
  • 网络bad eating habits;bad diet habits
  1. 高血脂、家族史、不良饮食习惯和缺乏运动也是肥胖的主要危险因素。

    Result The main risk factors were overweight , bad diet habits , family history and lacking of exercise .

  2. 结果发现儿童龋病与儿童口腔保健行为、不良饮食习惯及家长口腔保健知识密切相关,经统计学处理均有明显差异。

    Results The statistic results obtained from the questionnaire indicated children 's oral hygiene behaviors bad diet habits and patents'knowledge concerning oral hygiene were corrected with children 's dental caries .

  3. 结论Hp感染与长期摄入鱼露、少吃新鲜蔬菜和不良饮食习惯等因素相互作用,胃癌发生的危险性增高。

    Conclusion The combined effect between Hp infection and other risk factors ( fish sauce , less consumption of fresh vegetables , bad dietary habits ) played an important role in gastric cancer .

  4. 体质指数(BMI)影响因素为性别、母亲教育程度、母亲工作情况、西式食品和经常食用豆类食品、甜食、不良饮食习惯、睡眠时间、经常腹泻和自我经济评价中等。

    Sex , the education level of mother , work status of mother , west food , unhealth eating habits , the time of sleep , often diarrhea and self-evaluation of economy were the influencing factors of BMI .

  5. 健康教育在改变儿童不良饮食习惯中的应用

    Role of health education in correction of bad dietary habits for children

  6. 高脂血症组有不良饮食习惯者明显高于非高脂血症组。

    And dietary habit in the hyper lipid group was prone to unhealthy .

  7. 不良饮食习惯在厌食的发生中起着重要作用,不容忽视。

    The bad dietary habit an important role in the development of anorexia .

  8. 对照组改善不良饮食习惯;

    Control group was done by improving their habits of unhealthy food only .

  9. 结果被调查妇女大多存在不良饮食习惯及运动误区。

    Results We draw a conclusion that many women have unhealthy eating and sport habits .

  10. 你都可以改正不良饮食习惯,我流点汗又何妨?

    If you can break your unhealthy eating habits , I can surely break a sweat .

  11. 高校体育专业大学生不良饮食习惯研究&以湖南某高校为例

    Current Situation Investigation of Bad Eating Habit of Physical Education Students in a University of Hunan Province

  12. 服用绿藻有助平衡不良饮食习惯,降低患上心血管病、糖尿病等慢性疾病发生的风险。

    It corrects any unbalanced diet and prevents a list of chronic diseases such as diabetes , obesity , heart diseases etc.

  13. 结论开展广泛的健康教育,积极纠正儿童不良饮食习惯与审美观念,控制其高能量、高脂肪食品的过量摄入有助于减少儿童肥胖的发生。

    Conclusion Health education on sound life style and eating habits should be emphasized to induce the incidence of obesity in children .

  14. 交互作用分析表明,当阳性家族史与超重或不良饮食习惯二者并存时,OR值表现为加法模型协同作用;

    When family DM history , overweight ( BMI ≥ 24 ) or unhealthy diet habit coexist , OR value shows additive synergism ;

  15. 饮食失调会导致不良饮食习惯,在极端情况下,甚至可能引发危险性体重下降。

    Status Offline Eating disorders can lead to unhealthy eating habits , and in extreme , can trigger a dangerous drop in weight .

  16. 部分患儿有不良饮食习惯和一定的精神因素;有遗传倾向的占31.9%。

    Some children had bad habits of eating and mental reason . 31.9 % of children peptic ulcer had a hereditary tendency for families .

  17. 这些疾病可以说是许多人自找的,因为它们是通过选择抽烟、不良饮食习惯、缺乏体育活动和酗酒等生活方式而染上的疾病。

    They are diseases that many people bring on themselves with lifestyle choices like smoking , poor diet , physical inactivity and alcohol abuse .

