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lǔ mǎng
  • reckless;rash;temerity;audacity;forwardness;indiscretion;hot-headed;rough;nerve;crude and rash;gall;rude and rash
鲁莽 [lǔ mǎng]
  • [hot-headed;rough; rude and rash;rash] 言行不仔细考虑,轻率从事

  • 鲁莽从事

鲁莽[lǔ mǎng]
  1. 在冷静下来之前不要鲁莽行事。

    Don 't do anything rash until the feelings subside .

  2. 我希望你克制自己不去做任何鲁莽的事。

    I hope you will keep from doing anything rash .

  3. 他被控鲁莽驾驶。

    He was charged with driving without due care and attention .

  4. 她是个好骑手,但太鲁莽。

    She was a good rider , but reckless .

  5. 他承认鲁莽驾驶。

    He admitted driving recklessly .

  6. 她鲁莽的态度让克罗斯感到有点吃惊。

    Cross was a little taken aback by her abrupt manner .

  7. 一位大胆鲁莽的跳伞者今天从伦敦塔桥的桥顶跳了下去。

    A daredevil parachutist jumped from the top of Tower Bridge today .

  8. 她难以捉摸,脾气暴躁,冲动鲁莽,容易分心。

    She was unpredictable , explosive , impulsive and easily distracted

  9. 1990年,出租车司机鲁莽驾驶导致的违章事件总共达239起。

    Rude taxi drivers clocked up a total of 239 offences in 1990 .

  10. 他生性鲁莽草率,会做出自毁行为。

    He had a reckless , self-destructive streak .

  11. 所以我们不要鲁莽行事。毕竟他是跑不掉的。

    So let 's not be hasty . After all , he can 't run away

  12. 他是个鲁莽的司机。

    He is a reckless driver .

  13. 做事要瞻前顾后,不要这样鲁莽。

    Look before you leap . Don 't be so foolhardy .

  14. 因鲁莽驾驶引起的死亡是可以避免的。

    Deaths caused by reckless driving are avoidable .

  15. 他进行鲁莽的投机。

    He ventured on a rash speculation .

  16. 他不再是过去那个天真纯朴的潘,那么勇敢、那么坦率、那么鲁莽、又那么温柔的潘。

    He was no longer the artless pen of old days , so brave , so artless , so impetuous , and tender .

  17. 尽管焦虑的父母可能并不接受一观念,但教育者可以将青春期的鲁莽转变为学术目的。

    And although anxious parents may not welcome the notion , educators could turn adolescent recklessness to academic ends .

  18. 当有同龄人旁观时,年龄较大的青少年在危险驾驶指数上的得分要高出大约50%;当其他青少年在场时,年龄较小的青少年的鲁莽程度则翻倍。

    Older adolescents scored about 50 percent higher on an index of risky driving when their peers were in the room — and the driving of early adolescents was fully twice as reckless when other young teens were around .

  19. 他送给她一些花,为他自己的鲁莽赔罪。

    He made amends for his rudeness by giving her some flowers .

  20. 上了年纪以后,他那鲁莽、容易冲动的性子好了一些。

    Advancing years had toned down his rash impulsiveness .

  21. 大家觉得我比较鲁莽,但其实我是个友善的人。

    People think I 'm rude but I 'm actually a nice guy .

  22. 你打电话到我办公室真是太鲁莽了。

    It wasn 't discreet of you to ring me up at the office .

  23. 突然婶婶在床上坐起来,眯着眼睛恶狠狠的瞪着他,他被看得汗毛都竖了起来,也觉得自己有点鲁莽了。

    He was beginning to think he was going mad when suddenly his aunt sat up in bed , narrowed her eyes , and gave him an evil look that made his flesh creep .

  24. 考虑到通过e-mail传播的病毒如此猖獗,假设整个内部网络都可以信任是鲁莽之举。

    Given the rise of e-mail-based viruses , it is reckless to assume your entire internal network can be trusted .

  25. 在这场决心控制金融市场和打压投机者的央行与投机者之间的懦夫博弈(gameofchicken)中,谨慎的投资者和鲁莽的借款人都可能遭到碾压。

    In this game of chicken between a central bank determined to control the financial markets and squeeze speculators , prudent investors and imprudent borrowers can both get crushed .

  26. 美国总统乔治*W*布什称中国抛售美元的行为过于鲁莽,与此同时美国参议院金融委员会最高官员写信给中国大使以澄清此事。

    US President George W.Bush said China would be foolhardy to dump dollars , while the top Republican on the US Senate Finance Committee wrote to the Chinese ambassador seeking clarification .

  27. 在另一方面,贝比鲁斯(BabeRuth)在1921年同样是一个家喻户晓的名字,不仅是因为他的棒球天赋,还因为他在场下鲁莽的生活作风。

    Babe Ruth , on the other hand , was a household name in 1921 , not only for his baseball talents , but also for his reckless lifestyle off the field .

  28. 易生气的人常叫做hothead(急性子,鲁莽的人),人生气时脖子会变红,我们就可以说他衣领下面发热。

    A person who becomes angry easily is called a . An angry person 's neck often becomes red . We say he is hot under the collar .

  29. “打断别的发言人的讲话是粗俗鲁莽的”的这一原则这至少可以追溯至公元前44年,西塞罗(Cicero)所写的文字。他说,良好的交谈需要参与者之间的“轮转”。

    The principle that it is rude to interrupt another speaker goes back at least to Cicero , writing in 44BC , who said that good conversation required " alternation " among participants .

  30. Siri对那些读不懂社交信号的人来说也很有帮助:她的回复虽不全在意料之中,但却一定是友好的&即使在格斯鲁莽时。

    She is also wonderful for someone who doesn 't pick up on social cues : Siri 's responses are not entirely predictable , but they are predictably kind & even when Gus is brusque .