
zé zé chēnɡ qí
  • 熟语click the tongue in wonder
  1. WhyCanWeHeartheSoundoftheOceaninaShell?贝壳传来海洋之音?大多数的孩子对从握在耳畔的贝壳里能听到神奇的海浪澎湃声啧啧称奇。

    Most children have probably wondered at the noise of roaring ocean waves magically captured inside seashells held up to their ears .

  2. 此外,林林总总哥特式和殖民复兴风格(ColonialRevival)的建筑都带有一种颇为讨喜的怪诞感,令人啧啧称奇。

    Many other Gothic and Colonial Revival structures have delightful quirks and surprises .

  3. Verner认为这些社区的转变与觉醒不能不令人啧啧称奇。

    Verner described the turnaround and awakening of the communities as nothing short of amazing .

  4. 很难再让人啧啧称奇。

    It 's hard to say " gee whiz " anymore .

  5. 钢铁侠,雷神托尔,绿巨人,美国船长和蜘蛛侠等等都让人啧啧称奇。

    Iron-man , Thor , Hulk , Captain America and Spiderman .

  6. 你对自然的这个令人敬畏的展示奇迹啧啧称奇。

    You wonder at the miracle of this awesome display of Nature .

  7. 我谈到他们从未耳闻的《奥赛罗》,他们啧啧称奇。

    I mentioned Othello ; they 'd not heard of it but were fascinated .

  8. 隐隐透露出一种动物让人啧啧称奇的生存策略

    hint at one animal 's remarkable strategy .

  9. 十月的阿帕拉契山树林是北美令人啧啧称奇的自然景观之一。

    The leaves of Appalachian October are one of the stunning natural assets of North America .

  10. 名不见经传的皮克斯动画工作室其第一部作品就令世界啧啧称奇

    The world is dazzled by the very first release from a small unconventional film studio called " Pixar , "

  11. 许多人都曾将贝壳贴近耳朵,并对里面的海浪声啧啧称奇。

    Many people have held seashells up to their ears and marveled at the sound of ocean waves captured within the shell .

  12. 昨日,三峡古玩城,夺得了第二名的奇石“孙悟空”让市民啧啧称奇。

    Yesterday , the Three Gorges antique city , won the second of rocks " monkey king " to the public wishers .

  13. 这个时候,一些渔民聚在那只小船的周围,对这条从头到尾长有十八英尺的大马林鱼啧啧称奇。

    Meanwhile other fishermen , gathered about the skiff , marveled at the giant marlin , eighteen feet long from nose to tail .

  14. 倒灌啤酒机是倒啤酒的一种革命性创新方式,节省时间,减少浪费,也令顾客啧啧称奇。

    Bottoms Up is the revolutionary new way to serve beer . The Bottoms Up system saves time , eliminates waste and awes customers !

  15. 今年电影节上,您的书是我最喜爱的作品之一,这本书的多才多艺让人啧啧称奇。

    Your book is one of my very very favourite things in this year 's festival . I mean it is an amazingly accomplished book .

  16. 12岁时,他曾对兆麟公园的冰雕黄鹤楼啧啧称奇。

    At age12 , he stood here in Zhaolin Park and marveled at an ice replica of the Yellow Crane Tower , an ancient pagoda .

  17. 中国浩瀚的文献资料从来就不想错过历史长河中的每一段精彩,详尽和完整历来是它们让外国学者啧啧称奇的重要原因。

    Chinese vast literature has never been do not want to miss history of each period of exciting . Detailed and complete are the important reasons for why foreign scholars are always amazed .

  18. 这部电视剧因为其可媲美电影的剪辑和制作水准而让大批中国观众拍案叫绝。它不落俗套而又出人意料的情节,精妙而又紧跟潮流的叙事手法,以及讽刺但又让人深思的主题都让人啧啧称奇。

    The TV series earned a super big wow among Chinese audiences for its film-like editing and production quality , its creative and unexpected plots , delicate and stylish narrative approach , and satirical yet thought-provoking themes .

  19. 安赫尔瀑布坐落于委内瑞拉的博利瓦省,它3212英尺(979米)的巨大落差令人啧啧称奇,它更凭此摘得世界落差最大瀑布的桂冠,而其单级落差之大也堪称世界之最。

    Angel Falls , located in the Bolivar province of Venezuela , not only claims the distinction of being the highest waterfall in the world at an astonishing 3212 feet tall ( 979 meters ) , but it also has the single highest plunge in the world .
