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hǎi nèi
  • within the four seas;throughout the country
海内 [hǎi nèi]
  • [within the four seas;throughout the country] 古人认为我国疆土四面为海所环抱,因而称国境以内为海内

  • 海内之地。--《孟子.梁惠王上》

  • 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。--唐. 王勃《杜少府之任蜀州》

  • 海内大乱。--《资治通鉴》

海内[hǎi nèi]
  1. 请到垂直式SNS上面看一看吧。海内网是由王兴创建的,他还是校内网的创始人之一。

    Hainei was founded by Xing Wang , who was also the co-founder of Xiaonei .

  2. 我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。

    I must admit I am very fond of collecting rare book .

  3. 国际物流比海内物流更具挑战性且成本更高。

    International logistics is much more challenging and costly than domestic logistics .

  4. 冒氏家族还以其杰出的文化成就而闻名海内。

    The Mao clan is well known for its excellent cultural achievement .

  5. 他们只希望解决海内的问题。

    They only want to solve domestic problems .

  6. 竭诚欢迎海内外宾朋来旅游观光,投资兴业。

    Warmly welcome guests at home and abroad to come on their sightseeing or investment .

  7. 第二部门是海内高校大门的历史沿革与现状剖析。

    The second part is the domestic university front door historical evolution and the present situation analysis .

  8. 这个图书馆藏有大量珍本书。我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。

    This library is well stocked with rare books . I must admit I am very fond of collecting rare Books .

  9. 但是,现在海内关于教授教养设计师的研讨相对较少,较体系的理论研讨还在探索之中。

    At present , there is less research on instructional designers , in the domestic , the theoretical study is still exploring .

  10. 我们热忱欢迎海内外家私界的仁人志士莅临指导,共享成果,携手发展。

    We enthusiastically welcome the people with lofty ideals at home and abroad furniture sector you guidance and share results , joint development .

  11. 南阳在西汉时“商遍天下,富冠海内”为全国六大都会之一。

    Nanyang in the Western Han Dynasty ," are all over the world , rich crown rain " will be one of the six .

  12. 作为海内第一品牌的美的中央空调视技术开发为企业的生命力,新产品不停推陈出新。

    As the first brand of the beautiful central air conditioning depending on the technology development for enterprise vitality , new products constantly innovation .

  13. 据传媒报导,上海纽约大学将成为中国首其中美分工的海内性大学。

    The NYU Shanghai campus will be China 's first international university co-established by higher-learning institutes from the two countries , media reports said .

  14. 由于技术门槛不高,一般的空调企业都能生产,仅在海内就有数十个品牌。

    Due to technical threshold is not high , the general air conditioning enterprise can produce , only in the dozens of collecting have brand .

  15. 在国际局势变幻莫测、海内改造日趋深化的时期背景下,危机频发已经成为社会管理生涯中不可避免的重大挑战。

    Frequent crisis management has inevitably become a major challenge in social life in a context of times of unpredictable international situation and deepening domestic reforms .

  16. “奥运猪”的消息传出后,海内外一片哗然,「人不如猪」的争议持续升温。

    " Olympic Games pig " after the news spreads , everywhere piece in an uproar ," the human was inferior pig " the dispute elevates temperature continually .

  17. 从国外与海内对学生的信息素养尺度的发铺入程,归纳总结出符合我国情的高校师范生的信息素养的才能尺度。

    The information literacy to the student standard from abroad and in the homeland developing process , Summaries to my national condition university student teacher information literacy standard .

  18. 值此,我代表蓬莱市人民政府,向远道而来的各位嘉宾、海内外朋友们表示热烈的欢迎!

    Taking the opportunity of this occasion , on behalf of Penglai Municipal Government , I 'd like to extend my sincerest welcome to all the guests and friends who have supported us for many years !

  19. 在国内,首次给出了鄂霍次克海内的3个半日分潮旋转潮波系统,验证了宗谷海峡和津轻海峡的两个全日潮无潮点的存在。

    Three semidiurnal tidal amphidromic points in the Okhotsk Sea have been found for the first time , and two diurnal tidal amphidromic points have been verified to exist in the Soya Strait and the Tsugaru Strait .

  20. 从开心网到海内网,社交网站正在亿万网民中实施“圈地运动”,成为眼下一大“时尚”。

    Arrive from happy net net of within the country , gregarious website is being carried out in millions upon millions netizen " the motion that encircle the ground ", make at present one big " vogue " .

  21. 第二章:探讨中国海洋文化的基本色调,并分析明清以前海内移民的过程和特点,为本文下一步的承启转合作进一步的铺垫。

    Chapter II discuses the basic characteristics of traditional oceanic culture of China , explains the position and characters of migrants within China before Ming and Qing dynasties , makes a good basic for a coherent progress of the thesis .

  22. 《山海经》的《山经》和《海经》各成体系,成书的时代也不一样。《山经》涉及巫术较多,记载了海内名山大川、动植物产、祯祥怪异等内容。

    In this book , Shah Jing and Hai Jing form their own specific systems accord-ingly , while they were finished in different periods , Share , Zing contains the descrip-tion of famous mountains and great rivers , propagation and minerals on the main-land .