
hēi hù
  • Black door; unregistered household;unregistered resident;shop without a licence;illegal shop
黑户 [hēi hù]
  • [family without residence registration] 没有户口的人、住户或无照经营的店铺

  1. 中国约有1300万黑户人口,占总人口的1%。

    China has around 13 million unregistered people , 1 percent of the entire population .

  2. 付不起罚款,他的孩子就成了非法的黑户,不能享有教育和医疗服务。

    Failure to pay would make his baby an undocumented black child with no access to schooling or healthcare .

  3. 付不起罚款,他的孩子就成了非法的“黑户”,不能享有教育和医疗服务。

    Failure to pay would make his baby an undocumented " black child " with no access to schooling or healthcare .

  4. 加比:她又不是我认识的唯一黑户,在某种程度上,卡洛斯家有一半是越界了的。

    Gaby : She 's not the only illegal I know . Half of carlos ' family scaled a fence at some point .

  5. 研究发现,因为没有合法身份证件证明自己的存在,“黑户”人员不能长距离旅行,这样也限制了人口流动。

    Without legal documents that identify them , unregistered people cannot travel long distances easily , which restricts population mobility , the research found .

  6. 据公安部表示,中国计划将1300万“黑户”人口纳入户籍人员之列。

    China is considering extending hukou , or household registration , to 13 million unregistered citizens , according to the Ministry of Public Security .

  7. 根据2010年全国人口普查,全国共有1300万“黑户”人口,占据总人口的1%。

    According to the National Population Census in 2010 , there are 13 million unregistered people nationwide , accounting for 1 percent of the country 's population .

  8. 据高层改革会议发布的消息,国家将为黑户人口办理户籍登记许可,户口的办理会为这类人群提供社会福利保障。

    China will provide unregistered citizens with household registration permits , or hukou , a crucial document which provides them with social welfare , according to a high-level reform meeting .

  9. 我们将让更多的黑户移民按照规则走出阴影,缴纳税款,通过犯罪背景核查,最终获得法律赋予的权利。

    And we 'll bring more undocumented immigrants out of the shadows so they can play by the rules , pay their full share of taxes , pass a criminal background check , and get right with the law .

  10. 该法案减少非法移民让我们的边境更安宁,同时为已经在我国生活的黑户移民一条可以取得公民身份的途径,只要他们缴清罚金、开始纳税、排队等待审批流程。

    That bill would have secured our border , while giving undocumented immigrants who already live here a pathway to citizenship if they paid a fine , started paying their taxes , and went to the back of the line .

  11. 他们包括孤儿,“黑户儿童”(计划生育政策时期非法出生的二胎),流浪汉,和一些还没有上户或者丢失户口的人。

    They include orphans and " black children " ( second children born illegally during the strict enforcement of the one-child policy ) , the homeless and those who have yet to apply for one or who have simply lost theirs .