
  1. 他在剑桥大学基督学院读书时,甚至每天还额外付五个半便士,请专人料理膳食搭配。

    He even paid five and a half pence extra each day to have vegetables with the basic ration of meat and beer at Christ 's College .

  2. 饮食结构中膳食搭配逐渐由高动物蛋白&肉蛋奶转移至一些低能量、低热量的富含植物蛋白的豆类上来。

    Diet prandial collocation is transferred gradually from the food with high animal protein-meat and eggs with milk to some beans which own low energy , low quantity of heat .

  3. 这跟它们的膳食营养搭配不合理、不科学、不完善有着直接的关系。

    This is closely connected with their improper , unscientific and imperfect dietary nutrition .

  4. 长远来看,锻炼与营养膳食的合理搭配才能减少腰间赘肉。

    Exercise and eating nutritious6 foods in reasonable portions will shrink love handles long-term .

  5. 湖南广播影视行业室内工作人员膳食调查与营养搭配研究

    Study on the Diet and Nutrition of the Indoor Staff Working in the Broadcasting Industry of Hunan