
  • 网络total assets
  1. 本文回归分析的另一个重要结论是企业总资产和企业绩效呈正相关,即企业总资产增加企业的绩效。

    The other important conclusion of the paper is that the total assets of enterprise increases corporate performance .

  2. 从整个企业总资产的角度来看,营运资金在其中占有非常大的比重,其在企业资金中是最有活力的元素。

    Looking from the entire enterprise total assets ' angle , the working capital holds the very great proportion , it in the business capital is the most active element .

  3. 本文主要利用两种不同的方法对中国以火电为主营业务的发电企业总资产、装机容量、年净发电量的规模经济进行了研究。NET的一部分。

    This paper conducts research of economies of scale in capital , installed capacity and the net generating capacity in Chinese electricity generation enterprises whose essential business is involved in fuel electric plants .

  4. 应收账款占企业总资产的比重越来越高,严重制约了施工企业的生存与发展。

    The proportion of account receivable in an enterprise 's total capital is becoming larger and larger , which tremendously affects the existence and development of a construction enterprise .

  5. 总括起来有以下几个方面:一是企业总资产数量多,资产收益率差,资产保值增值难度大。

    There are several aspects as follows : First , the total asset of enterprises is too large and it is hard to maintain and increase the value of assets .

  6. 早在1994年,华仪从国外引进高压成套生产设备,花费就超过了企业总资产的一半以上,这种规模的创新投入在当时绝无仅有。

    Early in1994 , Huayi purchased from abroad packaged equipment for high-voltage electrical appliances , with the cost exceeding half of its total asset value , absolutely breathtaking input at that time .

  7. 最后以企业总资产作为分类标准,进一步考察了公司投资决策是否受到融资约束的影响,并与国外相关研究结论做出对比分析。

    Finally , Taking the Total assets of the enterprise as a classification standard , this article examines whether the investment decision-making is influenced by financing constraints , compared with foreign research findings .

  8. 占国有企业总资产相当大比例的土地资产,究竟采用何种方式才能妥善地处置好,成为改制企业员王及各级行政主管部门关注的焦点问题。

    It becomes the focus of the enterprise staffs and all levels of administration department that how the state-owned enterprises properly deal with the land capital , which has a great proportion of the total assets .

  9. 企业总资产报酬率、资本收益率、销售利润率以及成本费用利润率是评估企业获利能力的重要指标。

    The reward rate of the enterprise total capital , the profit rate of asset , the profit margin of distribution and the profit margin of the cost and expense are the important indexes to evaluate the capability of the enterprise to profit .

  10. 在过去的15年间,美国排名前50企业的总资产占美国gdp的比例由70%上升到了约130%(如图右)。

    In the past 15 years the assets of the top 50 American companies have risen from around 70 % of American GDP to around 130 % ( see right-hand chart ) .

  11. 在企业的总资产中,库存成本往往占到30%左右。

    Inventory cost has occupied 30 percent of enterprise 's overall capital .

  12. 公司建于1970年,民营企业,总资产6000余万元。

    Company is foundry in1970 , the private enterprise .

  13. 据统计,至2006年末,全国仅国有及国有控股的非金融类企业的总资产和净资产就分别达到29万亿元和12.2万亿元。

    The statistics show , by the end of 2006 , the state-owned and state holding the whole country alone is not that total assets of finance enterprises and net assets reach 29,000 billion yuan and 12,200 billion yuan respectively .

  14. 宁夏石化公司隶属于中国石油天然气股份公司,是集化肥、炼油业务为一体的现代化大型炼化企业,企业总资产70亿元,年销售收入近100亿元。

    Ningxia Petrochemical Company , attached to China National Petroleum Corporation , is an integrated modern and large-scale petrochemical enterprise for oil refining , and fertilizer production , with 50 billion Yuan in total . Sales Revenue surpasses 10 Billion Yuan one year .

  15. 该模型通过对财务公司总资产、收益性资产与总资产的比例以及集团成员企业存款与总资产的比例三类变量的选择,达到预期利润最大化的目标。

    By applying the dynamic model , the objective for the expected profit maximization can be reached by rational selection among the total asset , the ratio of the benefit asset to the total asset , and the ratio of the deposit of the sub-companies to the total asset .

  16. 知识经济条件下,企业无形资产占总资产的比例越来越大。

    With the development of knowledge economy , the proportion of invisible assets against assets is becoming larger and larger .

  17. 在本文中资本结构的定义是企业负债总额与企业总资产的比例关系。

    In this paper , the definition of capital structure is the proportion between the liabilities and the whole assets .

  18. 企业资本结构指企业的负债与总资产的比率。

    Enterprise 's capital structure means the ratio of the debt to total assets .

  19. 我国商务部统计资料表明我国95.2%的企业是中小企业,占全国企业总资产的48.5%,并提供了69.7%的就业岗位。

    While in China 95.2 % small and medium-sized enterprises , accounting for 48.5 % in total national enterprise assets , create 69.7 % jobs .

  20. 生产设备是国有资产的核心,是国有企业谋求利润的主要手段,设备资产占企业国有总资产的大部分。

    Production equipment is the core of state-owned assets , state-owned enterprises is the main means of seeking profits , equipment assets of state-owned enterprises accounted for the bulk of total assets .

  21. 考核指标有:企业绿色增加值增长率;企业绿色全员劳动生产率;企业绿色总资产利用率。

    The indexes for evaluation are as follows : the growth rate of enterprise green increase value , the labor productivity of enterprise green members , the total capital utilization ratio of enterprise green .

  22. 库存作为企业一项重要的流动资产,占用了企业大量的流动资金,据统计,库存占企业总资产的30%左右。

    According to a survey , the inventory has occupied 30 % of the assets averagely .