
  • 网络Corporate issuance;Enterprise Publishing
  1. 在这些企业发行版中,有一个叫做/proc/pid/mappedbase的文件包含了一个地址,共享库将从该地址装载到内存。

    On these enterprise distributions , there is a file called / proc / pid / mapped_base which contains the address where the shared libraries are to be loaded into memory .

  2. Ling表示:我们需要更多的企业发行,但为了实现这一目标,我们首先需要更多的流动性。

    Mr Ling said : We need more corporate issuance , but for that to happen , we need more liquidity .

  3. 薛琦表示,他的另一个工作重点,是鼓励在其它地区上市的外资和台资企业发行台湾存托凭证(taiwandepositaryreceipts)。

    Mr schive said he would also focus on encouraging foreign and Taiwan-owned companies with listings elsewhere to issue Taiwan depositary receipts .

  4. 中央规划机构国家发改委(ndrc)控制着由国有企业发行的企业债。

    The national development and Reform Commission , a central planning agency , controls enterprise bonds , which are issued by state-owned companies .

  5. IMF表示,美国加息可能暴露出企业发行了大量美元债务的新兴市场的特别脆弱性。IMF补充称,2007年至2014年,所有大型新兴市场的债务增速都超过国内生产总值(GDP)。

    Higher US interest rates could expose particular vulnerabilities in emerging markets where companies have issued large amounts of debt in dollars , the IMF said , adding that between 2007 and 2014 debt had grown faster than gross domestic product in all major emerging markets .

  6. 研究成果认为,CDM卖方企业发行这种债券,能有效的规避CERs价格波动风险,克服传统的固定利率债券和浮动利率债券不能规避CERs价格波动风险的缺点。

    Researches show that , this bond , can effectively avoid the risk of price fluctuation of CERs , while the traditional fixed rate bonds and floating rate bonds cannot avoid CERs price fluctuation risk .

  7. 关于我国高科技企业发行认股权证的若干思考

    The Thinks on Issuance of Warrants by High-tech Enterprises in China

  8. 佛山企业发行外币股票探讨

    On the Issue of Foreign Currency Stock of Foshan Enterprises

  9. 企业发行可转债筹资的思考

    Considerations about Enterprises ' Financing through Issuing the Convertible Bond

  10. 支持符合条件的整体搬迁企业发行债券,用于企业搬迁改造。

    Support eligible overall relocation companies issue bonds , transferring for enterprises .

  11. 企业发行人民币计价债券,其目标不仅仅在于投资中国内地。

    Companies are not only issuing renminbi-denominated bonds to invest on the mainland .

  12. 浅析企业发行可转换债券的策略

    Analysis on tactics of convertible Bond Issued by Enterprises

  13. 但实际上,企业发行的债务中,债务结构特征存在较大差异。

    In fact , enterprises debts are different in their debt financing structures .

  14. 但拥有最高评级的企业发行的债券缺乏吸引力。

    But issuance from top-rated companies has been lacklustre .

  15. 我们只能为政府和企业发行期限更长的债务稍作欢呼。

    Only two cheers that governments and companies are issuing more long-dated debt .

  16. 当前我国中小企业发行债券分析

    The Analysis of the Present Issuance of Small and Middle Corporate Bond in China

  17. 保荐人在企业发行上市过程中担当了实质审核的责任和信息公开担保的责任。

    The sponsors undertake responsibility of auditing issue of securities and guaranteeing information disclosure .

  18. 有些企业发行点心债券后,会把筹到的资金兑换为美元。

    Some groups are issuing dim sum bonds , then swapping the proceeds into dollars .

  19. 分析师估计,今年,仅中国内地企业发行上市的顾问费一项,就有望超过2亿美元。

    Analysts estimate that advisory fees from mainland listings alone will this year top $ 200m .

  20. 资本票据企业发行作为短期债务来源的定息工具。

    Capital note fixed income products issued by companies as a source of short term debt .

  21. 第三章介绍企业发行优先股可能面临的机遇和挑战。

    The third section is about opportunities and challenges to issue preferred stock for the companies .

  22. 因此,能否通过发行审核委员会会议的审核成为企业发行股票过程中的最后一关,也是决定企业能否上市的关键一关。

    Therefore through the meeting of issuance examination is the last step of IPO , but also the key step .

  23. 大量企业发行新股上市融资,为中国经济的发展作出了重要贡献。

    A large numbers of enterprises finance by issuing new shares . It makes a tremendous role in Chinese economic development .

  24. 评级主要用于企业发行债券,而对于保险公司的评级在国内非常少见,属于比较前沿的问题。

    The rating is mainly used for the enterprise bonds . Insurance finance strength rating is much rarely seen in China .

  25. 他补充称,银行间贷款、企业发行和信贷息差均显示出一些信贷解冻的迹象。

    Interbank lending , corporate issuance and credit spreads were showing some signs of a thaw in credit , he added .

  26. 邮政法对邮政企业发行报纸、期刊另有规定的,从其规定。

    Where there are provisions provided by the postal law on postal enterprises'distribution of newspapers and periodicals , such provisions shall prevail .

  27. 出版单位委托邮政企业发行报刊,应当与邮政企业订立发行合同。

    If publishing units entrust postal enterprises with distribution of newspapers and periodicals , they must make distribution contracts with postal enterprises .

  28. 另外由于我国目前设置的债券发行门槛过高,实际上剥夺了大部分中小企业发行债券的机会。

    Besides , our regulations for the bonding issuance are difficulty for the SMES , taking off the chance of bonding issuance .

  29. 股份制企业发行股票,应当按股票面值作为股本入帐。

    Amount of shares issued by a share-holding enterprise shall be accounted for as equity at the face value of the shares issued .

  30. 国内知名企业发行的其价值和股息均有保证的普通股;高价低收益。

    A common stock of a nationally known company whose value and dividends are reliable ; typically have high price and low yield .