. 第三部门的理论机理及其经营机制的特征

    Theoretical Mechanism of the Tertiary Sector and Features of Its Running System

  16. 关于外部市场化,内部紧密化经营机制的探讨

    Probing to Managerial Mechanism of " Externally Market , Internal Compact "

  17. 标准化在企业转换经营机制中的作用

    Function of standardization in transforming the management mechanism of enterprises

  18. 旅行社经营机制转换中存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Transform of Travel Services Operation Mechanism

  19. 改革和完善邮政企业经营机制的几点想法

    Some Ideas of Reforming and Completing the Business Mechanism of Post Firm

  20. 结合制度创新,调整企业结构,健全经营机制;

    Adjust enterprise structure and perfect operational mechanism according to systematic innovation ;

  21. 转换经营机制中对企业管理的认识初探

    Acknowledgement of the corporate management at the transformation of its running system

  22. 煤炭企业经营机制模型设计及其应用研究

    Model design of coal enterprise management mechanism and its application

  23. 国有企业转换经营机制的条件分析

    An analysis on conditions for conversion of management system in state-owned enterprises

  24. 转换经营机制,拓展销售市场努力提高经济效益

    Change Management Mechanism , Open up Selling Markets , Try Raising Economy Benefit

  25. 现代企业制度与医药企业的经营机制

    Modern Enterprise System and Managerial Mechanism of Pharmaceutical Enterprise

  26. 分析了邮政企业经营机制现状,阐述了经营机制的结构及其内含子机制之间的关系;

    The present state of the post firm 's business mechanism is analysed .

  27. 我国中小企业内部经营机制面临的问题和对策

    The problems and solutions of management for small and medium-sized enterprises in China

  28. 北方牧区草地资源分类经营机制与可持续发展

    Classification management mechanisms for grassland resources and sustainable development strategies in Northern China

  29. 企业的租赁经营机制及其适用范围

    Lease Management , Its Mechanism and Range of Applicability

  30. 竞争意识较强、经营机制灵活。

    Strong sense of competition and flexible operational mechanism .