
  • 网络Credit evaluation;Feedback;CREDIT RATING
  1. 基于SVM的上市公司财务信用评价预测方法研究

    SVM Prediction Method for Assessing the Financial Credit Rating of the Listed Companies in Stock Market

  2. MDA方法已被广泛应用于企业破产预测、企业信用评价、信贷评价等等领域。

    MDA has been widely applied to the business classification , including bankruptcy prediction , credit rating , and bank loan classification , etc.

  3. 基于BP神经网络的客户信用评价和管理

    Evaluation and Management of Custom Based on BP neural network

  4. 基于主成分分析法和BP神经网络的电力客户信用评价

    Evaluation on the Electricity Customers ' Credit Based on PCA and BP Neural Network

  5. P2P网络安全的信用评价体系结构的设计与应用

    Design and Application of P2P Network Security Reputation Evaluation System Structure

  6. 最后部分详细描述BP神经网络在个人信用评价模型中的应用与仿真。

    Finally we will describe the application of BP ANN model in individual trust evaluation .

  7. 基于SVM的建筑企业信用评价研究

    To Study on Credit Evaluating of Construction Enterprises Based on SVM

  8. 发展BP神经网络信用评价模型时,我们可以使用层次分析法来作为数据标准化的依据,相信会有不错的改进效果。

    When developing the credit evaluation model of BP neural network , we can use AHP as a basis for standardization of data .

  9. 因此,本文将DEA方法引入到化工行业物流金融交易平台的信用评价中,以控制平台的融资业务风险。

    DEA method is introduced to the chemical industry logistics financing trading platform for SME credit evaluation .

  10. C2C中卖方信用评价体系的构建与应用

    The Formulation and Application of Seller Credit Evaluation System for C2C E-commerce

  11. 基于C2C电子商务平台的信用评价研究

    Research on Credit Evaluation Based on C2C E-commerce Platform

  12. 基于LS-SVM的信用评价方法

    The Credit Evaluation Method based on LS-SVM

  13. V-fold交叉验证和BP神经网络在信用评价中的应用

    An Application of V-fold Cross-validation Technique and BP Neural Networks to Credit Analysis

  14. 同时,为正常通过实际应用,验证并改善GANN个人信用评价模型,本项目开发相应的程序和计算机系统,系统的运行结果证明了该方法的有效性。

    Meanwhile , we also empolder corresponding programme and computer system for real application and validation test of GA-NN model , Application results show that such model is effective .

  15. 属性识别预警系统(AFS)一种新的信用评价方法因此我们提出一种实验性的评分方法部分得分制。

    Attribute Forecasting System ( AFS ) & A New Credit Scoring Method The experimental marking scheme suggested is a partial credit scoring method .

  16. 基于FA-BP网络的客户信用评价

    Evaluation of Custom Credit Risk Based on FA-BP Neural Network

  17. 随着第三方支付平台的兴起和信用评价体系的完善,C2C交易方式以灵活而自由的购物模式得到了越来越多消费者的认可。

    As the rise of the third-party payment and perfection of credit valuation system , C2C business has approbated by more and more consumers because of free and flexible shopping model .

  18. 未确知综合评估模型与AHP方法相结合在企业信用评价中的应用,可以建立起企业信用评价的科学指标体系,以定性分析与定量计算相结合给出企业信用的综合指标。

    In this paper , This study focuses on the hand-in-hand application of unascertained mode and AHP for the enterprise credit evaluation for the build-up of the index system and the synthetical evaluation model given by the qualitative and quantitative analysis .

  19. 通过分析现有的信用评价的现状,对比主流C2C电子商务网站信用评价模型,找出信用评价模型存在的问题与不足。

    Then , by analyzing the status of the existing credit rating , through compared to mainstream credit evaluation model C2C e-commerce site , I identify the credit evaluation model the problems and shortcomings .

  20. 随着支付手段、信用评价、物流系统等配套设施的逐步完善,以及数量不断增加的网民对网络购物的逐渐接受和认可,C2C电子商务市场的规模正在不断扩大。

    With the means of payment , credit evaluation , logistics systems , the gradual improvement of facilities , as well as a growing number of Internet users in the gradual acceptance of online shopping and recognition , the size of C2C e-commerce market is expanding .

  21. 运用进化计算和BP神经网络等方法,研究了IEBS中的主要业务处理问题,包括供应商资源发现与供应商信用评价、基于多目标进化规划的采购方案优化算法和智能交易支付协议;

    It studies the intelligence processing of main businesses in IEBS , which includes supplier resources discovery and its credit evaluation , optimization algorithm of order plan based on the multi-objective evolution programming and the intelligent transaction payment protocol by using evolution computation and BP neural network and so on ;

  22. 诚信医院建设信用评价指标体系初探

    Discussion on Credit Appraisal Index System for Construction of Honest Hospitals

  23. 基于特征分析法的供应链合作伙伴信用评价研究

    On Credit Evaluation of Supply Chain Partners Based on Attribute Analysis

  24. 商业银行信用评价模型的适应性研究

    Reference in the Models of Credit Risk Measurement for Commercial Banks

  25. 基于支持向量机的大学生助学贷款个人信用评价

    Personal credit evaluation of college student loans with support vector machines

  26. 地方政府信用评价与提升问题研究

    A Research on the Evaluation and Improvement of Local Government Credit

  27. 供应链融资下中小企业信用评价研究

    Study of Small-medium Enterprises Credit Evaluation Based on Supply Chain Financing

  28. 企业信用评价的未确知-AHP方法研究

    The Study of Enterprise Credit Based on Unascertained Method and AHP

  29. 网络交易中信用评价方法研究

    The Study on Evaluating Method of the Creditability in Electronic Transaction Platforms

  30. 我国私营企业信用评价指标体系及其模糊多目标多人评价研究

    Credit Evaluation Indexes System and Credit Grade for Private Enterprise