
  • 网络Instant Messaging;Instant Message;MSN
  1. “资讯癖”指的是信息超载的超负荷状态,是由于需要处理大量的多种信息导致的,并受到手机、即时通讯及电邮等信息科技的不断打扰。

    Infomania is the debilitating1 state of information overload2 , caused by the combination of a backlog3 of information to process , and continuous interruptions from technologies like phones , instant messaging , and e-mail .

  2. 基于GIS的企业即时通讯系统研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Enterprise Instant Messaging System Based of GIS

  3. 腾讯旗下即时通讯工具微信计划新推出付费订阅功能,允许微信公众号向读者收取费用。

    Tencent Holdings ' messaging app WeChat is mulling a new pay-to-read feature that allows its official accounts to request payment from readers .

  4. 即时通讯工具里的联系人,很多从不主动去聊天,甚至搞不清对方的名字;

    There are many contacts in your instant messenger that you may never start a conversation with or whose name has slipped from your memory .

  5. 传统笔友的现代版本就是交一个“键友”或“网友”。人们可以敲击键盘通过电子邮件或即时通讯工具跟彼此交流,不用再写纸质信件了。

    A modern variation on the traditional penpal arrangement is to have a keypal . People can use the keyboard to talk to each other through emails or instant messengers instead of writing paper letters .

  6. 基于应用层的企业智能即时通讯系统的JAVA实现

    The Implementation of Enterprise Instant Communication System Based on Application Layer Using Language Java

  7. 3D食物打印机可以方便地制作食物,就如同电邮和即时通讯工具可以使人们快捷地交流沟通一样。

    3D printing will do for food what e-mail and instant messaging did for communication .

  8. 基于Linux的网络即时通讯软件设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Linux-based Real-time Network Communication Software

  9. P2P即时通讯软件监控系统的研究与实现

    Research and Design of the P2P Instant Messenger Monitoring System

  10. 即时通讯(IM)实时咨询应用研究

    The Application of Instant Messaging ( IM ) to Online Reference

  11. 公司禁止即时通讯和Facebook。

    Companies blocking access to IM or to Facebook .

  12. 一种基于扩展SIP协议的即时通讯系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Extended SIP Protocol-ed Instant Communication System

  13. 霍兰:我们使用了即时通讯产品“Sametime”,它在IBM内部得到了大量使用。

    Horan : We use Sametime , our instant messaging product .

  14. 此后不久,Facebook就斥资(咳咳)190亿美元收购了这家即时通讯服务公司。

    Facebook bought the instant-message service for ( ahem ) 190bn dimes not long afterward .

  15. 基于即时通讯工具(IM)的教学应用调查研究

    Investigation of Teaching Application Based on Instant Messenger

  16. 此外,Flock还不支持即时通讯服务。

    And it doesn 't support any instant-messaging services at all .

  17. 基于双向Chord的即时通讯系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of instant messaging based on bidirectional chord

  18. 基于IMS的即时通讯在线状态服务系统的研究

    Study on the instant message presence service based on IMS

  19. 基于因特网的即时通讯(InstantMessage,IM)因其即时、快速、有效的优点,使用者越来越多。

    Being immediate , rapid and effective , internet-based instant message ( IM ) is being used more and more .

  20. 基于IMS的即时通讯系统多媒体服务平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implement Instant Messaging System of Multimedia Services Platform Based on IMS

  21. 腾讯凭借微信和即时通讯工具QQ已经领先了一步。

    Tencent is way ahead with WeChat and instant messaging service QQ .

  22. 交际意识在英语教学中的运用QQ是国内使用最广泛的即时通讯工具。

    QQ is the most widely used immediate communication tools in China .

  23. 在这种情况下,将SIP协议引入当前的即时通讯平台可以有效的解决这个问题。

    In this situation , the problem can be solved effectively by bringing SIP to current IM platform .

  24. 在信息系统设计中,利用TCP/IP协议,实现了教学实验过程中师生即时通讯的功能,提高了网络实验教学的交互性;

    TCP / IP is used for the design of instant communication between teachers and students , consequently the commutative quality is well improved ;

  25. 腾讯创立于1998年,它开发了一种称作QQ的即时通讯工具。

    They developed an instant messaging system called QQ .

  26. 1999年,腾讯推出了名为qq的即时通讯服务。

    In 1999 , Tencent set up an instant messaging service called QQ .

  27. 我们从TCP/IP协议研究中总结出若干应用层协议设计原则,并应用它们完整设计了一个即时通讯系统协议。

    Secondly , by using some application protocol designing laws extracted from TCP / IP protocol family , the round-trip IM protocol designing is demonstrated .

  28. 虽然微信的核心功能是即时通讯,但其拥有与Facebook类似的个人资料页、照片分享和许多其他功能。

    Although WeChat 's core function is instant messaging , it has Facebook-like profile pages , photo-sharing and many other features .

  29. 然而,欧洲的议员们目前正在研究Facebook的即时通讯服务是否应该受到与传统运营商同样的监管。

    Yet lawmakers are now looking into whether Facebook 's messaging services should be regulated like those offered by traditional carriers .

  30. 使用即时通讯工具发送有关工作的信息时,不要使用俚语以及IM上的缩写,要用合适的英语。

    When sending instant messages regarding work , keep slang and IM acronyms at bay and use proper English instead .