
yōu xiān rèn ɡòu quán
  • preemptive right;option to purchase
  1. 力拓在提交出售股权给中国铝业(chinalco)的交易时,几乎是木已成舟,基本没有考虑其它选择,而且严重践踏了优先认购权(pre-emptionrights)。

    It presented its stake sale to Chinalco almost as a done deal , scarcely giving a thought to other options , and so trampling on pre-emption rights .

  2. 达能表示,现有股东将获得优先认购权。

    Danone said existing shareholders would have preferential subscription rights .

  3. 反对者表示,这宗交易忽视了现有股东的优先认购权,即在不稀释他们的股份的情况下,对公司进行再融资。

    Opponents of the deal say it ignores existing shareholders ' pre-emptive rights to refinance the company without their stakes being diluted .

  4. 许多公司还希望再获得相当于股本10%的先前回购股票的重新发行权,并且同样不含优先认购权。

    Many companies also seek the right to reissue previously bought back equities equivalent to a further 10 per cent of stock , again without pre-emption rights .

  5. 然后在股东优先认购权的放弃、行使和转让的实现过程中要对优先认购权的各方面进行具体规定。

    And then give up , exercise and inform the implementation process of the transfer to the pre-emptive rights record in the shareholders ' pre-emptive rights exercise period and other provisions .

  6. 新股发行将稀释现有股东的权益,但他们将按照与问题资产救助计划相同的条款,获得优先认购权,如果他们愿意并能够拿出额外的资金,那么他们的权益就不会被稀释。

    The new issues would dilute existing shareholders but they would be given preferential rights to subscribe on the same terms as tarp and if they were willing and able to put up additional capital they would not be diluted .

  7. 但王文福表示:我们尊重股东的[优先认购]权。

    But Mr Wang said : We respect the [ pre-emption ] rights of shareholders .

  8. 其中抽象性优先认购权属期待权的一种,具体性优先认购权属形成权的一种。

    Among which abstract preemptive right is one kind of expectant rights ; material preemptive right is one kind of formation rights .

  9. 预计中国南车也将吸引到类似的一批“基础投资者”,他们将优先获得新股认购权,作为回报,他们将承诺至少在一年内不抛出股票。

    China Southern Railway is expected to sign up a similar roster of " cornerstone investors " , who are given preferential access to an offering in return for a commitment not to sell the shares for at least one year .