
  1. 据Distimo估算,在过去一年中,苹果应用商店收入排名前200的应用,平均每日的总用户支出从1500万美元增至了1800万美元,而谷歌的同口径用户支出则增长了近三倍,从350万美元增至1200万美元。

    Average daily combined spending on the 200 apps that generate the most revenue on Apple 's app store rose from $ 15m to $ 18m during the past year , Distimo estimates , while Google 's equivalent almost quadrupled during the same period , from $ 3.5m to $ 12m .

  2. 注:2009年工业总产值的增长按同口径计算。

    Note : The growth of industrial output in2009 was calculated with the same caliber .

  3. 同口径破&破型串联装药战斗部的试验研究

    Experiment Study on the Forward Charge Blast Effect on the Follow - Through Charge of Tandem Warhead

  4. 注:2008年财政收入和财政支出的增长按同口径计算。

    Note : The increase of Financial revenue and financial expenditures in2008 calculated in accordance with the caliber .

  5. 注:全社会公路水运客、货运量的增长按同口径计算。

    Note : Total of Passenger and Freight Traffic of Highways and Waterways calculated in accordance with the caliber .

  6. 年丝、丝织品和电视机的增长按同口径计算。

    Note : The increase of silk , silk fabrics and TV sets in2008 calculated in accordance with the caliber .

  7. 2007年全国共有规模以上中小企业333858家,占同口径企业比重99%。

    In 2007 total of 333,858 small and medium scales , accounting for 99 % compared to the same caliber companies .

  8. 在收益质量方面,同样其同口径营业利润与经营活动产生的现金流量净额之间偏差较大,收益质量不理想。

    On the aspect of income quality , it has a large deviation between its same basis of business profit and net cash flow happened in the business activities . The income quality is not ideal .

  9. 穿甲弹从同口径到次口径、从钢质弹身材料到高密度钨、铀合金弹身材料的发展变化,使穿甲威力产生了两次飞跃。

    Along with the variation in projectile penetrator material from steel to high density tungsten , or DU alloy , and penetrator from full-calibre to sub-calibre , the projectile has a big leap in penetration power .

  10. 这和杀害受害者使用的是同一口径的子弹。

    It 's the same caliber killed the vic .

  11. 我是在“天空体育”上看的比赛,解说员不停的在说利物浦主宰了上半场比赛,他们比米兰要好。今天的报纸也是同一口径。垃圾!

    I watched it on Sky and they kept saying that Liverpool bossed the first-half and were the better team . Today 's papers say the same . Rubbish !

  12. 本文还对三偏心蝶阀的密封力矩作了推导并进行了定性的分析,结果表明,对于同一口径的三偏心蝶阀,密封力矩与蝶板的厚度近似成反比;

    The paper deduced the seal torque of the tri-eccentric butterfly valve and gave it a qualitative analysis . The results indicated : for the tri-eccentric butterfly valve with the same caliber , the seal torque would decrease with the butterfly disc thickness increasing ;

  13. 另外,在结合应用多片法和LC加载技术的基础上,借助Designer天线仿真软件仿真实现了一款共享同一物理口径的S、X波段的三频段微带阵列天线。

    Moreover , the good radiation directivity both exists at two bands . Furthermore , with the application of multi-patch and LC loading technique , a shared aperture triple-band microstrip array was simulated by Designer software , which can operate in S and X band .

  14. 整个系统共用同一个接收口径,结构紧凑,符合导引头小型化的要求,并且既能满足目标搜索阶段大视场的要求,又能满足目标的精确识别与跟踪的要求。

    The system has a common receive aperture and the structure is very compact , so it can satisfy the requirement of miniaturization of the seeker .