
tiáo jiě shū
  • Conciliation statement;mediation paper;conciliation document
  1. 调解书和其他应当由人民法院执行的法律文书,当事人必须履行。

    The parties concerned must comply with the conciliation statement and other legal documents that are to be executed by the people 's court .

  2. 引言中通过三个同样是扣不执行法院调解书但法院处理结果不同的案例来引出对下文的论述。

    The preface discusses three cases of refusing to carry out the court mediation .

  3. (四)其他不需要制作调解书的案件。

    And ( 4 ) other cases that do not require a conciliation statement .

  4. 调解书与裁决书具有同等法律效力。

    A conciliation statement shall have the same legal force as that of an award .

  5. 这也就意味着民事调解书和民事判决书的不同,民事调解书在具有法律强制力的同时,还具有明确的契约性。

    This means that the civil mediation document is different from the civil verdict document .

  6. 当事人应当履行发生法律效力的判决、仲裁裁决、调解书;

    The parties shall perform any judgment , arbitral award or mediation agreement which has taken legal effect ;

  7. 调解书交双方当事人签收后,即具有法律效力。

    The bill of mediation becomes legally effective after it has been delivered to the litigants and signed by them .

  8. 第五十二条调解书应当写明仲裁请求和当事人协议的结果。

    Article 52 A conciliation statement shall set forth the arbitration claims and the results of the agreement between the parties .

  9. 调解书送达后,原审人民法院的判决即视为撤销。

    Upon the service of the bill of mediation , the judgment of the trial court shall be regarded as reversed .

  10. 当事人可以委托代理人向仲裁委员会办理有关仲裁事项。调解书由仲裁员签名,加盖仲裁委员会印章,送达双方当事人。

    The conciliation statement shall be signed by the arbitrators , sealed by the arbitration commission , and served on both parties .

  11. 调解书由当事人各方共同签字,并经港务监督盖印确认。

    The parties concerned shall jointly sign the mediation document and the superintendency administration shall confirm it by affixing its seal thereon .

  12. 调解书应当写明诉讼请求,案件的事实和调解结果。

    The bill of mediation shall include the request of litigation , facts of the case and the results of the mediation .

  13. 向有管辖权的法院申请执行已生效的法院判决、裁定、调解书等法律文书;

    To apply to the courts that have jurisdiction to enforce the binding judgments , decisions , mediation documents and other legal paper ;

  14. 第二百一十五条人民法院制作的调解书的执行,适用本编的规定。

    Article 215 The provisions of this Part shall be applicable to the execution of the conciliation statement as drawn up by the people 's court .

  15. 当事人必须依法行使诉讼权利,遵守诉讼秩序,履行发生法律效力的判决书、裁定书和调解书。

    A litigant must exercise his rights in accordance with the law , observe procedural order , and implement any legally binding verdict , ruling and mediation agreement .

  16. 她建议修改《婚姻登记条例》,规定离婚时增加双方当事人所在单位或居委会或村委会出具的婚姻调解书。

    She proposed to amend the " Marriage Registration Ordinance ," requiring the parties to a divorce where the unit or the increase in neighborhood or village committee issued marriage mediation .

  17. 民事再审程序是指人民法院对确有明显瑕疵的生效裁判或调解书,依照法律规定进行再次审理并予以救济的程序。

    The Civil Re-trial Procedure refers to the procedure that the court , according to the law , re-tries the effective judgment or letter of mediation with evident defects and gives remedies .

  18. 此部分首先对民事调解书的概念及其与相关名词的联系与区别做出了详细的界定,接着通过民事调解书自身的特点,对其性质进行了分析,并重新定位。

    This section firstly define the concept of civil mediation document , and define the relations and differences between related terms , then analyze the nature of civil mediation document through its own characteristics .

  19. 调解书应当写明诉讼请求、案件的事实和调解结果。在再三要求支付而毫无结果的情况下,他向债务人提出诉讼。

    The bill of mediation shall include the request of litigation , facts of the case and the results of the mediation . After repeated but fruitless demands for payment , he brought a suit against the debtor .

  20. 民事调解书,作为调解或者和解所达成的纠纷解决的最终载体,它不仅是当事人双方意思自治的表示,也是经过法院认可的执行依据。

    Civil mediation document , as the final carrier reached by mediation or conciliation to resolve the dispute , it is not only the representation of the parties ' autonomy , but also the executive basis approved by the court .

  21. 民事审判监督程序,又称民事再审程序,是指人民法院对已经发生法律效力的民事判决、裁定、民事调解书发现有错误的,依法再次进行审理而设计的一种特别法律救济程序。

    Civil procedure for trail supervision , the so-called civil retrial procedure , is a special remedy which is designed for conducting a retrial when the court finds definite error in a legally effective judgments , written orders or civil conciliation documents .

  22. 一方面,行政诉讼调解必须制作调解书。

    On the one hand , administrative litigation mediation must prepare the conciliation statement .

  23. 调解不成或者调解书送达前,一方当事人反悔的,仲裁庭应当及时作出裁决。

    Where mediation fails or before the statement of mediation is served , one party goes back on the agreement reached , the arbitral tribunal shall make an award in a timely manner .

  24. 第九十一条调解未达成协议或者调解书送达前一方反悔的,人民法院应当及时判决。第九章财产保全和先予执行

    " Article 91 If no agreement is reached through conciliation or if either party backs out of the settlement agreement before the conciliation statement is served , the people 's court shall render a judgment without delay . "

  25. 调解达成协议,应当制作调解书,由审判人员、书记员署名,加盖人民法院印章。

    Where agreement is reached through mediation , a bill of mediation shall be prepared , to be signed by the judge and the recording clerk and sealed by the people 's court .

  26. 经调解达成协议后,交易所制作调解书,经双方当事人签收后生效。

    After both parties reach an agreement through mediation , a letter of mediation shall be made by the exchange and become effective after being signed by the both parties .

  27. 调解达成协议,人民法院应当制作调解书。

    The people 's court shall prepare a bill of mediation for an agreement reached through mediation .

  28. 第九十条下列案件调解达成协议,人民法院可以不制作调解书:

    Article 90 The people 's court need not draw up a conciliation statement for the following cases when a settlement agreement is reached through conciliation :

  29. 调解达成协议的,仲裁庭应当制作调解书或者根据协议的结果制作裁决书。

    When a settlement agreement is reached by conciliation , the arbitration tribunal shall prepare the conciliation statement or the award on the basis of the results of the settlement agreement .

  30. 《行政复议法实施条例》和一些地方政府规章共同规范行政复议调解制度,规定了调解的适用范围、遵循原则、合法性审查、调解书的法律效力和执行等,这些规定仍有不足。

    The mediation system on administrative review is stipulated in the regulation on the Implementation of the Administrative Reconsideration Law and some local government rules . The regulations provide the range of application , the principles , legality and legal force of mediation document , which are still inadequate .