
huó hè zǎi
  • live load
  1. 楼面活荷载对混凝土框架结构安全性能影响

    The floor live load influences on concrete frame structure safety performance

  2. 民用建筑楼面活荷载标准值取值分析

    Analyzing the standard value of floor live load in civil buildings

  3. 针对TBSA的满布活荷载法可能给斜撑组合内力带来的误差,本文作了定性和定量分析,并对垂直荷载作用下的单工况内力组合系数进行了修正。

    The article analyses the error of compound internal forces of diagonal brace in full live loading method , and amends the compound factor of internal forces under vertical loads .

  4. 高层建筑混凝土结构施工活荷载的统计分析

    Statistic Analysis of Construction Live Loads for High-rise Reinforced Concrete Structures

  5. 混凝土房屋建筑施工活荷载的实测统计

    On-site Measure and Statistic of Live Construction Load of Concrete Buildings

  6. 大型超市楼面活荷载的调查与统计分析

    Investigation and statistical analysis on floor live loads of a supermarket

  7. 关于地下室顶板上消防车活荷载设计值的探讨

    Equal Load Calculation of Fire Engine on the Roof of Basement

  8. 建筑楼面多种活荷载组合系数设计方法探讨

    Design Method for Buildings with Multiple Live Load Coefficients for Combination Values

  9. 叉车作用的楼面等效均布活荷载确定方法

    A Equivalent Method of Turning Forklift Load into Uniform Distributed Live Load

  10. 热胀冷缩时摩擦产生的活荷载。

    LL7 Friction load originating from thermal expansions and contractions .

  11. 为极限力效应确定活荷载。

    Live loads shall be positioned for extreme force effect .

  12. 活荷载不利布置计算的一种快速通用方法

    A Quick Generalized Method for Unfavorable Live Load Distribution

  13. 施工过程中的安全分析与控制要求对施工活荷载有较准确的估计。

    Safety analysis and control during construction require better estimation of live loads .

  14. 局部火灾场钢框架结构等效楼面活荷载分析

    Analysis of the equivalent floor live-load of steel frame in local fired field

  15. 楼面活荷载的标准化问题

    On Standardization for Live Loads on Floors in Buildings

  16. 您能给我再谈一谈竖直活荷载吗?

    Could you say more about vertical live loads ?

  17. 满布活荷载法对斜撑组合内力的误差分析

    Error Analysis of Compound Internal Forces of Diagonal Brace in Full Live Loading Method

  18. 活荷载布置对楼盖结构的影响

    Effect of Activity Loading Arrangement on Stringboard Structure

  19. 电信专用房屋楼面活荷载的计算

    Calculation on Private Telecom Building Floor Active Load

  20. 建筑物内部的活荷载常被认为是均匀分布的。

    In buildings , live loads are often regarded as a uniformly distributed loading .

  21. 高速公路桥梁活荷载参数研究

    Study on Live Load Parameter for Highway Bridge

  22. 建筑结构活荷载标准与灾害荷载设防水平&使用年限的影响

    Live load criterion and disaster load fortification level of structures : influence of working life

  23. 通信枢纽楼机房楼面活荷载的确定

    Establishment of the Alive Load on the Equipment Room Floor of the Telecommunication Hub Building

  24. 随后紧固各支座固定螺栓,结构使用时支座仅承担活荷载作用产生的位移。

    So the structure can only take on the displacement produced by the live load .

  25. 物料的堆积和类似情况下的活荷载。

    LL2 Material accumulations and similar conditions .

  26. 钢筋混凝土结构施工活荷载现场调查与统计分析

    In situ investigation and statistical analysis of live loads of reinforced concrete buildings during construction

  27. 建筑施工期活荷载统计分析及荷载效应影响面分析

    Survey Results for Concrete Construction Live Loads and Analysis of Load Effects Using Influence Surfaces

  28. 标准永久荷载和活荷载分项系数计算方法探讨

    Discussion on the Calculation Method of Item Coefficients of Normal Permanent Load and Active Load

  29. 林区桥梁活荷载纵向动态加载计算

    Calculation on internal force of the bridge structure in forest region under longitudinal dynamic load

  30. 工业建筑多层框架的活荷载不利布置

    Unfavorable Live-load Distribution on Industrial Multistory Frame