
chū xuè
  • bleeding;hemorrhage;haemorrhage;haemorrhagia;bleed off
出血 [chū xuè]
  • (1) [hemorrhage]∶血液自血管或心脏外流。外出的血液进入组织间隙或体腔内,称内出血,流出体表外,称外出血

  • (2) [bleed off]∶印刷后的书页或印张在裁切后印刷部分超越一边或数边

出血[chū xuè]
  1. 他接受检查,以确定是否有出血迹象。

    He was checked for any signs of haemorrhage .

  2. 慢性持续性脑内出血的CT表现

    CT Manifestation of Chronic Continuous Intracerebral Haemorrhage

  3. 他头上的伤口在出血。

    He was bleeding from a gash on his head .

  4. 这种出血常常会自己停止。

    The bleeding often stops spontaneously .

  5. 我的手指出血了。

    My finger 's bleeding .

  6. 出生后第一周通常要服用维生素K,以防止出血。

    Vitamin K is routinely given in the first week of life to prevent bleeding .

  7. 如果不进行治疗,牙龈会开始萎缩、红肿和出血。

    If untreated , the gums recede , become swollen and bleed

  8. 锋利的刀刃可能会划伤皮肤,导致出血。

    A sharp blade is likely to nick the skin and draw blood

  9. 生我3个儿子时,我每次都出现产后大出血。

    I haemorrhaged badly after the birth of all three of my sons

  10. 非正常的出血是你的身体发出的危险信号。

    The abnormal bleeding is your body 's own red flag of danger .

  11. 血液凝结,使伤口不再出血。

    The blood coagulates to stop wounds bleeding .

  12. 任何引起出血的做法都可能会增加感染病毒的危险。

    Any practice that draws blood could increase the risk of getting the virus .

  13. 药品禁忌症:出血性中风忌用。

    These drugs will not be used if hemorrhage is the cause of the stroke .

  14. 他在大出血。

    He was bleeding profusely

  15. 狗把那个小男孩的腿咬出血了。

    The dog bit that boy and made his leg bleed .

  16. 她头上的伤口大量出血。

    Blood gushed from the wound in her head .

  17. 伤口大量出血。

    The wound bleeds profusely .

  18. 去年他曾经胃出血。

    He suffered from gastric bleeding last year .

  19. 他鼻子出血了。

    Blood issued from his nose .

  20. 他咳出血来了。

    He coughed out blood .

  21. 你也知道,你太太的CT扫描显示她颅内出血。

    As you know , your wife 's CT scan showed intracranial hemorrhaging .

  22. 视网膜小动脉弯曲合并复发性视网膜出血在1958第一次被提出

    Retinal arteriolar tortuosity with retinal hemorrhage was first described in 1958 .

  23. 数天的疼痛加剧可能为出血的先兆

    Bleeding may be herralded by several day of exacerbation of pain .

  24. 新生儿肺出血血栓素B2和纤维蛋白肽A的变化及其临床意义

    The changes in thromboxane B_2 and fibrinopeptide A in neonates with pneumorrhagia

  25. 出血性休克大鼠脑组织NF-κB的表达

    Hemorrhagic shock and NF - κ B expression in rat cerebral tissue

  26. 高血压性脑出血CT诊断&附18例分析与讨论

    Hypertensive Brain Hemorrhage CT Diagnosis With 18 Cases Analysis and Discussion

  27. 原发性桥脑出血12例临床与CT分析

    CT and Clinical Analysis of 12 Cases with Primary Pontine Haemorrhage

  28. 小脑出血32例临床与CT分析

    Clinical and CT Analysis of 32 Cases of Cerebellar Hemorrhage

  29. 高血压壳核出血300例CT分型及其预后研究

    CT Classification and Prognosis Research of Hypertensive Putamina Hemorrhage

  30. 出血性脑转移瘤的CT诊断

    Diagnosis of hemorrhagic cerebral metastatic tumors using CT