
xiāo shòu huò wù
  • market the goods
  1. 小规模纳税人销售货物或者应税劳务的。

    Sale of goods or taxable services by small-scal e taxpayers .

  2. 向消费者销售货物或者应税劳务的;

    Sale of goods or taxable services to consumers ;

  3. 销售货物的一般性条件问题工作组

    Working Group on General Conditions of Sale of Goods

  4. 有完善的基础设施来运输和销售货物。

    An infrastructure that gets things shipped and marketed .

  5. 广告有助于销售货物。

    The advertisement is contributed to sale goods .

  6. 农场主结成联盟,以便用合理的价格销售货物。

    The farmers are forming a combination to market their goods at fair prices .

  7. 销售货物收入;

    Income from selling goods ;

  8. 实盘是卖方承诺以既定的价格在规定的时间内销售货物的时候发出的。

    A firm offer is made when a seller promises to sell goods at a stated price within a stated period of time .

  9. 本公约不适用于由于向任何人销售货物造成的死亡或人身伤害而需要卖方承担的责任。

    This Convention does not apply to the liability of the seller for death or personal injury caused by the goods to any person .

  10. 在永续存盘制度下,商品存货和销售货物的成本帐户通常显示存货和一段时间内销售货物的总成本的平衡。

    The periodic system requires that a physical count of the merchandise on hand be taken to determine the account of goods in the ending inventory .

  11. (ⅳ)在进口国因进口或销售货物而应付的关税和其他国内税;

    ( iv ) the customs duties and other national taxes payable in the country of importation by reason of the importation or sale of the goods .

  12. 采取赊销和分期收款方式销售货物,为按合同约定的收款日期的当天;

    When adopting sales on credit and instalment collection methods for sale of goods , the date on which payment is receivable as agreed upon in the contract ;

  13. 纳税人销售货物或者应税劳务的价格明显偏低并无正当理由的,由主管税务机关核定其销售额。蹩脚货,无人间津。

    Where the price used by the taxpayer in selling goods or taxable services is obviously low and without proper justification , the sales amount shall be determined by the competent tax authorities .

  14. 在国际货物贸易中,卖方在销售货物的同时需要承担一定的知识产权担保责任。

    In the international sales of goods , as an international practice rule , the seller must assume the warranty of the intellectual property rights ( IPRs ) for the goods he delivered .

  15. 采取预收货款方式销售货物,为货物发出的当天;“如果我们以这种方式来做,我们的销售量会提高。”

    For sales of goods with payment received in advance , it shall be the date on which the goods are delivered ; " If we do it in this way , our sales will go up . "

  16. 货物和商品的赊销是推动现代经济发展的一大动因。采取预收货款方式销售货物,为货物发出的当天;

    One of the key factors underlying the growth of the modern economy is the trend toward selling goods and services on account . For sales of goods with payment received in advance , it shall be the date on which the goods are delivered ;

  17. 纳税人为销售货物而出租出借包装物收取的押金,单独记帐核算的,不并入销售额征税。

    Deposits collected by a taxpayer on packaging materials leased or lent out in the sales of goods and that are recorded and accounted for separately are not included in the sales amount for tax levy . The consignee is holding responsible for the goods he has received on consignment .

  18. 他从销售的货物中提取5%的佣金。

    He took 5 % commission on the goods he had sold .

  19. 销售代销货物;

    Commission goods to others for selling ;

  20. 销售免税货物的;

    Sale of VAT exempt goods ;

  21. 适合市场销售的货物。

    Goods fit for the market .

  22. 按照该价格销售的货物合计销售总量最大。

    The greatest quantity of goods was sold , in aggregate , at the price in question .

  23. 那个出口商想要靠一位独立代理人在国外销售其货物。

    The exporter wishes to market his goods in a foreign country through instrumentality of an independent agent .

  24. 被雇来销售商品货物的人(如在商店中向顾客或向被拜访的顾客销售)。

    A person employed to sell merchandise ( as to customers in a store or to customers that are visited ) .

  25. 对于在运输途中销售的货物,从订立合同时起,风险就移转到买方承担。

    The risk in respect of goods sold in transit passes to the Buyer from the time of the conclusion of the contract .

  26. 公司主要经营农药加工、复配及农化产品应用技术的研究以及农药销售、货物及技术的进出口。

    Pesticide company mainly engaged in processing , compounding and agricultural products applied technology research and pesticide sales , goods and technology import and export .

  27. 中国将取消双重定价做法,并取消对于生产供在中国销售的货物和生产供出口的货物之间的差别待遇。

    China would eliminate dual pricing practices as well as differences in treatment accorded to goods produced for sale in China in comparison to those produced for export .

  28. 第二种是经销代理人和经纪人,他们是自己经营,但却主要为他人进行买卖的机构。他们对所销售的货物没有货权。

    The second , merchandise agents and brokers , are wholesaling establishments whose operators are in business for themselves and are primarily engaged in selling or buying goods for others .

  29. 外贸业务管理系统包括计划管理、系统管理、财务接口、综合分析、统计查询、国外收购、国内销售、货物管理、出口操作、日常工作、客户管理、商品管理、国外销售、国内收购。

    Foreign trade affairs management system includes plan management , system management , financial interface , synthesis analysis , statistic and inquiry , oversea purchase , domestic sale , cargo management , export operation , daily affairs , client management , commodity management , export affairs , domestic purchase .

  30. 他们善于销售他们的货物。

    They are good at marketing their goods .