
  • 网络RSS;Information Aggregating;Information Aggregation
  1. 信息聚合(RSS)站点资源的丰富正影响着互联网内容的浏览利用。

    The site resources of the rich RSS ( Really Simple Syndication ) are affecting the use of internet content browsing .

  2. 该平台的核心模块有内容管理功能、权限管理功能、信息聚合功能、业务系统整合功能。

    The core module of the platform mainly has content management , competence capabilities , RSS functions and business system integration .

  3. 这一层从经过筛选的新闻Feed层将特定的信息聚合到基本日历Web服务中。

    This layer aggregates particular information from the filtered news feed layer into the basic calendar Web service .

  4. 基于六元组的混合式QoS信息聚合算法

    A Hybrid Algorithm for QoS Information Aggregation based on Six-tuple Array

  5. RSS是基于XML的信息聚合技术,它使信息能够迅速、及时的传递给用户。

    RSS is an XML-based information syndication technology , which transfers the information to user quickly and timely .

  6. RSS信息聚合技术在高校图书馆工作中的应用

    The Applications of RSS Information Syndication in the Work of Academic Library

  7. 信息聚合和信息推送是RSS的两大基本功能。

    Information aggregation and information push are 2 major basic functions of RSS .

  8. 基于RSS技术的政府绩效信息聚合与推送研究

    Research on Integrating and Delivering the Government Performance Information Based on RSS Technology

  9. 在本文的最后,通过农业信息化案例的设计和开发实现,验证了Mashup信息聚合平台的合理性和可行性。

    Finally , this paper verified the rationality and feasibility of mashup information aggregation platform .

  10. RSS(简单信息聚合)已被广泛接受应用,RSS站点资源的丰富正影响着互联网内容的浏览利用。

    RSS is taken on widely , and browsing abundant RSS resource is affecting internet information 's utilization .

  11. 提出了具体的基于RSS技术的政府绩效信息聚合与推送的方法,为现实存在的异构系统向一体化系统平滑过渡,提供了切实可行的解决方案。

    To presents the concrete method to integrate and deliver the government performance information based on RSS technology .

  12. 通过运用RSS技术可以为学习者提供学习信息聚合与定制的服务。

    By using the technology of RSS , we could supply learners with learning information syndication and subscription services .

  13. 一种使用场景是PlantsbyWebSphere的合作公司可能需要将其自身温室中的数据与由PlantsbyWebSphere维护的类别信息聚合起来。

    A usage scenario might be a partner company of Plants by WebSphere that aggregates data from its own greenhouse with the catalog information maintained by Plants by WebSphere .

  14. 政府网络新闻发言人进驻SNS网站,可以更好地发挥政府公关、信息聚合、透明行政等行政功能。

    Network news spokesman moving into SNS has administration function of Government Relations , Syndication and Transparent administration etc.

  15. 本文主要研究Mashup信息聚合技术,结合农业环境中特定的信息化需求,利用已有的多种类型的互联网信息资源,完成了对基于Mashup的农业信息服务平台的分析和设计。

    This paper studied the mashup informatization aggregation technology , completed a mashup-based agricultural informatization service platform with the variety of internet information resources .

  16. 本文对Mashup信息聚合平台的设计以及相关联的问题进行了详细的分析和探讨,解决了信息、服务聚合过程中所遇到的困难,使得Mashup信息聚合平台在实现上更具合理性和可行性。

    This paper designed the mashup aggregation platform , analyzed and discussed the detail problems and solved the difficulties in mashup information aggregation platform .

  17. 应用RSS技术不仅可以把最及时的、最有价值的信息聚合起来提供给用户,而且它为网络服务应用开辟了一条新途径。

    The application of RSS technology can provide the users with the newest and most valuable information ; also it carves out one way to web service application .

  18. 它的流行得益于Web2.0技术,比如wiki、blog、mashup、社会网络门户及其他的信息聚合服务。

    Its popularity is now surging due to the advent of Web2.0 technologies such as wiki , blog , mashup , social networking portals , and other information aggregation services .

  19. FOAF信息聚合者在其操作权限以内必须承担数据保护法律下的什么法律义务呢?

    What legal obligations do aggregators of FOAF information have under the data-protection law in the jurisdiction under which they operate ?

  20. 利用RSS可以实现网络信息聚合,而Ajax的强大功能可以使用户任意修改网页上的信息,而无须向服务器重新发送请求和刷新页面。

    RSS can be used for Information Syndication System . Behaving the powerful function of Ajax , the user can modify the information arbitrarily on the website , without having to re-send requests and update pages from the server .

  21. 本文研究并实现了一个以无线传感器网络技术为基础的家庭传感器系统(HSS).HSS是一种传感器信息聚合工具,旨在为家庭用户提供智能家居服务。

    A privacy and security aware home sensor system ( HSS ) has been built which is based on wireless sensor network ( WSN ) technologies . HSS is a sensor information aggregation tool which is designed to provide intelligent home services .

  22. 基于信息聚合技术的个性化信息门户的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Personal Information Portal Based on Aggregation Technology

  23. 包装已经演变成为多功能的信息聚合传播载体。

    Packaging has evolved into a multi-functional spread of vector aggregation .

  24. 通过桌面化信息聚合服务,用户能够找到准确的内容,实现更精确搜索的目的。

    Though this system , users can find the more accurate content .

  25. 一种服务网格动态信息聚合模型及其应用

    A Dynamic Information Aggregation Model and Its Application in Service Grid Environment

  26. 入侵检测系统报警信息聚合与关联技术研究综述

    A Survey of Intrusion-Detection Alert Aggregation and Correlation Techniques

  27. 将信息聚合到经过良好组织的解决方案信息中心

    Aggregate the information into well-organized solution information centers

  28. 信息聚合业务模式提供了对业务流程中的数据进行只读的访问。

    The Information Aggregation business pattern provides a read-only access to the business process performance data .

  29. 随着你们分离的信息聚合起来,他得以通过你们而间接地感受与学习。

    He would be living vicariously through you and learning all as your separate inputs came together .

  30. 信息聚合按照用户的意愿实现便捷、准确的获取互联网最新信息的功能。

    Users according to information syndication bring about the wishes that obtain latest information of the Internet conveniently .