
  • 网络Cash Dividend;dividend;cash
  1. 本文选取2002-2008年农业上市公司股改前后的数据,采用二元logistic回归方法对影响现金股利分配的公司治理因素进行分析。

    This paper selects 2002-2008 before and after the share reform of listed companies of agricultural data , using binary logistic regression of cash dividend distribution on the impact of corporate governance factors were analyzed .

  2. 在这个基础上,本文利用线性时间序列理论上十分成熟的自回归模型(AR)建立了未来现金股利的预报模型,并通过计算机模拟技术对参数进行了估算。

    In the basis of that , the autoregressive model , which is very mature in the theory of linear time series , was used for establishing the future cash dividend predicted model . Parameters were estimated by computer simulation .

  3. 现金股利、股权结构和组织特征:一个Logistic分析

    Cash Dividend , Ownership Structure and Organizational Characteristics : A Logistic Regression Analysis

  4. 利用STEPWISE回归分析,对2001&2003年我国1885家上市公司现金股利支付水平的影响因素进行了动态检验。

    The influencing factors of the cash dividends level of ( 1 885 ) China Listed Companies from 2001 to 2003 were tested dynamically by use of STEPWISE regression analysis .

  5. 我国A-H股国有控股上市公司现金股利政策影响因素研究

    A Study on Determinants of Cash Dividends Policy of A-H Share State Listed Companies in China

  6. LeeandXiao(2002)更是明确提出了股利政策的大股东掠夺观。显然,在当前的制度背景下,现金股利究竟扮演了什么样的角色还需要进一步的经验证据的支持。

    Lee and Xiao even more clearly proposed the majority shareholder of plunder concept about the dividend policy . Obviously , under the current system background , what role cash dividends actually played needs the support of further empirical evidence .

  7. 验证公司治理对现金股利政策的影响是否符合LLSV(2000)提出的股利代理的结果模型假说。

    And the paper validate the relationship between corporate governance and cash dividend policy according with outcome model which LLSV ( 2000 ) have proposed .

  8. 然后考虑到两个不同的股票市场对A-H股国有控股上市公司的影响,文章还检验了这些公司在2004年发放的现金股利在两个市场的效应。

    Second , we tested the two market 's domino affection of cash dividends distributed in 2004 considering infection of those two different stock markets to those listed companies .

  9. 与LLSV横向研究不同,本文从纵向检验了现金股利法律保护替代模型与结果模型在我国的适用性。

    This paper tests the application of dividends as a substitute and an outcome for legal protection of shareholders interests in our listed firms by vertical and horizontal studies .

  10. 此外,这份文件还称投资者“有权获得3%的累计优先股股利。”而PrivCo却称存在“两位数的年度现金股利。”

    Moreover , the filing says that participants " shall be entitled to receive cumulative dividends at the rate of three percent . " Again , PrivCo had claimed " Double-digit annual cash dividends . "

  11. 实证结果表明,影响我国A-H股国有控股上市公司现金股利政策的因素主要有上市公司的盈利能力、以前年底的现金股利、H股市场的市价、持股前5名占总股本比例等因素。

    The demonstration results show that there are some determinants effect A-H share listed companies cash dividend policies . Such as : payoff ability , dividends distributed in last year , stock value in H share market , the control cash dividends share holders .

  12. 股利分配形式多样但比较集中于派发现金股利;

    The forms of distributing fastening cash dividends in various ways ;

  13. 现金股利与上市公司未来收益的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Cash Dividends and Future Earnings of Listed Corporations

  14. 但是投资者却喜欢股票股利,不喜欢现金股利。

    However , investors prefer stock dividend , not cash dividend .

  15. 上市公司现金股利政策影响因素研究&来自钢铁行业的经验数据分析

    Positive Research on the Influential Factors of the Cash Dividend Policy

  16. 现金股利分配政策是评价投资的基本标准

    Cash Dividend Distribution Policy is the Basic Standard of Evaluating Investment

  17. 现金股利是公司回报投资者最直接的手段。

    The most direct way to return investors is cash dividend .

  18. 上市公司现金股利变动信息内涵

    Implication of the Information of the Chinese Listed Companies ' Cash-dividends

  19. 上市公司现金股利政策的现状及影响因素分析

    Present Situation and Affecting Factors of Cash Dividend Distribution in Listed Companies

  20. 现金股利研究的新视角:基于企业生命周期理论

    New Research Perspective of Cash Dividend : Firm Life-Cycle Theory

  21. 用自回归模型预测中国股市未来现金股利水平

    To Forecast Future Cash-dividend Level of China Stock Market by Autoregressive Model

  22. 基于资源配置视角的公司现金股利分配研究

    Research on Corporate Dividend Policy Based on Resource Allocation Perspective

  23. 现金股利是由于盈利而增加的公司净资产的分配。

    Cash dividends are distributions of corporate assets made pos-sible by earnings .

  24. 支付现金股利10美元。

    Paid cash dividends in the amount of $ 10 .

  25. 中国股市现金股利悖论研究

    The Study on the Paradox of Cash Dividend in Chinese Stock Market

  26. 上市公司现金股利政策与公司治理研究

    Study on Dividend Policies and Corporate Governance of China 's Listed Companies

  27. 上市公司现金股利分配能力预测分析

    Forecasting analysis of listed company 's cash dividend distribution capacity

  28. 发放现金股利,对于资本市场的健康发展,也非常重要。

    Cash dividend is also very important to capital market .

  29. 管理层薪酬与现金股利支付水平呈负相关关系。

    Executive compensation and pay cash dividends was negatively correlated .

  30. 第一章现金股利政策的相关理论。

    The first chapter , the cash dividend policy theory .