
shàn shí jié ɡòu
  • Dietary structure;diet structure
  1. 肥胖儿童的膳食结构不合理。

    The diet structure of overweight and obesity children is unreasonable .

  2. 膳食结构和身体活动度对血脂水平影响的研究

    Research into the influence of diet structure and physical activity on the lipid level

  3. 广州市生长不良儿童膳食结构和TE模式的研究

    Study on Meals Structure for Dysgonic Children in Guangzhou and pattern of Nutrient Trace Elements

  4. 人均GDP的持续增长以及膳食结构的改善会拉动奶类消费的增长。

    The sustainable growth of the per capita GDP and the improvement of dietary pattern can invigorate the increase of the milk consumption .

  5. 另外对膳食结构的DDP评分方法也进行了初步讨论。

    In addition , some discussion about the DDP score method has been made .

  6. 结论燃煤污染型砷中毒患者的膳食结构不合理,维生素B2、钙、硒等营养素摄入不足。

    Conclusions The dietary pattern of sufferers of arsenic poisoning caused by burning coal pollution is unreasonable , resulting in an insufficient intake of nutrients such as Vitamin B_2 , calcium and selenium .

  7. 综合营养干预对裕固族、东乡族、保安族3~6岁VC、锌缺乏儿童膳食结构及脂质过氧化的影响

    The survey of synthetic nutritional supplement on vitamin C and Zinc deficiency at 3 & 6 years children of age in Yugu 、 Dongxiang 、 Baoan nationalities

  8. 结论:寒区部队膳食结构和组成使血清中大多数矿物质和必需氨基酸含量正常,但Cu、Fe、Mn含量明显下降。

    Conclusion : Most of the serum amino acid and mineral contents were normal , suggesting that the dietary pattern of the army in cold area may be nearly rational .

  9. 结果砷中毒患者的膳食结构为典型的植物型,维生素B2、钙和硒的每日摄入量分圳仅占推荐量标准的38.57%、28.21%和54.28%。

    The amounts of their daily intake of Vitamin B_2 , calcium and selenium were lower than the recommended national dietary standard , only making up 38.57 % , 28.21 % and 54.28 % of the recommended standard amounts respectively .

  10. 结论:集训部队官兵维生素B2营养状况不理想,应进一步调整膳食结构,适当增加富含维生素B2的食物或采用其它补给方法。

    Conclusion : The status of Vitamin B_2 was not very good and food that rich of Vitamin B_2 should be increased .

  11. [目的]了解中国拉萨SOS儿童村儿童的膳食结构及营养状况,并根据膳食调查结果和存在的问题,提出合理膳食建议。

    [ Objective ] To understand diet and nutrition structure in the SOS children village and give some rational diet suggestions based on this study .

  12. 结论维生素B1缺乏是本病可能的病因,膳食结构不合理,居室环境潮湿可能是发病的主要因素。

    [ Conclusion ] Lacking Vitamin B1 might be the major cause for the unknown disease ; unbalanced diet and damp environment might be main factors for the attack .

  13. 结论:江苏省苏南地区贫血发生率高可能与不合理的膳食结构及不良的饮食加工烹调习惯有关,其中铁、维生素A、维生素C缺乏是贫血发生的膳食影响因素。

    Conclusion : High incidence of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Jiangsu may be likely related to inadequate dietary nutrition and incorrect cooking method , furthermore , deficiency of Iron , Vitamin A and Vitamin C were considered as influential factors of dietary nutrition contributing to Iron Deficiency Anemia .

  14. 运用调查问卷和生化检测资料,采用单因素与多因素Logistic回归分析,对MS患者、具有MS相关因素者与正常人群之间的膳食结构差异来探讨MS及其相关因素与膳食结构之间的关系。

    We explored the relationship between MS , MS risk factors and dietary patterns by using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis on the dietary pattern differences among MS victims , MS risk groups and control groups with questionnaire and biochemical test data . 3 .

  15. 结果10年来徐州市城市居民食物消费及膳食结构已发生明显变化,DDP评分显示,植物性食品评分偏低,动物性食品评分超标。

    Results Data analysis showed that the dietary pattern of Xuzhou urban residents was changed remarkably during past ten years . The score of vegetable food was lower than DDP standard , while the score of animal food was too high .

  16. 尤其是对膳食结构地全面考虑,有助于降低超重及肥胖体质人群,减少脂代谢紊乱的患者,对延迟早期DN症状的出现时间,及减缓DN的进一步发展具有重要的防治意义。

    In particular , to fully consider the dietary pattern , helps to reduce overweight and obesity constitute crowd , to reduce the metabolic disorder in patients delay early DN , and slow down the further development of DN has an important prevention and treatment significance .

  17. 结论目前的膳食结构下,孕妇铁、叶酸、维生素B12在孕中期和孕晚期都有不同程度的缺乏,孕妇贫血的发生率为孕中期20.93%,孕晚期22.40%。

    Conclusion Our findings imply that deficiencies of iron , folic acid and vitamin B 12 exist in the pregnant women under current dietary pattern . The incidences of anemia at mid , late gestation were 20.93 % and 22.40 % . respectively .

  18. 因此定期检测妊娠期血清叶酸、维生素B12及铁蛋白浓度,对于了解和评估母儿的营养、代谢状况具有十分重要的临床价值,对指导孕妇合理饮食,调整膳食结构,提供客观的依据。

    Therefore , in pregnancy regular testing serum folic acid , vitamin B12 and ferritin levels is of great clinical value to understand and assess the status of maternal nutrition and metabolism , providing an objective basis to guide a reasonable diet of pregnant women .

  19. 中国南方地区膳食结构与代谢异常疾病关系的初步研究

    Nutrition and Metabolic Disorders : A Preliminary Study in Southern China

  20. 孕妇膳食结构与贫血状况的分析

    An Analysis of Dietary Pattern and Anemic Factors in Pregnant Women

  21. 合理的膳食结构是降低集居儿童贫血患病率的重要措施。

    Reasonable diet is an important measure to reduce children anaemia .

  22. 普通高校男运动员膳食结构调查分析

    Survey and analysis of dietary structure for male athletes in universities

  23. 膳食结构的变化对脂肪肝患者疗效观察

    The Impact of Diet Composition Change on the Fatty Liver Patients

  24. 长途货运汽车司机膳食结构与维生素A营养状况的研究

    Dietary Structure and Vitamin a Status of the Long-haul Truck Drivers

  25. 1990~1998年中国食物消费与膳食结构

    Food consumption and dietary pattern in China during 1990 & 1998

  26. 云南某高校高护女生膳食结构调查

    Investigation and analysis of dietary structure of college high-degree nursing female students

  27. 双蛋白开发战略与国民膳食结构最佳选择

    Developing Strategy and Best Choose of Inhabitant Dietary for Dual-protein

  28. 结果大部分幼儿园的膳食结构构成比不合理。

    Results The dietary structure in most of the kindergartens was unreasonable .

  29. 1982-2002年湖北省居民膳食结构的迁移与分析

    The changes in dietary pattern of Hubei residents from 1982 to 2002

  30. 提出了改进膳食结构的观点。

    A new viewpoint on meal structure has been proposed .