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rì qián
  • a few days ago;the other day
日前 [rì qián]
  • [a few days ago;the other day] 过去几天;前几天

日前[rì qián]
  1. 梁家辉日前涉嫌醉酒驾车及伤人,连日来都未有露面。

    A few days ago , Leung Kar Fai was drunk and drove , also hit people , he stayed at home after the accident .

  2. 据报道,巴黎地方法院日前驳回了这一诉求。

    According to reports , the Paris District Court rejected the demands of a few days ago .

  3. 请于7月21日前答复。

    Reply by no later than 21 July .

  4. 在1月31日前购买这台电脑可获得200英镑的现金返还。

    There 's £ 200 cashback on this computer if you buy before January 31 .

  5. 两院都打算在1月15日前对那一政策进行投票表决。

    Both chambers plan to vote on that policy before January 15th

  6. 到下个发薪日前,我真的没有一点儿钱了。

    Until next payday , I was literally without any money .

  7. 叛乱分子会在6月10日前全部解散。

    The rebels were to have fully disbanded by June the tenth .

  8. 标签上盖有“7月14日前食用”的戳记。

    ' Eat before JULY 14 ' was stamped on the label .

  9. 欧盟将于6月1日前完成条约的批准。

    The EU will now complete ratification of the treaty by June 1 .

  10. 2,000名分属各个国家机关的工作人员将在3月31日前被解雇。

    2,000 workers across all state agencies are to be fired by March 31st .

  11. 日前我在街上遇见了一位朋友。

    The other day I came across a friend in the street .

  12. 日前的谷物价格和牛犊价格实际上已经敲响了用大麦生产牛肉的丧钟。

    The price of cereals and the price of calves at the present moment has virtually sounded the death kneel of barley beef production .

  13. 符合条件者:聘用时年满16或17岁,但在今年12月31日前未满18岁的学生。

    Who is eligible : Students aged 16 or 17 at time of hire , but not turning 18 before December 31 this year .

  14. 参观A-Bath&Stonehenge,包括古罗马浴室和巨石阵的入场费——3月26日前37英镑,之后39英镑。

    Tour A-Bath & Stonehenge including entrance fees to the ancient Roman bathrooms and Stonehenge - £ 37 until 26 March and £ 39 thereafter .

  15. 10月15日前通过电子邮件预订:suzzane.landry@att.net

    Booking by email by Oct.15 : suzzane.landry@att.net

  16. 美国科学家日前宣布说,他们在实验室中制造出的电火花能够发射出X射线。

    Sparks created in a lab give off X-rays , scientists announced Monday .

  17. 周一,我接到一位记者来电,询问我日前发表的博文《占领华尔街者“应该”占领华盛顿》(OccupyWallStreet'Should'OccupyWashington)。

    I received a call yesterday from a reporter inquiring about my recent post occupy Wall Street ' should ' occupy Washington .

  18. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)日前公布了第四季度业绩,包括年底的员工薪酬。

    Goldman Sachs yesterday reported fourth quarter earnings , including data on year-end employee compensation .

  19. 凯雷投资集团(CarlyleGroup)老板戴维•鲁宾斯坦日前在纽约出席BuyoutsNewYork活动时登台演讲。

    Carlyle Group boss David Rubenstein was on stage in New York yesterday , as part of the buyouts New York event .

  20. 基于MCP预测误差VaR值的日前现货市场竞价模型研究

    Research on Day-ahead Power Market Bidding Model Based on VaR of MCP Forecasted Error

  21. 《财富》杂志日前获悉,红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)正在募集三支新的风投基金。

    Sequoia Capital is in the midst of raising three new venture capital funds , fortune has learned .

  22. 提出了用相似性原理和BP神经网络来预测日前市场出清电价的新方法,该法尤其适用于只能获得有限原始数据的情况。

    In this paper , a new method to forecast the short-term market clearing prices based on analogous and BP neural network is presented .

  23. 非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank,简称:非行)日前决定,今年5月将在中国上海举办年会。此举显示,非行已经认可中国对于非洲的未来具有日益关键的作用。

    The African Development Bank ( ADB ) has chosen to hold its annual summit in Shanghai this May in recognition of China 's increasingly pivotal role in Africa 's future .

  24. 美国宇航局(NASA)的科学家日前宣称,最新证据表明,土星的最大卫星泰坦存在生命迹象。

    Scientists from NASA have found evidence of life on Saturn 's biggest moon , Titan .

  25. 苹果公司的CEO蒂姆库克日前也加入到了愿意捐出全部财富的富豪行列。

    Apple Inc Chief Executive Tim Cook is joining the roster of the very rich who are giving away their wealth .

  26. 日前,谷歌投资(GoogleVentures)对WeatherBill进行了投资。

    Today Google ( GOOG ) ventures is investing .

  27. 因特网搜索引擎公司google(谷歌)日前宣称将拿出超过2500万美金以现金和投资的形式来帮助穷人。

    The Internet search engine company called Google has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor .

  28. 剑桥大学(Cambridgeuniversity)的研究人员日前警告,一场全球银行业危机引发的紧张和焦虑,可能导致成千上万人死于心脏病发作。

    A global banking crisis would kill tens of thousands of people through heart attacks brought on by stress and anxiety , Cambridge university researchers warn today .

  29. 日前,《财富》杂志(FORTUNE)报道,白宫早已提出一项计划,将把一些减支措施延迟6个月实施。

    Yesterday , fortune reportedthat the White House is already floating a plan that would delay some of the spending cuts for six months .

  30. 然而,日前举行的iTunes狂欢节表明,苹果对音乐业务仍然非常重视。

    However , the iTunes Festival shows that music still matters to the company .