
  • 网络Exit Poll
  1. 投票站出口民调显示,极右翼国民阵线(nationalfront)得票率约为14%,低于该党党魁马琳勒庞(marinelepen)在总统选举中18%的得票率。

    The exit polls showed the far-right National Front winning about 14 per cent of the vote , less than the 18 per cent achieved by marine Le Pen , the party leader , in the presidential election .

  2. 出口民调显示,糖果业巨头彼得·波罗申科赢得乌克兰总统大选的绝对多数票。

    Exit polls show that confectionery tycoon Petro Poroshenko has won with an absolute majority in the Ukrainian presidential election .

  3. 出口民调显示,在30岁以下的选民中,奥巴马赢得了三分之二的支持率,而约翰•麦凯恩(JohnMcCain)赢得32%。

    Exit polling indicates that Mr Obama won two-thirds of those voting under 30 years old against 32 per cent for John McCain .

  4. 出口民调估计投票率约为50%,低于近期的选举投票率。

    The exit poll estimated the turnout at around 50 percent , which is lower than in recent elections .

  5. 出口民调显示,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡的政党在议会选举中赢得最多席位。民调显示,利库德集团赢得了37个席位,中间派蓝白党获得了33个席位。

    Exit polls show Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 's party has won the largest number of seats in the parliamentary elections .

  6. 出口民调表明,乌克兰总统彼得·波罗申科所在政党将在乌克兰议会选举中险胜。

    Exit polling is suggesting Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko 's party is poised to eek out a narrow victory in Ukraine 's parliamentary election .

  7. 此外,出口民调显示,年轻选民在全体选民中的比例上升到18%,这可不是一件小事。

    Additionally , exit polling indicates young voters increased their share of the electorate to 18 per cent , which is no small feat .

  8. 选举的出口民调显示,每10个美国选民就有6人将萎靡的经济看作是美国面临的最重要的问题。

    Exit polls taken during the election show that more than six in ten Americans view the flagging economy as the most important issue facing the nation .

  9. 目前公布的出口民调显示,英国主要反对党保守党获得305个议席,处于领先,但这仍不能满足组建新政府的条件。

    Currently released exit polls showed the main opposition Conservatives of United Kingdom got305 seats in the lead , which still can not meet the conditions to form a new government .

  10. 出口民调显示,在失业率高达9.6%和经济复苏乏力的情况下,逾80%选民的首要关切是经济走向。

    With unemployment running at 9.6 per cent and the economic recovery spluttering , more than 80 per cent of voters cited concern about the direction of the economy as their primary worry , according to exit polls .