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dāng qián
  • current;at present;present;nowadays;here and now;before one;facing one;before face
当前 [dāng qián]
  • [before face] 在面前

  • 困难当前

  • [here and now;nowadays;at present] 目前;现在

  • 人的职责就在于完成当前的任务

当前[dāng qián]
  1. 就当前而言,几句简短的话已经足够了。

    A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes .

  2. 在当前形势下这是一个非常巨大的进步。

    That is a very substantial improvement in the present situation .

  3. 当前的形势可能受到各种不同因素的影响。

    This situation can be influenced by a multiplicity of different factors .

  4. 当前的局势似乎不大可能继续下去。

    It seems improbable that the current situation will continue .

  5. 当前唯一的超级大国远不是一个公正的旁观者。

    The current sole superpower is far from being a disinterested observer

  6. 当前的改革对创造这些条件大有帮助。

    The current reforms will do much to create these conditions

  7. 对于当前面临的问题,政府准备不足。

    The government was ill-prepared for the problems it now faces

  8. 他们说,当前的征兵体系应当逐步废除。

    They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out

  9. 当前,我们又一次处于建筑繁荣期。

    At present , we are witnessing another building boom .

  10. 在当前这帮无足轻重的人里面,他算是鹤立鸡群。

    Amidst the current bunch of nonentities , he is a towering figure

  11. 该岛当前的经济发展主要归功于蒸馏法酿造威士忌酒行业。

    The island 's present economy owes a good deal to whisky distilling

  12. 当前的形势与1990年截然不同。

    The current situation is very different to that in 1990

  13. 老一套方法已不足以满足当前的需要。

    The old methods weren 't adequate to meet current needs

  14. 这也许会火上浇油,破坏当前脆弱不稳的休战局面。

    This may help to undermine the brittle truce that currently exists .

  15. 当前工人与管理部门的分工将会改变。

    The current division of labor between workers and management will alter .

  16. 这样可能会改善当前状况。

    This could be an advance on the present situation .

  17. 一份报告指出了当前体制存在的毛病。

    A report has pointed out the defects of the present system .

  18. 该行业不适合该地区当前和未来的需要。

    The industry is inappropriate to the region 's present and future needs

  19. 他们当前的抗议完全是受一己之利驱使的。

    Their current protests are motivated purely by self-interest .

  20. 当前电视业的竞争残酷无情。

    The TV business today is a dog-eat-dog business .

  21. 别指望安妮能弄明白当前情势。

    Anne couldn 't be expected to understand the situation

  22. 他计划废除一些当前的政策。

    He plans to repeal a number of current policies

  23. 首席社论员也把当前的危机归咎于领导层软弱无力。

    The chief editorial writer also blames weak leadership for the current crisis .

  24. 德国当前的经济非常不稳定。

    There is too little certainty about the present state of the German economy .

  25. 当前的犯罪率急剧上升,警力不堪重负。

    The crime rate is rising rapidly at present and the police force is overstretched

  26. 当前的情形令我们十分灰心。

    The current situation is very frustrating for us

  27. 管理委员会直面当前形势。

    The management committee have faced the situation squarely

  28. 当前低迷的投资水平会对未来的经济增长产生严重影响。

    The low level of current investment has serious implications for future economic growth .

  29. 只有那些在当前的体制中有既得利益的人才会忽略改革的必要性。

    Only those with vested interests in the current system could ignore the need for change

  30. 二氧化碳等气体的排放应该稳定在当前水平。

    The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilised at their present level