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huó yuè
  • active;lively;dynamic;get it on;animated;enliven;brisk;perk up;hum;vivacious
活跃 [huó yuè]
  • (1) [brisk;active]∶行动活泼而积极

  • 学生们周末真活跃

  • (2) [animated]∶形容生气蓬勃

  • 活跃的气氛

  • (3) [vivacious]∶嬉闹、激发兴趣或诱惑人

  • 这些快乐、活跃的小家伙

  • (1) [get it on]∶积极,变得精力充沛或兴奋起来

  • 当他们同摇摆舞曲乐队在一起时他们顿时就活跃起来

  • (2) [unstiffen]∶打破僵局

  • 实用主义活跃了我们的一切理论

活跃[huó yuè]
  1. 细胞生长活跃的腺瘤ER、PR常阴性。

    The ER , PR usually showed negative in adenoma with brisk cell growth .

  2. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)昨日承认,尽管出现全球经济风暴,但欧元区的经济出人意料地活跃,IMF将不得不大幅上调欧元区2008年的经济增长预期。

    Eurozone growth has proved unexpectedly brisk in spite of global economic storms , the International Monetary Fund admitted yesterday , as it conceded that its 2008 forecast would have to be revised significantly higher .

  3. 开始尽兴畅饮时,聚会的气氛活跃起来。

    The party got livelier as the drink began to flow .

  4. 咱们放些音乐活跃一下气氛吧。

    Let 's put some music on to liven things up .

  5. 尽管快80岁了,他还是十分活跃。

    Although he 's nearly 80 , he is still very active .

  6. 自20世纪80年代以来她一直是活跃在影坛的著名导演。

    She 's been around as a film director since the 1980s .

  7. 几句笑话可给枯燥无味的演讲增添活跃的气氛。

    A few jokes add leaven to a boring speech .

  8. 她尽管年事渐高,仍然十分活跃。

    She is still very active , in spite of her advancing years .

  9. 就她的年龄来说,她是十分活跃的。

    She 's very active , considering her age .

  10. 考虑到他的年龄,他已是相当活跃的了。

    Given his age , he 's remarkably active .

  11. 她思想活跃,善于探索。

    She had a lively and enquiring mind .

  12. 纽约是个热闹活跃的地方。

    New York is where the action is .

  13. 聚会很快活跃起来。

    The party soon warmed up .

  14. 20世纪80年代初他突然在时尚界活跃起来。

    He burst onto the fashion scene in the early 1980s .

  15. 活跃一些享受生活,不要闲呆着闷闷不乐的。

    Get on with life and don 't sit back and mope .

  16. 这个活动可以有效地活跃新群体内的气氛。

    This exercise can be quite a useful ice-breaker for new groups .

  17. 午夜过后,乔治来了劲,人也活跃起来。

    George livens up after midnight , relaxing a little .

  18. 臭氧是一种非常活跃的氧气形态。

    Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen gas .

  19. 这些活跃分子不想做局外人。

    These activists don 't want to feel out of the loop .

  20. 鸟儿们很活跃,在树林中呼呼地飞来飞去。

    The birds were active , whirring and fluttering among the trees .

  21. 他越来越活跃,在深夜辩论中不断攻击政府。

    He is increasingly active in harrying the government in late-night debates .

  22. 你生来就拥有财富、健康和活跃的思维。

    You are endowed with wealth , good health and a lively intellect .

  23. 他们为节奏布鲁斯的歌曲中加入了舞曲的节奏,使之变得更加活跃。

    They 've revivified rhythm and blues singing by giving it dance beats .

  24. 宴会常常会因为一些非常诙谐的讲话而气氛活跃,热闹非凡。

    The dinner was often a riotous affair enlivened by superbly witty speeches .

  25. 一个星期前,火山开始变得活跃。

    The volcano came to life a week ago .

  26. 罗伯特爵士是位坚定而又活跃的政治家。

    Sir Robert was a strong and vigorous politician .

  27. 修正案一直受到亲民主的活跃分子的支持。

    The amendments had been championed by pro-democracy activists .

  28. 美国是学术、艺术和政治氛围最活跃的国家。

    America is the most intellectually , artistically and politically effervescent of nations .

  29. 埃特纳山是欧洲最活跃的火山。

    Etna is Europe 's most active volcano .

  30. 南亚仍然是世界上经济最活跃的地区。

    South Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world .