
  • 网络Sales skills;Selling Skills;salesmanship
  1. 这不是说要把你转变成盲目乐观的人,只是提升你的销售技巧。

    This is not meant to turn you into a Pollyanna , but to sharpen your selling skills .

  2. 否则就用你的销售技巧,要求这份工作。

    Otherwise use your sales skills and ask for the job .

  3. “女友氛围”推销法是一种加入了恭维和调情元素的销售技巧。

    Girlfriend Vibes is a type of sales technique that involves flattery and flirtation .

  4. 一切都需要耐性,毅力,销售技巧以及策略。

    This will take patience , fortitude , salesmanship and strategy .

  5. 全世界的观众领略了他世界一流的销售技巧.

    a global audience in his famous apple product presentations .

  6. 有些销售技巧上的错误也同样令我震惊。

    The mistakes in sales techniques are equally appalling .

  7. 谘询销售技巧:利益销售而非强行销售。

    Consultative selling : benefit selling , not hard-selling .

  8. 具有销售技巧和商业谈判技能。

    Sales know how and negotiation skills .

  9. 所以我可以推测,她挑逗我只是销售技巧的一种罢了。

    So , am I to presume that her flirtation was just a sales technique ?

  10. 具备相当销售技巧和开拓市场能力;

    Excellent skills in sales and marketing ;

  11. 我学到销售技巧,而且我发现我很喜欢业务工作。

    I acquired the sales skills , and I discovered that I quite like being a salesperson .

  12. 我正在墨西哥的圣卢卡斯搜寻有关的销售技巧。

    Greetings , I 'm on location in Cabo san Lucas , Mexico , searching for sales ideas .

  13. 可以是任何方面:技能专长、销售技巧、营销洞察力或组织后勤知识。

    This can be anything : technical expertise , sales skill , marketing insight , or logistical know-how .

  14. 你打算每天花多少时间来提高你的销售技巧?

    How much time are you going to spend , daily , to improve your own sales skills ?

  15. 熟悉销售技巧、可以独立开发业务,并具备很好的商业感觉和快速学习与适应能力。

    Familiar with sales techniques and capable to generate new sales leads , maintain and develop customer relations .

  16. 此外,餐厅的布置或特定的销售技巧也可能指示来源,从而就涉及到商业外观的保护。

    Also , restaurant decor or particular sales techniques may function as source-identifier and thus invoke trade dress protection .

  17. 而不是普通的‘更好的销售技巧’等等。[qh]男:这听起来很有远见。

    Not the usual ' Better Sales Techniques ' , etc. [ qh ] Man : That sounds very forward-looking .

  18. 自从5年前在伦敦开始经营连锁餐馆以来,西蒙伍德罗夫学到了很多销售技巧。

    Simon Woodroffe has learnt many sales tricks since he opened a chain of restaurants in London five years ago .

  19. 现在相关管理部门开始禁止这样不规范的销售技巧,因此一些制药公司也或多或少不再使用这种技巧。

    Regulators now frown on such iffy sales techniques , and drug firms have more or less stopped using them .

  20. 在这个行业里,我们想去哪工作都行,只要我们受过适当的培训并掌握熟练的销售技巧。

    There is no limit to where we can go in this profession if we are properly trained and skilled in selling .

  21. 这节课是三节课中的第二部分,将学习有用的电话销售技巧:打无约电话。

    This is the second in our three-part Business English Podcast lesson on a useful telephone and sales skill : cold calling .

  22. 需要时间和经验来创造销售技巧,你做好了就会有回报。

    It takes time and experience to create a great sales pitch but when you do , it can be very rewarding .

  23. 他是个非常上进的人,据他自己说自从加入公司后,已经学习了好多销售技巧的人。

    He is a self-motivated person who says that he has learned a great deal of sales skills since he joined the company .

  24. 在加上我所有你们所要求的销售技巧可以更好的招揽买卖帮助公司提高销售业绩。

    Combining I have the sales skill that you require and can also give great sales talks that effectively promote your sales figures .

  25. 尤其是,我们要看看如何用一些软销售技巧向你的消费者销售产品。

    In particular , we 'll see how you can sell your products in relation to your customers'needs with a few soft-sell techniques .

  26. 提供优质的产品和服务只是获取成功的部分要素,销售技巧更为重要,约翰-欧多纳尔如是说。

    Providing a good product or service is only part of the picture . Sales skills are vital for success , writes John O'Donnell .

  27. 例如:酒店发展专业,擅长市场营销和销售技巧的创新,曾在过去的12个月中为我的老板赢得了50万美元的利润。

    Example : Hospitality business development professional with a strength in creative sales and marketing techniques that generated $ 500,000 in new revenue for my employer in 12 months .

  28. 同时提供完善的售后服务,为客户的员工提供酒类专业知识培训、销售技巧等。

    We do strict quanlity control and stock management to insure quanlity of goods , complete aftercare service and provide professional knowledge of the spirits and wine to our customers .

  29. 综述了中国饲料添加荆预混料生产概况,新型饲料添加剂预混料开发目标和饲料添加剂预混料销售技巧。

    The general situation of feed additive premix production , developmental target of new types of feed additive and premix important marketing skill of feed additive premix were summarized in this paper .

  30. 商业外观是指商品的总体形象或总体外貌,包括尺寸、外形、颜色或颜色组合、构造、图形,甚至特殊的销售技巧。

    The trade dress is total image of a product and may include features such as size , shape , colour , or colour combinations , texture , graphics , or even particular sales techniques .