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xī qí
  • strange;curious;rare
希奇 [xī qí]
  • [rare;strange] 罕见而新奇

  • 九月下旬下雪在大庆不是什么希奇的事

希奇[xī qí]
  1. 这不是希奇的事情。

    This is nothing strange .

  2. 他用了一个希奇的装置去拾起纸张。

    He used a strange to pick up the paper .

  3. 橘黄色的小花从四周长出来,野花生长在墓地的任何地方,本都不是希奇的(补:但问题是,整个墓地,只有这个地方长着花)。

    Small , orange wildflowers were growing up around it . This might not have been so unusual except for the fact that they were the only flowers growing anywhere in the cemetery .

  4. 耶稣仍不回答、以致彼拉多觉得希奇。

    But Jesus yet answered nothing ; so that Pilate marvelled .

  5. 那倒希奇了,巴特勒太太满心狐疑地表示意见。

    That 's odd , observed Mrs butler , doubtfully .

  6. 7天使对我说:你为甚么希奇呢?

    And the angel said unto me , Wherefore didst thou marvel ?

  7. 他父母看见就很希奇。

    48When his parents saw him , they were astonished .

  8. 就算是请了才来,那有什么希奇?

    Is it so strange that I don 't come until summoned ?

  9. 使夏至三倍受欢迎,三倍希奇。

    Makes summer 's welcome thrice more wish 'd , more rare .

  10. 门徒希奇他的话。

    And the disciples were astonished at his words .

  11. 很希奇地,他发展了一种奇怪的政治见识。

    Curiously he had developed a strange political wisdom .

  12. 听你这样说我感到很希奇,因为类似的事情也曾发生在我身上。

    Surprising you say that , because something similar happened to me once .

  13. 风吹起了雪花,在希奇地有趣地打旋。

    The wind was driving the snow before it in curious , interesting whirls .

  14. 看到奶奶家的屋门敞开着,她感到很希奇。

    See grandma home door open , she was very much were amazed at .

  15. 众人听见这话,就希奇他的教训。

    And when the multitude heard this , they were astonished at his doctrine .

  16. 昨天在这里发生的事没有什么希奇的。

    What occured here yesterday is not unique .

  17. 这个时间吃早餐有点希奇。

    What a funny time to eat breakfast !

  18. 这是耶和华所做的,在我们眼中看为希奇。

    This is the LORD 's doing ; it is marvellous in our eyes .

  19. 他说的英语带着一种希奇的口音。

    He speaks English with a strange accent .

  20. 弟兄们,世人若恨你们,不要以为希奇。

    Do not be surprised , my brothers , if the world hates you .

  21. 当耶稣治愈污鬼附体的哑巴,众人都希奇,说。

    When Jesus healed the demon-possessed dumb man , the multitudes marveled , saying .

  22. 那倒也没什么希奇。

    There was nothing odd about that .

  23. 这是主所做的,在我们眼中看为希奇。这经你们没有念过吗?

    11the Lord has done this , and it is marvelous in our eyes ' ?

  24. 我说,你们必须重生,你不要以为希奇。

    Do not marvel that I said to you , 'You must be born anew .

  25. 他成功了,那并不希奇。

    He succeeded , and no wonder .

  26. 他们很希奇他的教训,因为他的话里有权柄。

    And they were astonished at his doctrine : for his word was with power .

  27. 他们就很希奇他。

    And they marvelled at him .

  28. 凡听见的,都希奇牧人对他们所说的。

    And all those who heard marveled at the things spoken to them by the shepherds .

  29. 内室中最美最希奇的字也必定是&爱。

    And the best and most wonderful word in the inner chamber must be & Love .

  30. 4这并不希奇,因为撒但自己也装作光的使者。

    4 and no wonder , for Satan himself transfigures himself into an angel of light .