
chū shēnɡ dēnɡ jì
  • registration of birth;record of births
  1. 父母替其婴儿办理出生登记后,宜领取一份出生登记记项的核证副本。

    After registration of birth , it is advisable to obtain a certified copy of birth entry .

  2. 父母为子女办理出生登记后,如欲为其更改或加入名字,可向任何一间出生登记处提出申请。

    After registration of birth , the parent may apply at any of the births registries to alter or add to the name of a child if desired .

  3. 我们给他进行了出生登记。

    We registered his birth

  4. 方法利用某市2000年的出生登记资料,分别用对数正态函数和Weibull函数拟合生育模型。

    Methods Log-Normal function and Weibull function were applied .

  5. 今天,来自萨福克纽马克特的Emma和Drew需要面对两份出生登记和一份死亡登记。

    Today , Emma and Drew of Newmarket , Suffolk , faced the task of registering two births and one death .

  6. 鼓励出生登记和及时按照国家免疫计划接种疫苗;

    Encourage birth registration and timely vaccination according to national schedules ;

  7. 年月日,香港区出生登记。

    Births in the district of , Hong Kong .

  8. 年内,有188名婴儿补办出生登记。

    During the year , 188 births were post-registered .

  9. 沃尔多去市政厅为他儿子作出生登记

    Waldo go to the city hall to register the birth of his son

  10. 出生登记和死亡登记于1871年成为一种义务。

    Registration of births and deaths became compulsory in1871 .

  11. 考察了儿童出生登记的状况、存在问题和后果;

    Examines the current status , problems and their consequences for birth registration ;

  12. 并提出了促进儿童出生登记、保护儿童权益的政策建议。

    And raise policy suggestions for improving birth registration and protecting child rights .

  13. 我们根据当地出生登记本对当地5-60岁间的女性双生子进行调查。

    Registering data for newborns were used to collect female twins of5-60 years .

  14. 探讨了阻碍中国出生登记的因素;

    Explores factors impeding birth registration ;

  15. 伦敦郊外不雅观的无计画扩展的地区.此外,郊区也设有5间出生登记处。

    London 's unsightly suburban sprawl There are also five birth registries in the rural areas .

  16. 微观层次上影响农村地区儿童出生登记的因素众多,在各个历史时期不尽相同;

    Secondly , many micro-level factors influence birth registration and they vary across different historical periods ;

  17. 在办理出生登记时,该名新生婴儿无须在场。

    When applying for birth registration , the attendance of the newborn baby is not required .

  18. 偏僻地区和离岛的出生登记,则由派到各乡事委员会工作的分区登记主任负责。

    In the outlying areas and islands , births are normally registered at rural committee offices by visiting district registrars .

  19. 幼儿死亡率的死亡年龄由母亲相继生育的平均时间间隔和婴儿出生登记时的平均年龄决定。

    The age at death for early child mortality was determined by the mean interval between successive births and the mean age of neonates at registration .

  20. 他很丑,头发又硬又乱,他腰弯背弓,衰老颓丧。这是挖沟工人的儿子,教堂的出生登记簿上他则是安妮·莉丝贝特的儿子。

    He was ugly , and his hair was matted , and he looked crippled and stunted ; they called him the field-laborer 's boy , though in the church register he was entered as Anne Lisbeth 's son .

  21. 这份研究报告上个月在《普通精神病学文献》的网上发布,该研究使用了瑞典出生登记的产科数据。这些数据包括了瑞典1973年以来99%以上医院出生个体的信息以及95%的做过产前诊断的瑞典产妇的相关信息。

    The study , published online last month in Archives of General Psychiatry , used obstetric data from the Swedish Medical Birth Register , which includes information on more than 99 percent of all hospital births in the country since 1973 and contains prospectively collected information on the 95 percent of Swedish women who attend antenatal clinics .

  22. 对他的孩子出生进行登记

    Registered the Birth of his child

  23. 这一户籍证将把哆啦A梦的出生日期登记为2112年9月3日,并将列出他的喜好——甜点,和他讨厌的东西——老鼠。

    The certificate will give Doraemon 's birthday as September 3 , 2112 , as well as listing his likes -- pastries -- and his dislikes -- mice .

  24. 许多因素阻碍人们进行出生和死亡登记。

    Many barriers prevent people from registering births and deaths .

  25. 印度大部分地区的出生和死亡登记率都很低。

    Birth and death registration rates are low in most parts of India .

  26. 这一举措帮助改善了街道一级的出生和死亡登记。

    This initiative helped improve registration of births and deaths at the subdistrict level .

  27. 海上出生及死亡登记册

    Marine register book of births and deaths

  28. 农奴的子女一出生,就登记入册,注定了终身为农奴的命运。

    Children of serfs were registered the moment they were born , setting their life-long fate as serfs .

  29. 进一步建立健全城乡人口出生与死亡登记报告制度,严格质量控制。

    Establish and perfect work quality and improving the registration and reporting system of birth and mortality . 5 .

  30. 人口登记功能包括常住和暂住人口登记、出生和死亡登记、迁移登记和变更更正登记等内容。

    Resident and transient population registration , birth and death registration , migration registration and change registration are all involved in the population registration function .