
  • 网络dietary guideline;dietary guide
  1. 中国居民膳食指南营养教育项目效果分析

    A survey on the effects of Dietary Guideline nutrition education project

  2. 不同人群膳食指南营养教育效果评价

    Effective evaluation of dietary guideline nutrition education among different crowd

  3. 2015年《美国居民膳食指南》建议,从添加糖中摄入的热量要控制在每日总热量的10%以内。

    The 2015 Dietary Guidelines1 for Americans recommends that less than 10 percent of daily calories come from added sugars .

  4. 事实纠正:如果你一直在避免高糖水果,你可以不用这么做了。膳食指南只针对添加糖,不包括未经加工的食物里自然含有的糖。

    Reality check : If you 've been avoiding fruits that are high in sugar , you can stop . The guidelines are only for added sugars , not those naturally occurring in unprocessed food .

  5. 汉族植物油类的摄入量明显高于朝鲜族(P<0.01),且符合膳食指南要求,朝鲜族植物油类的摄入量低于推荐量(P<0.01);

    The intake of soybean oil in the Korean nationality was significantly lower than in Han nationality and lower than Chinese Dietary Guidelines ( P0.01 ) .

  6. 本期“RetroReport”的推出,正值联邦政府再次反思其《美国膳食指南》(DietaryGuidelinesforAmericans)之际。

    This Retro Report episode comes as the federal government is again rethinking its Dietary Guidelines for Americans .

  7. 美国农业部(UnitedStatesDepartmentofAgriculture)在2010年修订其膳食指南时,呼吁人们多多食用富含ω-3脂肪酸的海产品。

    When the United States Department of Agriculture revised its dietary guidelines in 2010 , it urged people to eat more seafood , which is rich in omega-3 .

  8. 但其报告已发送至美国卫生和公众服务部(DepartmentofHealthandHumanService)和农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture),也就是每五年一次发布《美国膳食指南》(DietaryGuidelinesforAmericans)的部门。

    Its report is sent to the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture , which publish Dietary Guidelines for Americans every five years .

  9. 此次对营养建议的全面复审由美国膳食指南咨询委员会(DietaryGuidelinesAdvisoryCommittee)负责。作为这项工作的一部分,该小组最近重申了当前的指南:美国人应食用多种多样的海产品。

    As part of a sweeping review of nutrition recommendations , the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recently reiterated the current seafood guidelines : Americans should eat a wide variety of seafood .

  10. 根据联邦政府最新的美国人膳食指南(DietaryGuidelinesforAmericans),适度饮酒的定义是男性每天最多两杯,女性每天最多一杯。

    That is defined as up to two drinks per day for men and up to one drink per day for women , according to the latest federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans .

  11. 近日,美国膳食指南咨询委员会(DietaryGuidelinesAdvisoryCommittee)取消了膳食中的胆固醇消耗应该受到限制的建议。它援引的一项研究认为,饮食中的胆固醇不会对血液中的胆固醇水平产生重大影响。

    Recently , the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee lifted recommendations that consumption of dietary cholesterol should be restricted , citing research that dietary cholesterol does not have a major effect on blood cholesterol levels .

  12. 美国心脏协会膳食指南委员会前主席罗纳尔·M·克劳斯博士(RonaldM.Krauss)称,至少当碳水化合物的摄入量不高时,饱和脂肪可能会使LDL粒子变得更大、密度更低,从而降低堵塞动脉的可能性。

    Saturated fat tends to make LDL particles larger , more buoyant and less likely to clog arteries , at least when carbohydrate intake is not high , said Dr. Ronald M. Krauss , the former chairman of the American Heart Association 's dietary guidelines committee .

  13. 中国儿童膳食指南内容是什么?

    What is the content austral forefinger of Chinese children board ?

  14. 每日膳食指南和四基础有何不同?

    How does the daily food guide differ from the basic four ?

  15. 一些膳食指南建议成年人一天吃两杯水果。

    Dietary guidelines recommend adults eat two cups of fruit a day .

  16. 每日膳食指南通过鉴定脂肪一糖类确认了这一点。

    The Daily Food Guide acknowledges this by identifying the fat-sweets group .

  17. 方法依据中国居民膳食指南,选择构成膳食平衡指数的食物组的单项指标。

    Method The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents motivated the selection of food-based components .

  18. 关于膳食指南的科学依据

    SCIENCE Scientific Evidences for a Dietary Guide

  19. 日膳食指南第五类食物&脂肪一糖类加入到食物计划中。

    The Daily Food Guide adds a fifth group to the food plan-the fats-sweets group .

  20. 而且想要改变一些诸如钠和维生素的膳食指南。

    And it wants to change some dietary guidelines for things like sodium and vitamins .

  21. 深圳市居民对中国居民膳食指南的认知程度

    Shenzhen citizens ' cognitive level on " Guidance on Chinese people 's Meal Nutrition "

  22. 膳食指南只针对添加糖,不包括未经加工的食物里自然含有的糖。

    The guidelines are only for added sugars , not those naturally occurring in unprocessed food .

  23. 膳食指南营养教育项目

    Dietary Guideline nutrition education project

  24. 每日膳食指南与四基础相比,第五类食物被加了进去。

    This guide is comparable to the BASIC Four , but a fifth group has been added .

  25. 为了给以上提到的食物一席之地,提出了每日膳食指南。

    To provide a place for reporting these items , the daily food guide has been proposed .

  26. 那么,又为何提出在2015年的膳食指南中建议孕妇多吃金枪鱼?

    So why would the proposed 2015 dietary guidelines recommend that pregnant women eat more of it ?

  27. 蔬菜、水果、乳类、肉类及水产类食物的摄入量,明显低于中国居民膳食指南的推荐量。

    Intakes of vegetables , fruits , milk , meat and fish were inadequate compared with Chinese DRIs .

  28. 中国居民膳食指南

    Dietary Guidelines for Chinese

  29. 不吃早餐可能会长胖为人们普遍接受。这一观念也被写进了2010年版的《膳食指南》。

    The widely accepted notion that skipping breakfast might cause weight gain entered the Dietary Guidelines in 2010 .

  30. 推广应用《中国居民膳食指南》对学龄儿童及家长在营养知识-态度和行为上的影响

    The influence of Popularize and apply to school age children and their parents ' knowledge , attitude and practice