
  • 网络Priority queue;Priority queuing
  1. 本文提出采用硬件优先级队列来实现FC实时交换机,以支持航电统一网络的硬实时通信。

    The paper puts forward a method to realize FC real-time switch based on hardware priority queue .

  2. 基于四叉堆优先级队列及逆邻接表的改进型Dijkstra算法

    Improved Dijkstra Algorithm Based on Quad Heap Priority Queue and Inverse Adjacent List

  3. ATM优先级队列的质量控制

    Quality Control in an ATM Priority Queueing System

  4. 基于硬件优先级队列的FC实时交换机的研究

    The Research on FC Real-Time Switch Based on Hardware Priority Queue

  5. 基于优先级队列的SIPDoS洪泛攻击防御模型

    Priority queue-based SIP DoS flooding attack defense model

  6. 在这种模型中,节点是按照1/k相位分布(PH)马尔可夫到达过程(MAP)中的非抢占式包含空闲的优先级队列进行建模的。

    In this model , nodes are modeled as Markovian arrival process ( MAP ) / phase type ( PH ) distribution / 1 / k non-preemptive priority queues with vacation model .

  7. 从主备管理员双机备份、基于Bloomfilter的优先级队列、基于B+树的路由算法改进等几个方面做可靠性保障的改进。

    It guarantees reliability improvement from several aspects , such as master-slave dual-machine backup , the priority queue based on Bloom Filter , routing algorithm improvement based on B + tree and so on .

  8. 类似地,完成notify()以后,等待者的最高优先级队列前端的线程从等待中解除阻塞。

    Similarly , when a notify () is done , the thread from the front of the highest-priority queue of waiters is unblocked from its wait .

  9. 您可以在一行代码中使用这个gem清除所有任务和实现优先级队列,这样您的重要任务就不需要在例程作业后等待了。

    This gem lets you fire off jobs in one line of code and implements a priority queue so that your important jobs don 't wait behind routine jobs .

  10. 锁释放或锁notify()操作与调度分派操作类似,因为都是对最高优先级队列头部的线程起作用。

    A lock release or lock notify () operation is analogous to a scheduling dispatch operation in the sense that the thread at the head of the highest-priority queue is acted on .

  11. 该文首先阐明了VPN带宽管理的重要性,接着分析了现有VPN带宽管理技术的优点和不足,最后提出了一种优先级队列加权模型,重点分析了VPN带宽的动态分配队列技术。

    This paper firstly illustrates the importance of bandwidth management , analyzes the advantage and disadvantage of VPN bandwidth management technology in existence , and finally presents a PRI queue model with power and emphatically analyzes the dynamic allocating VPN bandwidth queue technology .

  12. 结合优先级队列,基于有界k-d树的最近点查询算法可拓展到搜索按距离远近排列的多个最近点。

    Combined with a priority queue , the closest point query algorithm can be generalized to search multi-nearest-neighbors ordered by their distances to a query point .

  13. 利用优先级队列的最坏延迟计算模型、等效漏桶近似和延迟标准化,在充分分析GPRS特性的基础上,提出了一种适合于GPRS的基于测量的接纳控制算法。

    In this paper , based on the enough analysis on characteristic of GPRS , a measurement based admission control algorithm is presented fitting for GPRS using a model for the worst case delay of priority queue , equivalent approximate leaky bucket and delay normalized .

  14. 在原先的Cisco优先级队列特性中,使用priority-group和priority-list命令,排队调度程序总是先处理最高优先级的队列。

    In the original Cisco priority queueing feature , which uses the priority-group and priority-list commands , the scheduler always serviced the highest priority queue first .

  15. 本文按照各种业务的服务需求,在DCF中引入并行优先级队列,使这些队列接入信道的参数DIFS和CW与各种类型应用相对应,从而在MAC层中实现服务区分。

    According to the network traffics characteristic , we introduce multi-parallel priority queue into the radio MAC . Each queue 's accessing channel parameter DIFS and CW are corresponding to respective traffic to implement the service differential in the radio MAC .

  16. 由于其结构的特殊性,APON需要特殊的MAC协议,利用优先级队列模型,对APON系统提供的多种优先级业务进行了理论分析,并得出了有益的结论。

    APON needs a special MAC protocol because of its special structure . Setting up a queuing model with priority , a theoretic analysis of APON system for the support of services with several priorities is given , and some useful conclusion is met .

  17. 该文提出一种新的亏空公平优先级队列(DFPQ)算法来调度不同优先级的业务流,可以为系统提供更好的公平性。

    A Deficit Fair Priority Queue ( DFDQ ) algorithm is proposed to schedule different service flow , which provides more fairness to the system .

  18. 提出了一种在数据传输前,对节点进行实时检测的基于动态优先级队列的无线多址接入协议(DPQWMAP)。

    This paper issues a new method of wireless internet access by examining the situation of all the stations before sending packets , which is called Wireless Multiple Access Protocol based on Dynamic Priority Queue ( DPQWMAP ) .

  19. 基于业务的多优先级队列区别服务方案

    A Diffserv Mechanism of Multi Priority Queues Based on Business

  20. 分布式主动实时数据库基于多优先级队列的优先级分派

    Priority Assignment Based on Multiple Priority Queues in Distributed Active Real-time Databases

  21. 一种基于流量预测的多优先级队列缓存管理算法

    A Buffer Management Algorithm of Multiple Priority Queues Based on Traffic Forecasting

  22. 严格的优先级队列才能保证语音的质量。

    Nothing short of strict priority works well for voice .

  23. 这会加快在较大的优先级队列中的操作。

    This would speed up operations on large priority queues .

  24. 使用下面的命令创建一个优先级队列

    You create a priority queue with these set of commands

  25. 在发生拥塞期间,优先级队列不能使用任何超额的带宽。

    During congestion conditions , a priority class cannot use any excess bandwidth .

  26. 论文对工业以太网控制系统设计中的实时性问题进行了研究,提出了一种基于优先级队列算法的双内核解决方案以提高工业以太网控制系统的实时性要求。

    Thirdly , the thesis studies the real-time problem occurred in the system .

  27. 优先级队列的缓存管理机制的性能分析

    Performance analysis of priority queue buffer management mechanism

  28. 然而,在这种情况下,必须违反一下优先级队列的设计思想。

    However , violating the spirit of the priority queue is necessary in this situation .

  29. 优先级队列排序是众多队列调度算法硬件实现的主要瓶颈。

    The sorting of priority queues is one of the main bottlenecks when implementing scheduling algorithms .

  30. 自适应帧长和优先级队列联合控制机制研究

    The Research of United Controlling Mechanism of Auto - adapted Frame Length and the Priority Queue