  18. 对于男性,抑郁症状,不良饮食习惯包括大量的快餐和高糖饮料摄取都会增加饮食失调的风险。

    For males , depressive symptoms , poor eating patterns , including high fast food and sweetened beverage intake , increased their risk of disordered eating .

  19. 癌症发病率在发达国家比较高,主要是由于环境污染、生活压力、不良饮食习惯造成。

    The incidence of cancer is relatively high in developed countries . It is mainly due to environmental pollution , life stress , poor eating habits .

  20. 当阳性家族史、超重、不良饮食习惯三者并存时,OR值表现为乘法模型协同作用。

    When the three factors of family DM history , overweight and unhealthy diet habit coexist , the OR value shows multiplicative synergism according to the interaction analysis .

  21. 营养学家兼行为理疗师玛丽认为,这些调查结果将开启一个正确的认识方向,即一些人需要帮助来控制她们的不良饮食习惯。

    Nutritionist and behavior therapist Mary believes that these results may be the kick in the right direction that some people need help to control demoralizing eating habits .

  22. 女青少年抽烟喝酒的现象越来越普遍,这与不良饮食习惯和缺乏身体活动一样,可能危害其健康,包括其以后的健康。

    Adolescent girls are increasingly using tobacco and alcohol , which risks compromising their health , including in later life , as do poor diet and physical inactivity .

  23. 研究的主要负责人娜塔莉·帕莱塔博士告诉每日邮报在线说:“我们发现,不良饮食习惯可以预报抑郁的发生。”

    The study 's lead author , Dr Natalie Parletta told MailOnline : ' What we found is that poor diet is predicting the onset of depression . "

  24. 胃慢性疾病史、不良饮食习惯及肿瘤家族史可能是胃癌的危险因素。

    The conclusion has been reached that chronic gastric diseases , bad eating habits and family tumor history were the main risk factors of gastric cancer in Wuwei City .

  25. 目的:调查新疆医科大学维吾尔族大学生营养知识的掌握情况及对合理营养的态度和行为情况,以便指导学生正确的饮食行为,改正不良饮食习惯,提高学生营养知识水平。

    Objective : We conducted this survey to assess the Uighur students ′ s knowledge on nutrition , the attitudes toward healthy eating and eating behavior in Xinjiang Medical University .

  26. 结论调整儿童膳食结构,纠正不良饮食习惯,有针对性地进行营养性贫血卫生知识宣传教育,是预防贫血及营养不良的关键。

    Conclusion Adjustment of meal structures for children , rectifying bad eating habits and pertinent propaganda and education of hygienic knowledge about alimentary anemia are pivotal to prophylaxis of anemia and dystrophy .

  27. 科学对待儿童缺锌与补锌,理性对待广告宣传,纠正不良饮食习惯是保障儿童锌营养的关键。

    Treating children 's Zinc deficiency and Zinc supplementation scientifically , treating advertisements for Zinc supplements rationally , and correcting the unhealthy dietary habits are the keys to children 's Zinc nutrition .

  28. 近年来,食源性寄生虫病患病率不断上升,尤其是以往少见或罕见的病例明显增多,而其流行与不良饮食习惯密切相关。

    In recent years , the prevalence rates of food-borne parasitic diseases were sustained rise , especially the seldom seen cases are significantly increased , epidemiologic feature are closely related with bad eating habits .

  29. 结论引导居民合理膳食。应针对缺乏合理膳食营养和不良饮食习惯等问题,研究制定有效的健康促进、干预措施。

    Conclusion To help residents eat sensible diets . In view of those possible causes such as unhealthy nutrition , bad dietary habit , effective measures of health promotion and intervention are studied and formulated .

  30. 结果护理干预组患者干预3年后,健康教育达标率、高血压控制率和不良饮食习惯改变率明显高于常规治疗组;

    Results After 3-year of community nursing intervention , rate of health education achieving , control rate of hypertension and alteration of bad dieting habit in the nursing intervention group were obviously higher than the conventional treatment group .