
  1. 结果中南大学大学生营养不良率为19.9%,肥胖率为26.3%,膳食蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物和维生素A、B2、C、钙等摄入与标准相当。其中肥胖率比重较大。

    [ Results ] The result shows that innutrition rate and adiposity rate of CSU students are 19.9 % and 26.3 % , and prandial protein , fat , carbohydrate and vitamin A , B2 , C and calcium absorbed are within standard .

  2. 膳食蛋白质对大鼠血浆脂类代谢的影响

    Effects of dietary proteins on metabolism of plasma lipids in rats

  3. 膳食蛋白质对荷瘤小鼠生长的影响

    Effect of dietary protein on the development of the mice with EAC

  4. 结果表明,居民膳食蛋白质、多种维生素、矿物质摄入不足;

    The results show that protein and multi vitamin and inorganic salt are insufficient ;

  5. 血清氨基酸和膳食蛋白质/钠比值显著正相关;

    Most serum free amino acids were positively correlated with the ratio of dietary protein / dietary sodium .

  6. 谷物在世界范围内提供了几乎一半(47%)的膳食蛋白质,而且还可能有更大的贡献。

    Cereals provide almost half ( 47 percent ) of the dietary protein worldwide , and they could make a greater contribution .

  7. 只要遵循营养原则,其他的热能营养素供应充足,膳食蛋白质就能满足这一蛋白质需求。氨基酸是机体热能的次要来源,通常氨基酸提供的热能只占摄入热能总量的5%。

    This requirement can easily be met through diet alone , provided that sound nutrition principles are followed and energy intake is sufficient .

  8. 膳食蛋白质水平与钙吸收率、粪钙量无相关关系,尿钙与膳食磷含量、蛋白质含量显著负相关(P<0.01)。

    Urine calcium is correlated negatively with dietary protein and dietary phosphorus . And no correlation was found between dietary protein and calcium absorption .

  9. 大豆蛋白是一种优质蛋白资源,在保障我国膳食蛋白质供给方面发挥着重要作用。

    Soybean protein is the quality resources of food protein , and plays an important role in protein supply in the daily diet for people in China .

  10. 膳食蛋白质、铁、锌的摄入和身体活动可促进儿童少年体格的增长;膳食脂肪的摄入和静态活动时间可促进脂肪的增长;膳食钙的摄入和身体活动是骨量增长的重要决定因素。

    Dietary protein , iron , zinc and physical activity could promote the physical growth of children and adolescents . Dietary fat and sedentary activity time could promote the fat growth . Dietary calcium and physical activity are the important determinant factors of bone mass increase in children and adolescents .

  11. 结果孕妇膳食中蛋白质摄入量达到推荐摄入量标准(RNI)的119%,而钙的摄入量仅为RNI的65%;

    Results The amount of protein intake accounted for 119 % recommend nutrients intake ( RNI ), but the amount of calcium intake only accounted for 65 % RNI .

  12. 结果表明:膳食中蛋白质供给量基本满足要求,但其来源主要以植物性食品为主、质量不高;

    The result indicated that the amount of protein in diet met the demand , but it comes mainly from the plant food .

  13. dietaryfiber膳食纤维protein蛋白质vitamin维他命mineral矿物质一般来说,垃圾食品含有大量的卡路里,糖,脂肪,只有一点点日常所需的膳食纤维,蛋白质,维他命,矿物质。

    The actual meaning of junk food is a term for food containing a large number of calories from sugar or fat with little dietary fiber , protein , vitamins or minerals .

  14. 幼儿膳食摄入的蛋白质、热能、维生素B1、B2、PP及A的平均水平接近或达到了标准供给量,铁的供给量虽高,但优质来源少;

    Average intake of protein , energy , vitamin A , B1 , B2 were approached or reached the National RDA . Iron Intake was enough , however , with a lower part of animal source .

  15. 三所高校大学生膳食能量和蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素A、维生素C、维生素E、钙、磷、铁及锌等营养素摄入充足,膳食纤维和硫胺素摄入稍微偏低。

    Dietary energy , protein , fat , carbohydrate , vitamin A , vitamin C , vitamin E , calcium , phosphorus , iron and zinc taken by the students were enough . The intakes of dietary fiber of the three universities were slightly lower .

