
tiáo sè pán
  • palette
  1. 和有着绿色和黄色颜料的调色盘。

    And a palette with green and yellow colors on it .

  2. 保持对象的选定,并打开探路者的调色盘。

    Keep the object selected and open the Pathfinder Palette .

  3. 多功能灯光调色盘的研究与实践

    The study and the Application of multi-function colour modulating panel

  4. 选择红色的头部形状,并选择在重叠的透明度,调色盘。

    Select the red head shape and choose Overlay in the Transparency Palette .

  5. 雷欧有一支画笔和调色盘。

    Leo has a paintbrush and a palette .

  6. 画上又见浓墨重彩的黄色,如同脱胎于伦勃朗的调色盘。

    There was that impasto yellow again , straight out of Rembrandt 's palette .

  7. 我建议使用的字符的名称的调色盘,以保持简单。

    I recommend using the character 's name for the palette to keep things simple .

  8. 向调色盘底部倒入一些醋,把画笔丢进去。

    Pour the vinegar into the bottom of the saucepan and drop in your brushes .

  9. 将你的调色盘涂成蓝色和灰色。

    Paint your palette blue and grey .

  10. 我们可以共用你的调色盘吗?

    Can we share you palette ?

  11. 松石绿蕴含温暖及冷静两种底色调,和调色盘上任何一种颜色搭配都效果奇佳。

    With both warm and cool undertones , Turquoise pairs nicely with any other color in the spectrum .

  12. 在画布上涂了几笔后,艺术家又把画笔在调色盘上沽一沾,以涂上更多的颜料。

    After a few canvas strokes , the artist reapplies his brush to his palette for more paint .

  13. 在画布上涂了几笔后,艺术家又把画笔在调色盘上沾一沾,以涂上更多的颜料。

    After a few canvas stokes , the artist reapplies his brush to his palette for more paint .

  14. 画笔浸泡好之后,把调色盘放在火炉上,慢慢加热。

    After letting your brushes pre-soak , put the saucepan on the stove and turn up the heat .

  15. 在季节的调色盘上,春天是绚丽的;但是春风却是温馨的。

    In the color mixing tray of seasons , spring is gorgeous , while spring wind is pleasant .

  16. 在德国一则神话故事里,彩虹是上帝用来为鸟儿上色的调色盘。

    In a myth from Germany , the rainbow is the palette that God used to paint the birds .

  17. 当人生染尽这些色彩,有如在调色盘搅混得出的是「灰」;

    When dyed with these colours , our lives are like the greyness mixed and stirred on the palette .

  18. 有选择异国口味,像黑穗醋栗,提供品种和兴奋和娱乐为新兴的调色盘,您的孩子。

    There are options of exotic flavors like black currant to provide variety and excitement and amusement for the fledgling palette of your child .

  19. 我们可能想要在程式里不同的地方以不同的方式表达出调色盘,但是显示出来的颜色都是从同一个调色盘出来的。

    We might want to present the palette in different ways in different parts of the application , but we want all the colors displayed to be taken from a single palette .

  20. 在一望无际的沙漠衬托下,岩石色彩随阳光的强弱不断变化,奇幻莫测,人们称之为“艺术家的调色盘”。

    Being set off the vast deserts stretching to the horizon , rocks'colors alter according to the sunshine , look singular and intriguing , which have been called " the palette of artists " .