首页 / 词典 / good


yōu měi
  • graceful;exquisite;fine
优美 [yōu měi]
  • [graceful;fine;exquisite] 美好;美妙

  • 环境优美

优美[yōu měi]
  1. 这座大厦外观雅致而优美。

    The exterior of the building was elegant and graceful .

  2. 他的动作优美自如,看起来毫不费劲。

    His movements were so graceful they seemed effortless .

  3. 旅馆位于柠檬树丛之中,优美宜人。

    The hotel was in a beautiful position amid lemon groves .

  4. 他们选了一条景色优美的路线回旅馆。

    They took the scenic route back to the hotel .

  5. 这岛为音乐会提供了优美的田园布景。

    The island provided an idyllic setting for the concert .

  6. 这优美的诗被她拙劣的朗诵给糟蹋了。

    The beautiful poetry was ruined by her poor delivery .

  7. 旅馆环境优美,坐落在河边一个僻静的地方。

    The hotel is beautifully situated in a quiet spot near the river .

  8. 小城坐落在宽阔而草木苍翠的山谷中,环境优美。

    The town is in a beautiful situation in a wide green valley .

  9. 他站起来表演了一段优美的《夏日时光》。

    He stood up and rendered a beautiful version of ' Summertime ' .

  10. 这一地区以其优美的景色而引人瞩目。

    The area is remarkable for its scenery .

  11. 巧妙的裁剪可以使你的身材显得优美。

    Clever tailoring can flatter your figure .

  12. 她跳舞动作优美,轻松自如。

    She dances with effortless grace .

  13. 这种字体很优美,至今仍深受设计人员喜欢。

    Such is the elegance of this typeface that it is still a favourite of designers .

  14. 澳门最新的小型豪华饭店地理位置优美。

    Macau 's newest small luxury hotel has a beautiful location .

  15. 这是一曲优美流畅的电子乐曲。

    It was a seamless procession of wonderful electronic music .

  16. 他的歌旋律优美、悦耳动听,让我潸然泪下。

    Wonderfully melodic and tuneful , his songs have made me weep .

  17. 其中有些动听的切分音,而且节奏也很优美。

    There was some nice syncopation and it had a good swing to it

  18. 她的语言优美,丝毫无装腔作势之感。

    She 's got a lovely way with language without ever sounding ostentatious .

  19. 有些器乐段落谱写得非常优美,尤其是竖琴和长笛的部分。

    Some of the instrumentation is exquisite , particularly for harp and flute .

  20. 有些比较优美的字体经过价廉、通用的电脑打印机处理后就面目全非了。

    Some of the finer typefaces are corrupted by cheap , popular computer printers

  21. 他的字从小就写得流畅优美。

    His handwriting , from earliest young manhood , was flowing and graceful .

  22. 总有一天你会体会到这门语言的优美和微妙之处。

    In time you 'll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language .

  23. 他文笔优美,适合当诗人。

    He writes beautifully , as befits a poet .

  24. 地势变得更开阔、更平整,风景十分优美。

    The landscape became wider , flatter and very scenic

  25. 维瓦尔第创作了很多非常优美的协奏曲。

    Vivaldi composed a large number of very fine concertos

  26. 制陶工人把黏土块捏塑成优美的形状。

    The potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape .

  27. 大量不为人知的优美旋律正等着这批新听众来发掘。

    A vast treasure-trove of virtually unheard melody awaits discovery by this new audience .

  28. 从房子里向外看到的景色非常优美。

    The views from the house are incomparable .

  29. 整张选辑在最后一曲优美的旋律中结束。

    The last track finishes this compilation beautifully .

  30. 仅凭旋律优美并不见得就是一首杰出的音乐作品。

    Just because it has a good tune does not mean it is great music