
  • 网络Enterprise Security;corporate security
  1. 论基于linux平台的跨区域企业安全网络方案

    Regional Enterprise Security Network Based on Linux Platform

  2. 加密和签名是大多数企业安全实现的基础,回顾一下这些特性,看看如何在您自己的Web服务中应用它们。

    Encryption and signing are the basis for most enterprise security implementations , so check back to see how you can apply these features in your own web services .

  3. 基于Web的供电企业安全性评价系统就是在这样的背景下产生的。

    The security evaluation system of the power supply enterprise has come into being under such a background .

  4. 加快HSE管理体系建设,推动企业安全管理水平提升。

    The company also accelerates hidden perils rectification and HSE system building to upgrade security management .

  5. 根据南方某大型炼油化工有限公司提供的各生产工段的安全状况数据构建安全评价网络,并利用MATLAB软件对网络进行训练。得出可以对石油化工企业安全生产进行较为客观评价的人工神经网络模型。

    On the basis of safety condition data from a large-scale domestic petroleum refinery company , a safety assessment network model structure is set up by means of MATLAB .

  6. 应用模糊识别原理,结合AHP法和综合集成赋权法确定权重系数,提出了道路运输企业安全评价模型;

    Applying with fuzzy identifying principle and adopting AHP ( analytical hierarchy process ), the paper has put forward a safety evaluation model of road transportation enterprises ;

  7. 人工智能(AI)在反恐怖主义这一应用领域是政府和企业安全方案增长最快的组成部分。

    Artificial intelligence ( AI ) applications in the field of counter-terrorism are among the fastest growing components of security programming for both government and corporate entities .

  8. 将模糊综合评价与层次分析法相结合,建立了企业安全多级模糊综合评价模型,采用VISUALFOXPRO语言,运用面向对象的程序设计方法,编制了模糊综合评价软件和数据库。

    Combined with the fuzzy synthetical assessment and analytical hierarchy process , a model of multilevel fuzzy synthetical safety assessment is built for enterprises and its software and database are worked out by using the visual Foxpro language and the programme design method which is oriented to the object .

  9. PKI(公开密钥基础设施)正成为企业安全体系结构的核心部分,网络中的许多应用即将或已经在使用PKI技术,以保证网络传输中的身份认证、不可否认、加密解密和密钥管理等。

    PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure ) is nucleus division of enterprise safety architecture , many applications in network will use or have used PKI technology in order to guarantee the identification cannot negation , encrypt or decrypt and cipher code manage in network transfers .

  10. ESCPP是一种有效促进企业安全文化持续发展而建立的系统化方法和工作体系。

    ESCPP is a kind of systemization method and working system for promoting continuous development of safety culture .

  11. 企业安全管理有明显的经济效益与社会效益。

    Enterprise safety management has obvious economic benefits and society benefits .

  12. 提高安全意识和技能促进企业安全生产

    Improving Safety Awareness and skill , Promoting the Enterprise Safety Production

  13. 企业安全生产的经济效益分析及预测方法研究

    Enterprise Safety Produce Economy Performance Analysis and Prediction Method Research

  14. 论职业安全健康管理体系与企业安全文化

    On Occupational Safety Health Management System and Enterprise Safety Culture

  15. 探索矿山企业安全文化建设的途径

    Probe the way to build the mine enterprise safety culture

  16. 企业安全评价与建筑安全管理

    Enterprise 's safety evaluation and safety management of the construction

  17. 提高危险化学品企业安全评价报告质量的探讨

    Probing into Improve the Report of Safety Assessment of Dangerous Chemical Enterprise

  18. 零售连锁企业安全库存神经网络模型预测

    Safety Stock Forecast by Neural Network of Retail Chain Enterprise

  19. 提升煤矿企业安全监督管理能力的途径

    Access to improve safety supervision and management capacity of coal mine enterprises

  20. 石化企业安全生产模糊综合评价系统的研究

    Research on fuzzy synthetic evaluation system of production security in petrochemical enterprise

  21. 保险对企业安全监督管理之作用

    Effect of Insurance on Safety Supervision and Management in Enterprises

  22. 煤矿企业安全生产风险抵押金制度初探

    Initial exploration on risk bond system for safety production of coal enterprise

  23. 矿山企业安全管理新体制的建立与实践

    Establishment and Practice of a New System of Safety Management in Mining Enterprises

  24. 企业安全管理中一个重要问题是职工对安全的态度。

    An important subject in safety control for enterprises is workers'altitude toward safety .

  25. 加强改制企业安全生产管理的探讨

    On the safe production management in system changed enterprises

  26. 企业安全投资行为的经济研究

    Investigating Enterprises ' Safety Investment Behaviors in Economic Method

  27. 企业安全文化的建设与活动模式

    Safety culture construction and activity model of the enterprises

  28. 企业安全管理群体行为与动力理论探讨

    Theoretical Discussion of Group Behavior and Group Motivation in Safety Management of Enterprises

  29. 提高石化企业安全从业人员素质的问题探讨

    On Problem of Safety Personnel Diathesis in Petrochemical Enterprise

  30. 加强煤矿企业安全文化建设的几点认识

    Cognition on Strengthening Safety Consciousness in Coal Mine Enterprises