
  1. 最近一项调查采访了4135位MBA校友,其中2011年毕业的受访者就有963人。调查结果发现,每四位已经找到工作的2011年毕业生之中就有三人表示,如果没有接受这种管理学位的教育,就不可能找到工作。

    One recent survey , based on the opinions of 4135 MBA alumni , including 963 members of the class of 2011 , found that three out of four alumni of the class of 2011 with jobs reported that they could not have obtained their job without their graduate management education .

  2. 报告文学调查采访的理论来源与特点

    Theory Source and Features of Reportage Investigations and Interviews

  3. 本次调查采访了欧洲和亚洲的109个机构投资者。

    The survey drew on interviews with 109 institutional investors based in Europe and Asia .

  4. 该调查采访了1353位女性,调查了她们在2011年的职业前景和经济状况。

    The survey of1,353 women also looked at the career prospects and financial outlook for women in2011 .

  5. 纸媒则长于调查采访,因此在对事实真相的调查以及深度挖掘方面具有优势。

    Printed Media is good at investigation interview , so it has advantages on truth investigation and depth excavation .

  6. 这项调查采访了23个国家的超过2万8千人,受访者被问及他们一般采取什么途径来维持身体健康。

    The poll questioned more than 28,000 in 23 countries on which activities they regularly do to maintain their physical health .

  7. 在实际调查采访中采用抽样采访法、行为观察法、问卷调查法三种方法结合使用,了解高频率使用人群在场地中的活动情况。

    The investigation use sample interview , behavior observation and Questionnaire , find out the behavior situation of the users with high frequency in green area .

  8. 进而从实地调查采访的不足、书写灾难传统的缺乏等两个方面入手分析新时期灾难报告文学存在不足的原因。

    Thus the lack of interviews from the field surveys , writing the lack of a disaster such as a traditional two-pronged approach to analyze shortcomings in the new era disaster reportage reasons .

  9. 通过对长春市中学化学教师的调查采访,发现中级教师在化学教师队伍中占一半以上,因而从这一点讲,中级教师是中学化学教学的中坚力量。

    By investigating many chemistry teachers in middle school in Changchun and gathering message , We have found out that in the group of chemistry teachers , More than a half are intermediate rank .

  10. 研究的成果:课题中参与完成实地考察、调查采访、设计策划、编辑全套策划书、编辑课题记录片、撰写相关论文。

    Research achievement : In the topic participation completes on-the-spot investigation , the investigation interview , the design plan , the edition complete set plan book , the editor topic documentary film , the composition related paper .

  11. 此次调查采访了美国、土耳其和欧盟11个成员国的1.3万人。调查发现,在几乎所有的欧元区国家,大多数人表示,欧元不利于本国的经济。

    The survey , which interviewed 13,000 people in the US , Turkey and 11 European Union countries , found that in nearly all of the eurozone , the majority said the euro had been bad for their economies .

  12. 本文运用了调查采访、文献、统计分析等研究方法,在史料的基础上,着重从音乐输入和输出两个方面出发,对1840~1949年福建音乐交流活动进行了初步的整理和分析。

    On the basis of historical materials , this paper sums up and analyses the musical exchange of Fujian from 1840 to 1949 in aspects of music import and export by means of investigation and interview , reference and statistical analysis .

  13. 广州市第91中学是一所F类学校,那里高中生的写作存在障碍,经过问卷调查、采访、随意的交谈等方式了解到,主要原因在于本地区社会环境不好,没有文化氛围;

    The No. 91 school of Guangzhou is a class F school where the senior middle school students have difficulties in writing .

  14. 作者通过问卷调查、采访、教学实验等方式有针对性地在学生中开展调查研究,并借助于SPSS对收集的数据进行分析、比对。

    Questionnaires , interview and teaching experiments were carried out specifically among these students . After all the data collected , the researcher used SPSS to realize analysis and comparison .

  15. 作者通过问卷调查和采访进行研究,做了80多个西方学生的问卷,4个西方学生和5个中国教师的采访。

    The author also interview 4 students and 5 Chinese teachers .

  16. 依据现状调查与采访结果,提出了岩画颜料褪色病害及其防治对策。

    Based on the result of investigation the intervention was put forward .

  17. 通过问卷调查,采访,测试的手段得到数据。

    Experimental data were collected from questionnaires , interviews , and tests .

  18. 本人设置了一组问题,对记忆及其与口译相关内容进行了问卷调查和采访。

    A questionnaire has been set up in this thesis about memory and interpreting .

  19. 还有那些之前我做调查时采访过的人,他们一直都等着我的好消息呢。

    Also , the people I had interviewed were waiting for good news , He said .

  20. 此外,作者采用多种手段进行实验研究,例如:问卷调查、采访和考试等方式。

    The author implements several instruments to carry out this experiment , such as questionnaires , exams and interviews .

  21. 通过实际调查和采访,得到了大量数据,通过数据分析统计,得到相关的缺陷工程量。

    By surveys and interviews , I got a lot of data . Through data analysis we can get the quantities of defects .

  22. 调查者采访了3000名女性后发现,许多女性宁愿和一位朋友而不是另一半共度一天。

    Researchers who interviewed 3000 women found that many would rather spend the day with a friend than be with their other half .

  23. 通过调查和采访的方式对影响绞股蓝正常生长繁殖的威胁因素进行了统计,并针对具体的情况提出了相应的保护措施。

    By interview and survey on factors that affect the normal growth and reproduction of Gynostemma pentaphylla threat statistics , and puts forward the corresponding protection measures against concrete conditions .

  24. 带着类似的问题,本文作者通过文化测试、问卷调查以及采访等方式进行了调查研究,试图发现问题并找到问题存在原因。

    With the questions alike , the author conducts the study through such instruments as a culture test , a questionnaire and interviews , trying to find out certain problems and the causes .

  25. 另外,受试还完成了一份问卷调查并接受采访,其目的是获取更多数据证实测试的结果的有效性和可信度。

    The interview and questionnaire data was also collected to confirm the results of the tests .

  26. 很明显她做了大量的准备上作,并充分调查了被采访者的背景情况。

    It was obvious that she had done her homework and thoroughly researched the backgrounds of her interviewees .

  27. 调查问卷及采访的结果表明,这些家庭的成员给予彼此的赞扬远比我们预计的要多。

    Questionnaires and interviews showed that the quantity of appreciation family members expressed to one another was even greater than anticipated .

  28. 通过调查问卷和采访的手段,对口译教学的教学内容,教学手段和课外活动进行了一番调查。

    It mainly makes a general survey of the teaching content , the teaching means and the extracurricular activities of interpreting teaching .

  29. 为使本研究具有可信度和有效性,本文主要使用了调查问卷、采访、课堂观察等调查工具。

    Instruments used in this thesis are questionnaire , interview and class observation , which can make the study creditable and valid .

  30. 作者运用了实验法、自然观察法、问卷调查法和采访法对整个实验过程进行了数据收集和处理。

    Four major methods , namely experimentation , natural observation , questionnaire and interview , are used to elicit data for further analysis .