- regulation tax;regulatory tax

State-owned enterprise wages regulation tax
Fixed asset investment regulation tax
Border Tax Adjustment and Subsidy in WTO : Two Issues China Must Consider in Making its Energy Policy and Law
Pay the adjustment tax on individual income
Carbon tax has the general characteristics of tax ; Carbon tax is a kind of indirect tax ; Carbon tax is a regulation tax .
Enterprises are free of charge of the land use fee during the construction period and enjoy deferral of the fixed assets investment adjustment tax .
Many incubators , especially private ones , are 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit entities and yet pay real estate and / or personal property taxes .
Local taxation bureaus at various levels shall carry out sorting out and checking work with prudence after the cessation of fixed assets investment orientation regulation tax .
Import Adjustment Tax will be levied ( or a supplementary payment will be levied ) by Customs authorities at the same time as Customs duty is levied .
The taxable items , tax rates shall be determined in accordance with the " Fixed Assets Investment Orientation Regulation Tax Taxable Items and Tax Rates Table " attached to these Regulations .
Carbon tariff is a kind of carbon tax , and also a kind of BTA ( border tax adjustment ) , which is imposed on the border , thus is named as carbon tariff .
The State Administration of Taxation will listen to the reports on the summary of work on the fixed assets investment orientation regulation tax and the performance of implementing the deduction and cessation policy at a proper time .
This thesis emphasizes setting up criminal , civil and administrative responsibility mechanism to prevent biological invasion and proposes that we should take comprehensive measures , such as compulsory insurance , mortgage , regulatory tax , to solve the problem of responsibility about biological invasion .
Whether companies adopt the tax effect accounting method or not is hardly related to the motivation of adjusting income tax expense and net income .
Consumption tax , which supports the generally levied VAT and functions the special regulation , cannot meet the development of the economy .
Main conclusions of this paper : First , it can be found that for the distribution of income , low value-added tax rate plays a reverse role in regulating . The influence of the general rate of value-added tax is less than the business tax .