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zāo jian
  • 见 "糟蹋";spoil;ruin;tease;insult;ravage
糟践 [zāo jiàn]
  • (1) 〈方〉

  • (2) [spoil; ruin]∶浪费;破坏

  • 不能遭践粮食

  • (3) [tease; insult; ravage]∶作弄;侮辱

  • 别拿话糟践人

糟践[zāo jian]
  1. 铜像几乎“糟践”了这位英俊的足球运动员。

    The bust hardly does the handsome footballer justice .

  2. 他们指控他糟践了圣所和律法。

    They 're accusing him of preaching against the temple and the law .

  3. 你怎麼敢如此糟践你的天赋.

    How dare you throw away the beautiful gifts you were born with !

  4. 你这是在糟践自已呀,伙计?

    You 're wasting your life , man .

  5. 对他的朋友背地议论他糟践自己的才华而感到烦恼

    haunted by the idea of his friends whispering about his having prostituted his talent .

  6. 可是他歌颂和热爱的仍是纯洁,即使他写纯洁受到糟践的时候也不例外。

    It is nevertheless the purity that he exalts and loves , even while he points its down-fall .

  7. 她34岁,是三个孩子的妈妈。她发现她要不停地从还是婴孩的儿子身上换下尿布,然后放进冷冻包里,这样才不会糟践了她的钱包。

    The34-year-old mother of three found herself constantly stuffing diapers for her infant son into freezer bags to keep them from getting scrunched up in her purse .

  8. 我若使恶兽经过糟践那地,使地荒凉,以致因这些兽,人都不得经过。

    Or if I send evil beasts through the land causing destruction and making it waste , so that no man may go through because of the beasts .

  9. 他习惯在进行戏仿之前先征得许可,于是在领奖时,他感谢了所有慷慨地允许我糟践他们的音乐的录音乐手们。

    With a nod to his habit of asking permission for his parodies , he thanked all the recording artists that were nice enough to let me screw around with their music .

  10. 这个糟践过女孩子的讨厌坏蛋,早已是正经人家不肯接待的人了,可他还好像满有理由地说过她不是个上等女人呢!

    This odious wretch who ruined girls and was not received by nice people ; this despicable man who had said , and with good cause , that she was not a lady .

  11. 他习惯在进行戏仿之前先征得许可,于是在领奖时,他感谢了“所有慷慨地允许我糟践他们的音乐的录音乐手们。”

    With a nod to his habit of asking permission for his parodies , he thanked " all the recording artists that were nice enough to let me screw around with their music . "

  12. 他们说,他在当地每一个商人那里都欠下了一笔债;又给他加上了诱骗妇女的的头衔,又说每个商人家里都受过他的糟践。

    He was declared to be in debt to every tradesman in the place , and his intrigues , all honoured with the title of seduction , had been extended into every tradesman 's family .