
I think the advertising department 's promotions were ineffective , so our market visibility was low .
That means : it needs a performance evaluation method to identify the problems and improve the performance .
Teaching Chinese Reading Comprehension is an area where most time should be spent and greatest efforts be made .
The current model of prescribing one big-name drug to millions upon millions of patients has proven ineffective , and sometimes deadly .
To solve this problem , the sanitation authorities first took a number of measures to reorganize waste management , but they were ineffective .
Because the modernism aesthetics research formed the new oppression and integer dominion in secluded method , at the same time they settle their questions .
For quite a long time , the cost of China 's external communication has been very high , but the effect is not evident .
The surface vigorous and the actual results unapparent of citizen policy participation in China are due to lack of proper co-ordination of the power system .
A poorly managed economy has turned the region into a net importer of consumer goods , high-tech equipment , food , and even refined petroleum .
In the beginning of the 14th century , the vast majority of city republican governments began to succumb to the rule of despot , and citizenship was disappear too .
However , this is undermined when tobacco is smuggled into the country and sold illegally . The fall of cold war barriers resulted in a resurgence of this practice .
Therefore the law is torn in pieces , and judgment cometh not to the end : because the wicked prevaileth against the just , therefore wrong judgment goeth forth .
However , the practical efficacy of these two legal systems is not that satisfied , because of the defects of designing , improper practical operation , and the lack of adequate procedural protection to parties .
As the historical tradition and realistic national condition of the public power first , private right not clear and public interest in flood , private property right socialization theories and ideas of law should be treated with caution .
But the practice has proved that although the national continuously strengthen the value degree of the environment and resource issue , it is actual inefficient . It is not radically twist the passive situation of the environmental and resources issue .
However , too often we 've seen online communities poisoned by insufficient or improper governance ; it 's too easy to get buried in " junk " and not be able to highlight the valuable content that exists .
They understand the uncertainty , and their advanced revolutionary thought ensures their influence even when facing business diversification .
Having the effectiveness of ancient education do not only showing the public , the feasibility of the inquiry , on the another hand , it will also help to deepen our understanding of ancient Chinese culture , and understand a the spirit of the times style and cultural characteristics .