首页 / 词典 / good


chōng mǎn
  • be filled with;be full of;full of;fill with;fill;replete;ful;chock-full;swell;heaving;bulge;chock-a-block;suffuse
充满 [chōng mǎn]
  • (1) [full of]∶形容极多,到处都是

  • 充满天下

  • (2) [fill with]∶完全占满

  • 心里充满了欢乐

  • 充满华丽词藻的诗

充满[chōng mǎn]
  1. 你的生活总是充满挑战。

    Your life will always be filled with challenges .

  2. 祝你圣诞节充满愉悦和欢乐。

    Hope your Christmas will be filled with joy and cheer .

  3. 她对自己的大学时代充满了怀念之情。

    She is filled with nostalgia for her own college days .

  4. 对无风险意识的人而言,股票市场充满了陷阱。

    The stock market is full of traps for the unwary .

  5. 怎样才能使你的婚姻再次充满绵绵爱意呢?

    How can you put the romance back into your marriage ?

  6. 如今的年轻人面临着充满困难的工作前景。

    Young people today face a very difficult future at work .

  7. 看到儿子毕业她充满了自豪。

    The sight of her son graduating filled her with pride .

  8. 尽管经济衰退,公司对进一步扩展仍充满信心。

    Despite the recession the company is confident of further expansion .

  9. 这家公司正试图塑造一个充满活力的年轻形象。

    The company is trying to create a young energetic image .

  10. “这真是个绝妙的主意。”他充满热情地说。

    ' It 's a wonderful idea , ' he enthused .

  11. 她使一部情节简单的小说充满了复杂的主题和情感。

    She makes a simple story resonate with complex themes and emotions .

  12. 她去世后我心里充满了失落感。

    When she died I was filled with a sense of loss .

  13. 她因嘴里充满了血而作呕。

    She gagged on the blood that filled her mouth .

  14. 整所房子都充满了酸味。

    The entire house was pervaded by a sour smell .

  15. 人们每次提起他的名字,语调中几乎总是充满了敬意。

    His name was always mentioned in almost reverential tones .

  16. 这场运动使妇女更能主动掌握自己的命运,对自己充满信心。

    The movement actively empowered women and gave them confidence in themselves .

  17. 这部作品充满了似非而是及模棱两可之处。

    It 's a work full of paradox and ambiguity .

  18. 乐队充满激情地表演了他们新唱片中的一首单曲。

    The group let rip with a single from their new album .

  19. 想到人会一天天老下去便使我充满恐惧。

    The prospect of growing old fills me with dread .

  20. 她对在星期六决赛中取得胜利充满信心。

    She is confident of victory in Saturday 's final .

  21. 这些广告把吸烟描绘得充满刺激和富有吸引力。

    The advertisements depict smoking as glamorous and attractive .

  22. 面试时表现出充满信心是一门很高的艺术。

    Appearing confident at interviews is quite an art .

  23. 公众看到这些充满暴力和死亡的画面大为震惊。

    The public is becoming sickened by these images of violence and death .

  24. 你不禁为这充满激情的场面激动不已。

    You couldn 't help being thrilled by the drama of the situation .

  25. 我喜欢她的画中那种充满诗意、赏心悦目的特性。

    I 'm drawn to the poetic , sensuous qualities of her paintings .

  26. 房间里充满了嘈杂的谈话声。

    The room filled with the hum of conversation .

  27. 这是一场充满激情与活力的演出。

    It was a performance of verve and vitality .

  28. 她的声音里充满着一种不寻常的严肃语气。

    Her voice was imbued with an unusual seriousness .

  29. 设想自己口齿清晰和充满信心地演讲是很有助益的。

    It can help to visualize yourself making your speech clearly and confidently .

  30. 她是一位善良的充满母爱的女人。

    She was a kind , motherly woman .