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jí lìng
  • even;even if;even though
即令 [jí lìng]
  • [even if;even though] 即便;即使

即令[jí lìng]
  1. 即令天气变化,你也要按时赶到。

    You must get there in time even if the weather should change .

  2. 即令无为,其本身亦是一种行为。

    Even the failure to do something is in itself a deed .

  3. 中国的实体(即令这种结构得名的VIE)持有在中国开展业务所需的敏感许可证和相关执照。

    The Chinese entity the VIE that gives the structure its name holds the sensitive permits and licenses required to do business in China .

  4. 本文主要介绍了身份认证技术、智能卡和PKI体系,通过研究基于双因子即令牌+口令的认证技术讨论内部网络的统一身份认证。

    In the paper , the author mainly introduces the identity authentication technology , smart card and the PKI , also discusses the uniform identity authentication of the intranet by studying the authentication technology based on double factor namely token and password .

  5. 即令这是她带给我的最后的痛苦,

    Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer

  6. 开始新工作即令人兴奋又是一个挑战。

    Starting a new job is as exciting as it is challenging .

  7. 即令这样,只要有一个人投反对票,申请就被否决了。

    Even then single adverse note killed the application .

  8. 即令最小的错误都可能造成大害。

    Even the slightest error could cause great harm .

  9. 只要一提起他的名字即令敌人丧胆。

    Even the mere mention of his name would strike fear into his enemies .

  10. 但即令是生产性劳动者的消费也不全是生产性消费。

    But the consumption even of productive labourers is not all of it productive consumption .

  11. 一个真正的人本身就是一首诗,即令他不曾写过一行诗句。

    A real man himself is a poem even though he does not write a line .

  12. 即令开始,又何能坚持到今天的胜利?

    And even though started , how could it have been carried on resolutely until victory today ?

  13. 或者即令他自己无表示,那些人也会由他的沉默中推测出来,犹如他自己说了一样。

    Or if he do not , they will gather as much by his silence , as by his speech .

  14. 只要他们是本族,即令非己身所出,亦不介意。

    But so they be of the lump , they care not , though they passe not through their own body .

  15. 然而,用词的不同,即令不是出于意见的分歧,也决不是不重要的;

    Differences of language , however , are by no means unimportant , even when not grounded on differences of opinion ;

  16. 即令物品最后要以零售方式卖掉,为了方便起见,很快也会出现批发商阶级。

    Even when things are destined to be at last sold by retail , convenience soon creates a class of wholesale dealers .

  17. 意大利品牌玛尼的超酷美妆我非常喜欢这款妆容,整个眼线在颜色的变化中流转,即令人惊讶又同时很微妙。

    I like this a lot , this whole eyeliner swoosh in colors that are so surprising yet subtle at the same time .

  18. 然而,即令不借助于术士,在普通的自然现象中,也可以看到这种情形很明显的肖象。

    But yet without praying in aid of alchemists , there is a manifest image of this , in the ordinary course of nature .

  19. 即令在解严后,仍有部分司法人员之观念与心态,并未随之改变与调整。

    Even after the lifting of martial law , there are still some judicial officers who have not changed or adjusted their mindset about detention practice .

  20. 而当今如易拉罐等废旧铝材丢弃量很大,即令回收利用其层次也不高。不仅造成了环境污染,也浪费了这一宝贵的可再生资源。

    Nowadays many cans are dumped , the level of recycling is low , which not only pollutes the environment , but wastes the useful recycling resource .

  21. 首先,即令在所谓物质实体的生产方面,也必须记住,所生产的并非是组成物质实体的物质。

    In the first place , even in what is called the production of material objects , it must be remembered that what is produced is not the matter composing them .

  22. 即令我说过我看到什么地方出了差错,我这话是在让人产生错觉。在单行道开错方向时,知道该亮哪个方向灯。

    Even when I say that I see where I went wrong , I 'm being misleading . You know which turn signal should be on when driving the wrong way down a one-way street .

  23. 此外,即使没有电视机,遥控板亦可独立存在。只要他们是本族,即令非己身所出,亦不介意。

    Also , the remote control can stand on its own , with no television . but so they be of the lump , they care not , though they passe not through their own body .

  24. 值得注意的是,故事的人性深度还同时蕴意了徐訏对本真生命的思考以及对现实的超越企图,这不仅在他那个时代极为罕见,即令今天也弥足珍贵。

    And it is also noticeable that Xu Xu 's novel has been musing on the philosophy of life and shows an attempt to surpass the reality , which is rare in his time and laudable now in China .

  25. 即令他又老又丑,俗不可耐,达什伍德太太就凭他救护女儿这一点,也会对他感激不尽,竭诚相待,何况他年轻貌美,举止文雅,使她对他的行为越发叹赏不绝。

    Had he been even old , ugly , and vulgar , the gratitude and kindness of Mrs. Dashwood would have been secured by any act of attention to her child ; but the influence of youth , beauty , and elegance , gave an interest to the action which came home to her feelings .