
  • 网络sales growth;Sales Growth Rate;growth rate of sales
  1. 据金融研究公司Sageworks分析表明:去年,家庭健康护理服务业的销售增长率达11.2%,使其成为美国增长最迅速的行业。

    In the past year , the home health care services industry has experienced sales growth of 11.2 % , making it the fastest growing industry in the U.S. , according to Sageworks , a financial analysis company .

  2. 该模型包含了:资本流量、现金流量、资本成本、销售增长率。

    The model includes : capital flow , cash flow , capital cost and sales growth rate .

  3. iPhone推出期间,BodyGuardz较上一季度的销售增长率平均为34%。

    During iPhone launches , bodyguardz has experienced an average of 34 percent growth in sales over the previous quarter .

  4. 除企业家创新意识的个别维度与创新绩效中的销售增长率等指标无显著相关外,企业家创新意识与企业创新绩效都呈显著正相关。

    Entrepreneurial innovation consciousness was significant positive correlated with enterprise innovation performance except individual dimension .

  5. 注意第一年销售增长率为20%,从第二年开始以后按5%增长。

    Note that Sales growth is20 percent in year one and5 percent in year two and beyond .

  6. 与中国其它许多产业一样,销售增长率一直伴以白热化的竞争。

    Like so many other industries in China , the growth rate in sales has been accompanied by cut-throat competition .

  7. 财务可持续增长率其实就是在不过度使用企业财务资源的情况下,企业所能取得的最大销售增长率。

    The sustainable growth of financial fact is not excessive use of enterprise financial resources situation ; the enterprise can obtain the biggest sales growth .

  8. 2001年湖北省中小企业群体数量逐年减少、销售增长率为9.1%、净资产增长率-21.4%,具有明显的波动性、随机性和收敛性。

    The findings shows sale growth ratio is 9.1 percent and net asset growth ratio is - 21.4 percent , which displays an obvious fluctuation , randomicity and convergence .

  9. 在过去十年中,销售增长率为36%,并于2002年达到了1.26亿美元。

    Sales have grown at a rate of thirty-six per cent for the last ten years and in two thousand and two , reached one hundred and twenty-six million dollars .

  10. 今年,中国经济放缓已使阿里巴巴受到了冲击。在经济放缓形势下,阿里巴巴上一季度的销售增长率降至三年多来最低水平。

    This year the company has been hit by China 's slowing economy , which have pushed down sales to their lowest growth rates in over three years last quarter .

  11. 代工企业专用资产投资的程度与公司实力、销售增长率呈正相关关系,与盈利能力呈负相关关系。

    Invested in special assets is found to be positively concerned with the sales growth rate and the capability , while it is negatively related to the profitability of the firm .

  12. 内部因素对上市公司商业信用影响的实证研究结果表明,公司规模、销售增长率和销售净利率与公司提供的商业信用负相关,而与公司使用的商业信用显著正相关。

    Our empirical research shows firm size , sales growth and net income are positive correlative with trade credit that firms provide and are negative correlative with trade credit that firms use .

  13. 据2008-2009年的统计数据显示,装备制造行业平均盈利水平很低,有些财务指标如销售增长率及净利润增长率是负值。

    Average profitability in this industry is quite low . And some indicators such as sales growth and net profit growth rate are negative , according to statistical data of 2008 and 2009 .

  14. 在2011年全年和2012年初还是百分之十几的同店销售增长率,在截至今年6月的三个月里已经降至6%,如今则完全停止增长。

    Same-store sales growth , which was in the teens through 2011 and early 2012 , had already slowed to 6 per cent in the three months to June and has now hit zero .

  15. 与此同时,医疗器械市场也颇景气:美国市场销售增长率为5.1%,欧盟为6.1%,日本为8.3%。

    In the meantime , the whole medical appliance market shows extreme prosperity . The growth ratio for medical appliance is 5.1 % for USA market , 6.1 % for Europe , and 8.3 % for Japan .

  16. 该矩阵可以比较直观地显示出地市报的市场竞争实力,以及其销售增长率与市场占有率,可以显示报业产品发展的良好前景。

    The matrix can compare the visual display of local newspapers , showing the strength of market competition , as well as its sales growth and market share , Product development can show good prospects of the press .

