
  • 网络Number of Enterprises
  1. 高新区内科技活动人员、R&D经费支出等科研资源嵌入,企业数、工业总产值等网络规模的扩大都是影响高新区出口贸易水平的重要因素。

    Second , the research resources such as technology personnel and R & D expenditures , the network scale such as the number of enterprises and industrial output are important factors affecting the level of exportation .

  2. 我国中小企业数已达到4200多万户,占全国企业总数的99.8%,但目前中小企业信息化率还不到10%。

    The number of small and medium enterprises ( SMEs ) in China has been more than 42 million which is 99.8 percent of the total number of enterprises , but only 10 percent less of those has been informatization .

  3. 根据智库考夫曼基金会(KauffmanFoundation)的研究,以人均小企业数计算,如今城市创业的最大温床是纽约而不是西海岸。

    The biggest hotbed of urban entrepreneurship , as measured by the number of small companies per head , is now New York , not the West Coast , according to research by the Kauffman Foundation , a think-tank .

  4. 诺基亚首席执行官拉杰夫•苏里(RajeevSuri)曾预计,考虑到电信设备行业的竞争压力,该行业的企业数随着时间的推移可能会减少至3家。

    Nokia 's chief executive Rajeev Suri has predicted that the industry would in time be reduced to as few as three companies given the competitive pressures it faces .

  5. 外资制造企业数年前就开始做出回应。

    Foreign-owned manufacturers started reacting years ago .

  6. 董辅礽高谈资本的贡献大股东占款金额与关联企业数呈正相关关系。

    The amount of capital the big shareholders occupy is positively correlated to the number of affiliated enterprises .

  7. 这或许可以解释,为什么除了资源领域以外,中国企业数月来没有进行大型海外收购。

    That may explain why , outside the resources sector , Chinese companies have made no big foreign acquisitions for months .

  8. 二是从R&D竞争有效性出发推断网络产业的大型企业数最佳为3个。

    Furthermore , the optimal number of the enterprises is 3 in the network economic industry for the R & D competition to be efficient .

  9. 三线城市中,房价与低附加值产业企业数正相关,与高附加值产业企业数负相关。

    In the lower-tier city , housing-price positively correlates with the number of low value-added companies , negatively correlating with the number of high value-added companies .

  10. 台资企业数和协议投资额分别列全市外商投资企业的第三位和第四位。

    The number of Taiwanese investment enterprises and the amount of agreed investment ranks third and fourth respectively among foreign business invested enterprises in the whole city .

  11. 分析的结论是:信息越完全,参与博弈的企业数越多,最终的成交价格越趋向于目标企业的真实价值。

    The analysis conclusion is : the more information is complete , and the more participates in gambling , the final deal price more tends to the goal enterprise 's real value .

  12. 今年上半年外商对华投资企业数、合同外资金额和实际投入金额均比上年同期大幅增长。

    The first six months of this year saw considerable increases in the number of foreign-funded enterprises and both committed and paid-in overseas investment when compared with the same period of last year .

  13. 第二,一线城市中房价与低附加值产业企业数存在明显的负向关系,而与高附加值产业企业数的关系并不明显。

    Second . housing-price and the number of the low value-added industries have obvious negative relationship and the relationship between price and the number of high value-added industries is not obvious in the first-tier city .

  14. 本文认为外商在华直接投资区位选择是多种区位因素共同作用的结果,其中政策因素和中外资工业企业个数对FDI的分布具有较为显著影响。

    This thesis concludes that the location choice of FDI in China is a common result of many different location factors . Among them , POLICY and CORP offer amore significant impact on the distribution of FDI .

  15. 由于越南央行(statebankofvietnam)试图从金融系统中回笼流动性,以遏制通胀并压低越南盾兑美元汇率,大量外资企业最近数周都受到了影响。

    A number of foreign businesses have been affected in recent weeks , as the State Bank of Vietnam , the central bank , tries to drain liquidity from the financial system to control inflation and hold down the value of the Dong against the dollar .

  16. 北欧国家有全球性竞争力的企业为数不少。

    The Nordic countries have an impressive number of globally competitive companies .

  17. 制定度身定制制服企业号型数的理论探讨

    Theoretical Study on How to Determine the Size Series of Enterprises Custom-made Garment

  18. 而我经营奎恩联合企业只有数周

    I 've been running Queen Consolidated mere weeks .

  19. 限额以下工业企业单位数为69544个,工业总产值为171.56亿元。

    Number of under designated industrial enterprises is69544 , gross industrial output value is171.56 billion yuan .

  20. 我要表明观点:目前这样的大企业为数尚不多。

    I want to be clear : this is only a few big corporations so far .

  21. 注:本页为全部国有和规模以上非国有工业企业统计数。

    Note : data of industry in this table refer to state-owned industrial enterprises and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises above designated size .

  22. 至少6级供应链才能采用联合的策略,并且联合的企业个数至少是5个;

    ( ii ) At least 6-level chain can use the coalition strategy and the combined enterprise contains 5 companies at least ;

  23. 注:上海限额以上工业企业单位数为不含村以下,市独立和非独立核算的全部工业企业单位。

    Note : Number of industrial enterprises over designated size of Shanghai excludes village below , municipal independent and dependent accounting enterprises .

  24. 影响水域面积变化的主要因子是工业企业个数、粮食总产量和农业总产值。

    The main impact factors of changes in the water area are the number of industrial enterprises , the food production and the agricultural output value .

  25. 目前我国果胶生产现状为:生产企业为数不多,生产规模小,生产技术工艺相对落后,优质产品少,生产技术工艺中仍有部分问题尚未解决。

    The present domestic situation of pectin producing is as follows : few pectin companies , small manufacturing scale , backward producing technology , few good products .

  26. 江西省软件外包产业在国内相对比较落后:2010年,江西省的软件外包企业个数仅为68个,在全国排倒数第五,软件外包业务收入仅排在倒数第九。

    The software outsourcing enterprise number was only about 68 in 2010 . It was in the bottom fifth row . Software outsourcing business income ranked ninth countdown .

  27. 不过,他告诫称,在页岩气领域符合资格的中国企业为数不多,可能使招标过程难以高效率地发挥作用。

    He cautioned , however , that the small number of eligible Chinese companies in the shale gas field could make it difficult for the tender process to work efficiently .

  28. 今年,更多的美国公司可能在越南市场上找到立足之地,这样可能会以较高的企业签署数刷新记录。

    This year , more US firms are likely to find foothold in the Vietnamese markets and will probably , also achieve new records by signing higher number of joint ventures .

  29. 但最近市场人气的变化,也表明投资者对中国风电股的狂热正在冷却。直到不久前,由于在海外上市的中国风电企业为数不多,这些公司的股票很受投资者追捧。

    But this latest change in sentiment also marks a cooling of the mania for Chinese wind stocks , which until recently benefited from being in short supply because only a handful were listed internationally .

  30. 今年3月实施工商登记制度改革后,各地新增企业登记数迅速增加,增加了40%以上,极大促进了创业就业。

    The reform of business registration system in March this year was followed by a surge of over 40 % in the number of newly registered businesses , giving strong boost to new business start-ups and job creation .