
  1. 从1985年起,外经贸部不再编制、下达外贸收购计划和调拨计划,注意发挥市场调节的作用,扩大指导性计划的范围,缩小指令性性计划。

    Since 1985 , the Ministry of Foreign Trade was no longer made acquisition plan and allocation of plan , expanded the scope of the guidance scheme , and reduced the mandatory scheme .

  2. 军事油料保障将面临如何组织动态联勤、如何重构保障体系与装备保障单元、如何安排调拨计划等问题。

    POL ( petroleum oil lubricants ) support is faced with some problems , which is how to organize dynamic combined logistics , how to rebuild the support system and equipment unit , and how to arrange to allocate plan etc.

  3. 另外一些赞成政府行为的人质疑如此大规模的调拨是有计划的。

    Others , while saying that government action is needed , question the vast sums that are being allocated and proposed .