
huó dònɡ fánɡ wū
  • prefab;caravan;mobile home
  1. 活动房屋通过一系列复杂的软管、管道和连杆与汽车相连。

    The trailer was connected to the car by means of a complicated system of hoses , pipes and rods .

  2. 他不会给那个活动房屋上锁。里面要是有什么别人想要的东西,他们可以尽管拿。

    He would leave the trailer unlocked . If there was something inside someone wanted , it would be theirs for the taking

  3. 木制小棚,汽车拖车,废弃的空军匡西特活动房屋(b华盛顿邮报)

    Wooden frame shacks , auto trailers , abandoned Air Force quonsets ( bWashington Post )

  4. 它们由计算机控制,而工作人员在附近一处有空调的Portakabin活动房屋里对计算机进行监控。

    Instead , they are controlled by computers that are monitored from a nearby air-conditioned Portakabin .

  5. 这位外科医生的妻子儿女在附近的活动房屋内。

    The surgeon 's wife and children were in a trailer nearby .

  6. 为以后活动房屋的继续研究提供了一种选择。

    They can provide a choice for the future research .

  7. 轻型铝合金活动房屋结构的足尺试验研究

    Test Research on Full-Scale Light Aluminum Alloy Mobile Building Structure

  8. 你想要双层楼公寓还是活动房屋?

    Would you like a duplex or a mobile home ?

  9. 你告诉他躲在活动房屋里,不是吗?

    You told him to hide in his trailer , didn 't you ?

  10. 莫塔说这场暴风雨严重损坏了他们的拖车式活动房屋。

    Mirta said the storm pulverized their Trailer home .

  11. 我听说你想在美国买间活动房屋。

    I hear that you want to buy a mobile home in America .

  12. 全国活动房屋结构与安全标准条例

    National Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards Act

  13. 由于公寓已被占满,石油工人们只有住在临时的活动房屋里。

    With apartments all occupied , oil workers are living in temporary trailer parks .

  14. 拖车式活动房屋于前一天夜里送来了,是由一辆崭新的越野车拖来的。

    The trailer had come in the night before , pulled by a brand-new landrover .

  15. 他们刚找到他的汽车活动房屋。

    They just found his trailer .

  16. 有些人甚至选择住在活动房屋,或汽车里。

    Some even choose to live in mobile homes , or cars that act as a home !

  17. 有些人可能会说我将变成“拖车活动房屋垃圾”,因此在我做出这个决定之前,我想听听你的见解。

    Some may say I 'll become trailer trash so I want your opinion before I make this decision .

  18. 他们中的大多数人在大半周的时间里都在帐篷,拖车或活动房屋里露营。

    Most of them camp out for the better part of a week in tents , trailers or mobile homes .

  19. 你觉得我会住在比活动房屋只高一个档次的屋子里吗?

    You think I 'm going to live in a house that 's a step up from a mobile home ?

  20. 我嗅到了防晒霜的味道,这意味着高傲的琳达·格林鲁船长在我的活动房屋里。

    I smell copper-tone . That means that Captain Linda Greenlaw , a lady vain about her nose is in my wheelhouse .

  21. 在试验和理论分析的基础上,分析了活动房屋结构的受力机理,破坏形态与位置,荷载&位移曲线等方面,对活动房屋结构进行了评价。

    Based on structural test and theoretical analysis , the mechanical behavior , failure mode , load-displacement plot was analyzed and the activity room was discussed .

  22. 我跳进车里,以最快的速度驶向我租来的活动房屋,我要去那里接我的家人,并着手搬进新家。

    I jumped into my car and rushed as fast as I could to my rented mobile home to get the family and start the moving-in process .

  23. 它的另一层意义,则在于数以千计的柯灵顿活动房屋购买者,已深深记住该公司的名字,并且在下一次要购买时会先考虑到它。

    It also means that thousands of home buyers in South Florida have reason to remember Clayton Homes very fondly when it comes to their next purchase .

  24. 1955年试验采用了16辆各种类型的用来作为活动房屋使用的拖车车厢。拖曳式剖面探测拖体系统构成及运动控制试验

    Sixteen trailer coaches of various makes , intended for use as mobile homes , were subjected to blast in the 1955 test . Towing body of towing profiler and its experiment

  25. 在纳帕县市中心,许多建筑物的墙角及门廊都被地震损坏。与此同时,一个活动房屋园区发生了一起火灾。此外,还有几家酿酒厂报告说,酒窖里的酒桶和酒瓶从架上跌落。

    Corners of buildings and porches crumbled in downtown Napa , while a fire raged at a mobile home park and several wineries reported barrels and bottles had crashed to the floor from shelves .

  26. 那时的设施多种多样——我们在中世纪的历史瑰宝餐厅内吃早饭,然后在几间漏水的活动房屋内上语言课——教学非常出色,尽管有时方法是非正统的。

    The facilities were varied - breakfast in a gem of a medieval refectory followed by language lessons in a couple of leaking Portakabins - and the teaching was excellent , if at times unorthodox .

  27. 本装置结构简单,设计合理,可减少屋檐滴水给行人带来的不便,在最大程度上保证了活动房屋的正常使用。

    The device has a simple structure and a reasonable design , can reduce the inconvenience caused by dropping water of eaves for passers by , and farthest ensures the normal use of a movable house .

  28. 伯克希尔旗下公司的业务涵盖油漆生产、活动房屋制造、卡车租赁、冰淇淋销售和发电厂运营等等,令这位身家全球第三的富豪得以了解经济的方方面面。

    The firm has units that make paint , manufacture mobile homes , lease trucks , sell ice cream and operate power plants , giving the world 's third-richest man a glimpse into all corners of the economy .

  29. 建筑物一般是指人们进行生产、生活或其他活动的房屋或场所,如工业建筑、民用建筑、农业建筑和园林建筑等。

    The building generally refers to the house or place where people produce , live or other activities such as industrial buildings , civil construction , agriculture and landscape architecture .

  30. 这些拖车像一座座带轮子的活动小房屋,内设许多家庭生活设施,像电源,热水,厨房用具等等。

    Trailers are like small houses on wheels , having many conveniences which people use in their homes , such as electricity , hot water , kitchen utensils and the like .