
  1. 招标出让土地使用权的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on Selling Land Using Right by Auction Bidding Information

  2. 其他单位不得出让土地使用权。

    Other units shall not assign the land-use right .

  3. 沿海地区对外商出让土地使用权的现状

    Compensated transfer of land in the coastal area

  4. 然后着重阐述了公益性收回行为的对象&我国出让土地使用权的特点。

    Then , it emphasizes the object of the withdrawing activity & the remising land-use right .

  5. 公益性收回出让土地使用权法律性质研究

    Research on the Legal Nature of the Withdrawing Remising Land-use Right Activity Based on the Public Interests

  6. 与此相对应,单位或个人取得的国有土地使用权,根据取得方式的不同,可分为国有划拨土地使用权、出让土地使用权、承租土地使用权和作价出资(入股)土地使用权。

    Corresponding to this practice , the rights to use state-run land can be classified depending on the ways of rights acquisition .

  7. 因此,本文的写作目的就在于研究我国因公共利益收回出让土地使用权的行为。

    Therefore , the aim of this dissertation is to make an investigation of the withdrawing remising land-use right activities based on the public interests .

  8. 对于征收的国有土地使用权进行补偿,应该采用类型化的方法,区分出让土地使用权补偿和划拨土地使用权补偿。

    For the compensation of recovery of state-owned land use right , approach of type should be adopted , distinction between compensation of land use-right of the transfer and compensation of land use right of assign .

  9. 因此,有些人把房价的上涨归因于土地价格的上涨,进而归因于招标拍卖挂牌出让土地使用权制度的实施。

    The rise of house price , therefore , is attributed to the rise of land price , and further to the implementation of inviting public bidding and public sale and hanging brand remising system of land access .

  10. 在征收程序方面,本文从征收程序的重要性出发,从程序信息的公开和建立土地征收的监督机制两方面对征收出让土地使用权程序进行了一定的完善。

    In the aspect of procedure , this dissertation states from the importance of the land expropriation process , consummates the process of remising land-use right expropriation from the publicity of the relative information and the supervision system of land expropriation .

  11. 我国土地理论界一直认为,土地征收的对象在我国仅仅是集体土地所有权,对于公益性收回出让土地使用权的行为并不包含在传统的土地征收理论当中。

    The land theories in China always consider that the object of the land expropriation is only the collective land-owner right , which means that the withdrawing activity which object is national land-use right is not contained in the traditional land expropriation theory .

  12. 对于出让土地使用权终止后地上建筑物和其他附着物的归属应当按照房地分离和保护财产所有权的原则在今后的立法中予以改正。

    The ownership of the buildings and structures stick to the ground after the termination of the granted land - use rights should be corrected in the future legislation , according to the principle of " separation of buildings and land " and protection of rights of ownership .

  13. 因此,无论是从土地征收的构成要件角度还是从其对象的性质角度,都可以得出公益性收回出让土地使用权行为应当界定为土地征收这一结论。

    As a result , no matter based on the components of the land expropriation system or the features of the national land-use right , the conclusion can be drew that that the withdrawing national land-use right based on the public interests can be defined as land expropriation .

  14. 一部规范土地市场的重要规章&关于《招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权规定》的几点说明

    An Important Rule for the Regulation of Land Market

  15. 第三部分,土地使用权出让及土地使用权出让金。阐明土地使用权、土地使用权出让和土地使用权出让金的特征和内涵。

    Part three clarifies the connotation of land usufruct , land granting and land granting fee .

  16. 协议出让国有土地使用权最低价的确定方法

    Study on the Approach to Assessing the Lowest Price of Selling Right to Use Territory by Agreement

  17. 支柱型外商投资企业以出让方式取得土地使用权,一次性缴纳土地出让金的,可按土地出让金的50%进行返还。

    Pillar foreign-invested enterprises that get land use right in the form of transfer may get50 % refunding from land transfer payment if they pay for the land transfer in lump sum .

  18. 通过有偿出让取得的土地使用权本身为一种独立的财产权利,这种土地使用权可以转让、出租和抵押,可以进入市场成为合作开发房地产的对象。

    The right of land use per se obtained by onerous remise is an independent property right , and it can be transferred , leased and mortgaged and can be the object of real estate co-exploitation in the market .

  19. 在城市规划区范围内,以出让方式取得土地使用权进行房地产开发的闲置土地,依照《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》的有关规定办理。

    Idle land that is lying within the urban plan areas and whose use right has been leased for real estate development shall be handled according to the " Urban Property Administration Law of the People 's Republic of China " .

  20. 以出让方式取得的土地使用权,可以设定抵押权。

    A mortgage may be created on the land-use right obtained by means of granting .

  21. 已交付全部土地使用权出让金,取得土地使用权证书;

    Having paid all the fees for the granting of the land-use right and obtained the certificate of the land-use right ;

  22. 以武汉工业国有投资有限公司办理土地出让核定契税国有出让土地使用权价格评估为例,对系统进行了测试和应用。

    The system was tested and applied in the program of the industry land lot price evaluation of Wuhan industry stated Investment Company .

  23. 出让方应当按照合同规定,提供出让的土地使用权。未按合同规定提供土地使用权的,土地使用者有权解除合同,并可请求违约赔偿。

    The assigning party shall , in compliance with the stipulations of the contract , provide the right to the use of the land thus assigned , failing which , the land user shall have the right to terminate the contract and may claim compensation for breach of contract .