  17. 多角化相关度和中小型企业的经营绩效没有显著相关性,而对于大型企而言,多角化相关度的提高有利于其盈利能力,但有损于其销售增长率。

    For SME , there is no prominent relationship between diversification relatedness and performance . But for LSE , the increase of diversification relatedness will benefit its profitability , but do harm to its sales growth . 3 .

  18. 根据兼顾企业利益相关者和持续成长的要求、可比性和客观性的原则,本文选择销售增长率和净资产增长率作为中小企业成长性的定量评价指标。

    According to requirements of benefit-in-stakes and sustaining growth , its comparative principle and objectivity , we choose the sale growth ratio and net asset growth ratio as a quantitative index of estimating the growth of SMEs in Hubei province .

  19. 最后,作者探索了可持续增长率理论的一些财务运用方法,及其在财务应用过程中应注意的问题,并在可持续销售增长率理论的基础上创造性地尝试推导了可持续股东权益增长率模型。

    At last , it creatively explores a few applications and tips when put sustainable growth rate theory into daily financial management , while based on classical sustainable growth rate formula on sales , it attempts to model sustainable growth rate on equity .

  20. 电子商务能力维度为:电子商务战略能力、电子商务技术资源和电子商务管理能力;测量企业绩效的指标为:资金周转率、销售增长率、销售利润率、净利润率、交易成本和顾客满意度。

    E-business capability dimensions including : E-business strategic capability , E-business technology resources and E-business management ability ; the indexes of measuring firm performance including : Capital turnover , Sales growth , Sales profit margins , Net profit margins , Transaction costs and Customer satisfaction .

  21. 本文在对商务人士进行产业变量问卷调查的基础上研究了产业效应对中国公司绩效的影响,证实了产业解释了中国企业11.8%总体财务绩效方差,16.2%的盈利能力方差和21.8%的销售增长率方差。

    This paper examines the importance of industry variables on the performance of Chinese firms based on the questionnaires to business people . The results indicate that industry account for 11.8 % of overall financial performance variance , 16.3 % of profitability variance and 23.2 sales growth variance .

  22. 可持续增长率(SGR)是企业保持正常经营条件下所能实现的最高的销售收入增长率;

    ( c ) Sustainable growth rate is the highest sales growth rate that the firms can obtain under the normal operation conditions ;

  23. 如不论产品性质一律以销售年增长率为准。

    Only consider annual market growth rate while disregarding the nature of products ;

  24. 年销售收入增长率和现金流量比等其他因素始终都没有通过显著性检验。

    The other factors , such as increasing rate of yearly sales income and CF / P do not pass the test .

  25. 伯恩斯坦研究公司预算,联合利华需要实现每年7%的销售收入增长率,才可以在2020年之前实现总收入翻一番的目标。

    Bernstein Research calculates that Unilever would need to achieve growth of7 per cent a year to double last year 's € 44bn by2020 .

  26. 同时,金融机构本外币贷款增长的正向冲击在短期内导致房屋销售价格增长率的正向变化。

    Meanwhile , financial institutions and foreign currency loan growth in the short term the positive impact of home sales price growth leads to positive changes .

  27. 选择了规模、销售收入增长率、管理层是否持股以及行业虚拟变量为控制变量。

    Also chooses size , the rate of increase of the sales income , administration and whether supervision authorities are to hold share and the trade fictitious variable as control variables .

  28. 据官方数据,今年上半年中国的珠宝销售年增长率超过40%,相比之下整体零售行业的销售额增长了17%。

    Jewellery sales grew in China at an annual rate of more than 40 per cent in the first half of this year , according to official figures , compared with overall retail sales up 17 per cent .

  29. 本文分析了企业销售可持续增长率的构成因素,论述了实际销售增长率超过或低于可持续增长率的调控技术,以实现企业销售的可持续增长。

    The text analyses the composition factor of sustainable growth rate of enterprises ′ sales , expound technology , the controlling when actual sale is exceed or lower than the sustainable rate of growth , in order to promote the sustainable growth .

  30. 可持续增长财务管理模型是建立在一系列假设条件基础上计算出满足公司资本结构和经营效率的销售收入可持续增长率SGR,并以此为依据对销售收入进行日常控制和未来规划。

    Sustainable growth , financial management model based on series of assumes illustrates the sustainable growth rate ( SGR ) which accords with the capital structure and operational efficiency . With the SGR we can control and plan the growth level of sales revenue .