
hǎi jūn zhàn lüè
  • naval strategy
海军战略[hǎi jūn zhàn lüè]
  1. 从舰队防空系统的发展看日本海军战略的转变

    Japan Fleet Air Defense System and its Naval Strategy

  2. 而《21世纪海上力量》的发表则意味着经过九一一事件的冲击之后美国海军战略的重新定位。

    From the Sea is an icon of this transition , and the publicity of Sea Power 21 indicates a repositioning of US naval strategy after the shock of 9 / 11 attack .

  3. 任何国家的海军战略理论都不是一成不变的。

    Strategy theory of any country is none invariable .

  4. 新世纪我国海军战略理论的创新发展

    The Innovation and Development of Our Navy 's Strategy Theory in the New Era

  5. 本文对海军战略准备与实施一系列问题的特点、内容和要求进行了较为系统的论述。

    This following paper provides a detailed account of the characteristics , contents and requirements of the series of matters in the strategic preparations and implementation .

  6. 潜艇在现代海军战略中占有重要地位,拥有一支强大的潜艇舰队,已成为大国海军的重要标志之一。

    Submarines play an important role in modern naval power , and whether the navy equips strong submarine fleets has became an symbol of great power .

  7. 随着现代军事技术的进步、海军战略思想及海战模式的变化,各国对大口径舰炮尤其是舰炮的自动化弹库提出了更高的要求。

    With the progress of modern military technology , the changes of naval strategic thinking and sea battle modes , countries put forward higher requirements on large caliber naval gun especially automation magazines .

  8. 此外,他们之中许多人还参与中国海军战略战术的建设与探讨,对中国近代海军学术事业的发展作出了重要贡献。

    Besides , many of the returned navy students take part in the research and development of Chinese navy strategy and tactics , and have a great contribution in Chinese modern navy academic development .

  9. 他的指示指明了我国海军战略的两个基本问题,一是作战行动的类型是防御性的作战,二是作战的范围是近海。

    His instructions indicated two basic problems in our Chinese navy 's strategy . The first one is that the type of fighting action in battles is defensive , the other one is the scope of the battles is inshore areas .

  10. 大飞机与中国海军远洋战略构想

    Large Aircraft and the Chinese Navy 's Deepsea Strategy

  11. 论新中国海军发展战略之演化

    The Evolution of New China 's Navy Development Strategy over the Past 50 Years

  12. 新中国50年海军发展战略具有历史继承性、时代性、全局性的特点。

    The strategy is of historical inheritance and of the time and is made on the basis of the overall situation .

  13. 北京航空航天大学的王湘穗表示,在海军的战略目标是什么、或如何实现这些目标方面,中国国防规划者迄今尚未达成共识。

    Mr Wang of the University of Aeronautics says Chinese defence planners have themselves yet to achieve consensus either on what their naval strategic goals should be or how they should go about achieving them .

  14. 冷战时期,美国海军奉行远洋战略,与苏联海军展开激烈竞争,把争夺公海霸权作为维护国家安全的基石。

    During the Cold War , American navy carried out a deep-sea strategy , launching fierce competition with the Soviet navy , fighting against the hegemony of mare liberum as the foundation stone that maintained a national security .

  15. 本文介绍名为21世纪海上力量的美国海军21世纪战略概念,阐述其各要素的内涵、现状和未来,并对21世纪海上力量做一些粗浅的分析。

    This paper presents " Sea Power 21 " & the U.S. Navy 's strategic concept for the 21st century , discusses content , status and future for elements of " Sea Power 21 ", and simply analyzes the U.S. Navy 's strategic concept for the 21st century .

  16. 海军后备队的战略布署。

    The strategic deployment of naval reserver .

  17. 另一种态度是海军技术的社会建构论,这种观点在海军发展战略上倾向于强调发挥政治等外交手段,忽视技术在海权维护中的作用,当然这是一种极端现象。

    Another attitude is Navy technology social constructivism . This view of point tends to emphasize the political and other diplomatic means on Navy development strategy . They ignore the role of technology in the maintenance of ocean authority .

  18. 无人潜航器在美海军的军事转型中扮演着非常重要的角色,对美海军巩固海洋战略优势意义重大。

    Unmanned undersea vehicles ( UUV ) have played a significant role in the transformation of the US Navy and the maintenance of strategic predominance over the sea .

  19. 基于地缘之上,欧美列强推行夺取储煤站、建立海军基地、控制重要航道、以小规模舰队威胁或集中海上力量击溃对手的海军制胜战略。

    Depending on East Asian geographical features , European and American Powers developed the naval dominative strategy which seized coaling stations , constructed naval bases , controlled key sea routes , depended on small scale fleets threatening opponents or concentrated sea powers to destroy opponents .