
  • 网络Export Substitution;export substitute
  1. 对外贸易战略:进口替代还是出口替代

    Foreign Trade Strategy : Import Substitution or Export Substitution

  2. 为发展外向型医药经济应采取出口替代战略、进口替代和出口导向相结合战略、沿海发展向内地辐射战略、出口垄断战略及多种经营战略。

    We should take some strategies , such as export substitution , integrating import substitution with export expansion , coastal developing with consideration to inland area , monopoly export , and other kinds of management strategy to promote the development of export-oriented medical economy .

  3. 进口替代与出口替代

    Import substitute and export substitute

  4. 本文的分析表明,我国对外直接投资的出口替代效应并不明显,它对国际收支具有正效应,在我国当前的汇率制度下,有利于国内投资的发展。

    The analyses of this dissertation show that the export-substituted effect of the FDI-out is not apparent , it lays positive effect upon the international balance of payments , it is favorable for inland investment under the present exchange rate principle .

  5. 提高净出口的替代选择私人支出复苏和巨额资本持续流入既不太可能,也不可取。

    The alternative to higher net exports a resurgence of private spending and huge ongoing capital inflows is unlikely and undesirable .

  6. 但对外直接投资对出口的替代效应只有在母国进入东道国的前期阶段才比较明显,当对外直接投资与出口贸易均成熟后,二者之间往往由替代关系变为互补关系。

    However , the substitution effect only happens in the early stage of OFDI . When the OFDI and export trade are mature , the relationship between them often changes to complementary relationship from substitution relationship .

  7. 禁止性补贴包括出口补贴和替代性补贴两种。

    The prohibited subsidy includes the exporting subsidy and substitute subsidy .

  8. 由于西方诸国一直将我国视为非市场经济国家,因而在反倾销诉讼中西方国家对中国出口产品适用替代国制度来确定我国产品的正常价值。

    Labeling China as a non-market economy country , western countries have long been applying surrogate country approach to determine the normal value of Chinese goods .

  9. 中国只有花上多年时间,逐渐将更多资源从出口和进口替代转向非贸易领域,让实际汇率上升,才能改变其增长模式。

    China can alter its growth model only over a number of years by gradually shifting more resources into non-tradable sectors away from exports and import substitutes , letting its real exchange rate appreciate .

  10. 在定量分析中,本文通过建立计量模型,得出在短期内我国的对外直接投资对出口有着替代效应,而在长期内却有着促进效应。

    And in the quantitative analysis , this part concludes that in the short run , FDI has substitution effect on export while in the long run , FDI has complementary effect on export .

  11. 查韦斯最近进一步提高了反美言论的调子。长期以来,他一直希望快速增长的中国能够成为委内瑞拉原油出口的重要替代市场,使他无需向美国供应原油,这已在华盛顿引起不安。

    Mr Ch á vez , whose anti-US rhetoric has sharpened recently , has long hoped that fast-growing China could become an important alternative market for Venezuelan crude and allow him to divert supplies from the US , which has caused unease in Washington .

  12. 另一方面外商直接投资通过出口及进口替代、利润汇出及再投资等活动总体上会对外汇储备产生正效应,即间接造成我国外汇储备增加。

    On the other hand , as a whole , foreign direct investment would have a positive effect on foreign exchange reserves through the export and import substitution , export of profits and re-investment , etc. , which indirectly led to the increase of foreign exchange reserves in China .

  13. 我国出口增长贡献主体替代研究

    Research on the Substitution of Main Contribution Body to Export Increase of China

  14. 通过压低人民币实际汇率,中国为其出口商品及进口替代品的生产提供了补贴。

    By keeping its real exchange rate down , China subsidises production of its exports and import substitutes .

  15. 它还可能为南苏丹的石油出口提供一条替代线路。南苏丹是一个半自治地区,该地区将在2011年举行公投,决定是否从苏丹独立出去。

    It could also provide an alternative route for oil out of southern Sudan , a semi-autonomous region due to vote on independence from the Khartoum regime in a referendum in 2011 .

  16. 其中前者主要从促进比较优势部门发展、带动当地企业出口、优化出口结构、替代进口四个方面进行阐述。

    The former is launched mainly from the promoting the development of comparative advantage sectors , driving the local enterprises ' export , optimizing the export structure , substituting the import .

  17. 误差修正模型表明,短期来看,外商投资企业的出口对我国内资企业的出口具有替代效应;

    The vector er - ror correction model indicates that in the short run the export of foreign-funded enterprise may substitutes that of native enterprises ;

  18. 有关FDI与出口相关的理论、模型,明确提出了FDI对出口具有替代效应和创造效应,FDI与出口同步增长。

    Theory and model about FDI and export has explicitly proposed that FDI has the substitution effect and the creation effect to the exportation , FDI and exportation grow at the same time .