  16. 膳食锌和蛋白质的不同摄取水平对大鼠氮潴留影响的研究

    Nitrogen Retention Affected by Different Levels of Dietary Zinc and Protein in Rats

  17. 利用这一性质,开发出了一种兼有膳食纤维和蛋白质的新型功能性基料。

    Based on the findings , a new food containing dietary fiber and protein was developed .

  18. 榨油后的花椒籽饼粕是提取膳食纤维和蛋白质的优质原料。

    The greaves which left after exploiting the oil are the high-quality raw materials to extract natural dietary fiber and protein .

  19. 一些人说,他们正在从以碳水化合物为基础的膳食转吃蛋白质为基础的膳食,这就提高了蛋白质和奶制品的需求。

    Some people say they are switching from carbohydrate-based diets to protein-based diets , fueling a need for protein and dairy .

  20. 相关分析结果血红蛋白与膳食热能、蛋白质、动物蛋白质与总蛋白质比值呈显著正相关。

    The hemoglobin was positively correlated with dietary protein , calorie intake , the ratio of dietary animal protein and total protein .

  21. 膳食纤维对于蛋白质代谢及氮平衡的影响不大,但可减少脂类和碳水化合物的吸收及利用。

    Dietary fiber does not have significant effect on protein metabolism and nitrogen balance , but some fiber can decrease the absorption and availability of lipids and carbohydrates .

  22. 结果学生大多数营养素摄入充足,膳食中优质蛋白质来源比例偏低,钙、锌摄入普遍不足。

    [ Results ] The majority of students had adequate nutrition intake , while the proportion of high-quality protein was low , so were the intake of calcium and zinc .

  23. 豆腐渣是生产豆腐、豆浆、豆奶等豆制品的副产物,富含膳食纤维、蛋白质等营养成分。

    Bean curd residue is the by-product of tofu , soybean milk and other soybean products . It is rich in dietary fiber , protein , and other nutrient components .

  24. 豆渣是豆腐、腐竹、豆奶等大豆制品加工中的主要副产物,富含膳食纤维、蛋白质、钙等营养元素,是一种新型保健食品资源。

    Soybean residue is the mainly byproduct in the processing of soybean , it contains plenty of dietary fiber , protein and calcium , so it is a new type health care food resource .

  25. 本研究以金阳花椒籽为原料,对其膳食纤维、蛋白质的提取技术及理化功能性质进行了研究,并利用提取所得蛋白质制备抗氧化肽。

    This thesis studied on the constituent compositions of prickly ash seed , the extraction of dietary fiber and protein , and discussed their functional characteristics , then prepared antioxidant peptide using protein extracted .

  26. 由于冬瓜富含碳水化合物、膳食纤维、蛋白质、脂肪及各种维生素和氨基酸,冬瓜切条蒸煮脱水所产生的废水有机物浓度很高,如不经过处理而直接排放,便会造成严重的水体污染。

    Because the melon contains carbohydrates , dietary fibers , proteins , fat and various vitamins and amino acids , the melon dewatering has high organic concentration , if the wastewater drained directly without treatment , it will cause the serious water pollution .

  27. 摄取充足的蛋白质通过食用豆子,豌豆,扁豆,坚果,植物种子和谷物来补充日常膳食中的蛋白质。小常识:一名严格素食主义者是不能饮酒的,因为酒在过滤过程中使用了动物副产品。

    Step 7 Get enough proteinMake sure you get enough protein by incorporating plenty of beans , peas , lentils , nuts , seeds , and grains into your diet.Fact : Wine is not allowed on a vegan diet because animal by-products are used in the clarifying process .

  28. A组大鼠正常饮食,B组高脂膳食配方脂肪、蛋白质、碳水化合物热比分别为59%、21%、20%。

    The B group was fed with high - fat diet , the hot scale of fat , protein and carbohydrate was 59 % , 21 % , 20 % , respectively .

  29. 膳食纤维与不同蛋白质联用对大鼠胆固醇代谢的影响

    The Interaction of Protein and Dietary Fiber on Lipid Metabolism in Rats

  30. 高植物、低动物膳食,膳食质量差,蛋白质、脂肪摄入量低,是发生营养缺乏病的重要原因。

    The diet which consists of high plant foods and low animal foods is in poor quality , and is featured of low intakes of protein and fat and it is the main cause of nutrients deficiency .