
huó zhuō
  • capture alive;catch alive;capture sb. alive;take prisoner
活捉 [huó zhuō]
  • [capture sb. alive;take prisoner] 抓住活的人,特指在作战中抓住活着的敌人

活捉[huó zhuō]
  1. 匪徒给活捉了。

    The bandit was caught alive .

  2. 结果,一个个都跌倒了,统统被人活捉。

    As a result , they fell down one after another and were all caught alive by people .

  3. 几天前,俄国人宣布他们击落了一架美国U-2型飞机并活捉了驾驶员。

    The Russians announced the shooting down of an American U-2 plane and the capture of its pilot , Gary Powers .

  4. 你不是专门活捉野生动物吗?

    Isn 't that what you do ? Live animal capture ?

  5. 但他们活捉了他,此举价值不可估量。

    But they secured him alive and that will be invaluable .

  6. 把活捉到的一头犊角马用有毒力的牛血液进行了接种。

    A captive wildebeest calf was inoculated with virulent bovine blood .

  7. 你是想告诉我不要被活捉。

    You 're telling me not to be taken alive .

  8. 我们的任务是活捉许多猴子。

    E.g.our task was to capture a number of these monkeys alive .

  9. 村长说他宁愿活捉们。

    The chief says he 'd rather have them alive .

  10. 古代的资料声称屋大维原本打算活捉克利奥帕特拉。

    The ancient sources claim Octavian actually wanted to capture Cleopatra alive .

  11. 我会竟一切方法活捉他。

    I 'll do everything I can to bring him in alive .

  12. 马尔科夫不会让你们活捉。

    Markov will not let himself be taken alive .

  13. 以前从没活捉过迅猎兽

    We 've never had a live Skitter before .

  14. 他们可以一口气冲进山谷,活捉那家伙。

    They could make a dash into the valley , secure the man .

  15. 现在的情况是我们必须活捉那女孩。

    The big picture is that we have to apprehend this hostile alive .

  16. 为了揭发m的秘密,必须活捉他。

    We must take m alive if his secrets are to be uncovered .

  17. 你的任务是潜入丛林活捉全部的小猴.(买猴?)

    Your mission is to infiltrate the jungle an capture all of the monkeys .

  18. 特务被活捉,不过第二天便因重伤而死。

    The spy was caught alive though he died from wounds the next day .

  19. 别伤着这只野兔,我们尽量活捉它吧。

    Don 't injure the hare . let 's try to catch it alive .

  20. 这两个男孩在学校厕所内放臭弹时被活捉。

    The two boys were caught letting off stink bombs in the school toilets .

  21. 都得让我用杯子活捉了再放生出去

    I had to catch it in a glass and set it free outside .

  22. 你活捉不了我,先生,我发誓。

    You 'll not get me alive sir , I promise you that sir .

  23. 我们还算幸运,被活捉当了俘虏。

    We were lucky to be taken alive .

  24. 你们不可能活捉我的

    You 'll never get me alive suckers !

  25. 他试图要活捉老虎。

    He tried to catch a tiger alive .

  26. 他们别想活捉我!

    They won 't take me alive !

  27. 很难活捉的一个罪犯。

    So rare to capture one alive .

  28. 一名敌人军官被活捉。

    An army office was caught alive .

  29. 我该给你活捉凯撒么?

    Should I save Caesar for you ?

  30. 一家奥地利动物保护区表示,将买下遭活捉的“伊冯娜”。

    An Austrian animal sanctuary says it will buy Yvonne if she 's taken alive .