
  1. CBA联赛的运营也同样是以依靠联赛产品的销售实现其正常的运作。

    The CBA league operation also depends on league products sales to realize its normal development .

  2. 在竞争日益激烈的中国汽车市场上,经销商发现,通过新车销售实现盈利变得愈发困难。

    In the highly competitive China automotive market , dealers are finding it increasingly difficult to achieve profitability from new-vehicle sales .

  3. 于是一次几乎不可能的销售实现了,一个空置了许多年的天才销售奖项终于有了得主。

    So once the sale is almost impossible to achieve , and a vacant for many years finally genius marketing award winners .

  4. 中国成了增长的主要引擎。与一年前相比,巴宝莉在中国的同类商品销售实现了创纪录的30%的增长。

    The growth was driven by China , which produced a record like-for-like sales increase of 30 per cent compared to a year ago .

  5. 如今,该公司计划通过这一网络(包括展示和视频网络),将所有的网上广告销售实现自动化。

    Now , the company plans to automate the sale of all types of online advertising through the network , including display and video .

  6. 法拉利在亚太地区的销售实现了创纪录的47.2%,而在美国和德国的增长却只有一位数,这两个地区曾经是其最大的市场。

    Ferrari recorded 47.2 per cent growth in sales in Asia-Pacific , compared with single-digit growth in the US and Germany , historically its largest markets .

  7. 图书品牌有利于提高大学出版社的市场竞争力和知名度,进而促进图书的销售实现经济效益。

    Books brand will help improve the market competitiveness and visibility of the University Press , thereby promote the sale of books to achieve economic efficiency .

  8. 来自中国及其他新兴市场(如巴西)的游客也推动了意大利业务的增长,同店销售实现了28%的增幅。

    Tourists from China and other emerging markets such as Brazil also drove growth in Italy , where sales rose 28 per cent on a like-for-like basis .

  9. 同时,图书产品具有多品种、小批量,以及产品生产流程中的多环节、多部门、多渠道与产品销售实现的时空差距等,使选题开发比一般产品开发更具风险性。

    Simultaneously , it has multi-links of realization , multi-departments , multi-channel and sale realization space and time disparity for the central flow , which causes the selected-topic have more risk compared to the common product .

  10. 大众汽车已度过了两年的困难时期,2006年其销售实现了40%的增长,而通用汽车仍然运转正常,去年与市场保持同样的增速。

    Volkswagen has recovered from a difficult two years to post a 40 per cent increase in 2006 sales , while General Motors is still firing on all cylinders , growing as fast as the market last year .

  11. 基于收益提成的转让定价策略要求在交易达成时受让方首先向转让方支付一个固定费用,然后在销售实现时根据实际的销售收益按照一定的比例进行提成。

    Based on revenue technology transfer pricing strategy requests when the technology transfer the transferee pay a fixed fee to the transferor at first , and then pay a variable fee according to the actual revenue during the future operation .

  12. 然而,只要能从材料销售中实现高利润率,现有的大型3D打印公司就将不情愿开放商业模式。

    However , the big incumbents will be reluctant to open up their business models while they can achieve such high profit margins on materials sales .

  13. 同时,现有电信智能卡管理模式难以满足支撑3G电子化销售平台实现统一销售、号码共享、销售激活的要求。

    Meanwhile , the existing telecom smart card management difficult to meet the 3G support the reunification of electronic sales platform sales , number of shares , sales activation request .

  14. 另一方面,通用汽车和福特汽车(Ford)过去10年里在中国取得了显著增长,这一增长主要是靠向中国国内市场销售汽车实现的。中国汽车市场的规模现在已超过美国。

    At the same time , GM and Ford have enjoyed stellar growth in China over the past decade , mainly by selling into the domestic market , which has now surpassed the US in size .

  15. 它是一个销售不能实现的梦想的魔鬼工业。

    It is a monster industry selling unattainable dreams .

  16. 本职位的主要工作,是带领公司的销售团队实现销售目标。

    To lead the current sales team to achieve sales revenue of the company .

  17. 营销观&服务客户,满足需求,扩大销售,实现利润。

    Marketing Value – Serving Customers , Meeting Demands , Expanding Sales Volume , Realizing Profits .

  18. 实际操作中,不同产品的复杂性与银行家之间的竞争,使得交叉销售难以实现。

    In practice , cross-selling is made difficult by the complexity of different products and the rivalries among bankers .

  19. 把底薪控制在最低水平,在销售人员实现较高的销售目标后再给予他们大量奖励。

    Keep bases to a minimum , but give them lots of upside if they sell above highly set goals .

  20. 不过,这些地方不太可能是决定汽车品牌知名度能否建立的市场,也不太可能是带来可观利润的批量销售得以实现的市场。

    These are hardly , though , the markets where automotive reputations are won or lost or where really profitable volume sales are made .

  21. 对非常依赖年底销售以实现全年业绩目标的很多零售商来说,这个不景气的购物季节可能是他们最后的救命稻草。

    A sluggish shopping season could be the final straw for many retailers who rely heavily on year-end sales to hit their full-year targets .

  22. 巷道采煤与地面瓦斯抽采联动,尤其是抽放后进行增压外输销售,实现商品化,在国内还是一个新课题。

    Combined underground coal extraction by entries with surface CBM drainage , especially pressurization of gas for transmission for sales purposes , is a new topic in this country .

  23. 这种新的销售模式实现了消费者与厂商之间的直接交易,节约了中间成本,成就了消费者与厂商之间的双赢。

    This new mode of sale promotes the direct transaction between consumers and manufactures , which could save the intermediate costs and realize the win-win results between consumers and manufactures .

  24. 这则制作成本不到2000美元的广告在无数重大赛事广告调查中胜出,而比赛前后几周中多力多滋的销售也实现增长。

    The spot , which cost just under $ 2,000 to craft , won numerous big-game ad polls , and sales of the snack increased during the weeks surrounding the game .

  25. 保险公司的经营中由于缺乏明确的战略,产品贪大求全,难以集中使用资源,产品销售未能实现专业化等因素,都在影响着产品销售的广度、客户服务的满意度以及管理的深度。

    Due to the lack of clear strategy and an inappropriately broad product range , insurance companies are unable to centralize their resources in operation and are far from being specialized in sales .

  26. 本文介绍了在煤层厚度变化大,所含矸石岩性变化大,赋存条件复杂煤层,实施综采开采过程中工艺控制及煤炭洗选销售,实现安全高产及经济效益双盈的实践。

    In this article an application of the technique control and coal selecting and sale in the process of comprehensive mechanized coal mining under complex coal seams with diverse thickness and lithology was introduced .

  27. 商业地产项目开发的最终目的是通过出租经营或者销售来实现其利润,但是由于其开发周期长、投资大,受经济发展和政策的影响也大,因此其风险很大。

    It 's development period is long , investment is large and great affected by economic development and policy . It 's final purpose is to realize developing profits through hiring out and managing or selling , so it is very risky .

  28. 再对近3年的销售指标实现率(结果)更深层的分析,发现其5年前制定的公司经营战略已不能适应公司在当前经济环境下的发展,A公司必须对公司经营战略进行调整。

    Besides , with the deeper of analysis of sales indication to achieve rate ( results ) in recent 3 years , it found that the strategies of managements made 5 years ago can not meet the development of the company in the current economic environment .

  29. 基于Multi-Agent的协同图书销售系统原型实现

    Realization of Multi - Agent - Based Conjunctional Book Sales System

  30. 该职位将负责每月销售目标的实现负责。

    The position will be responsible for achieving monthly sales goals .